Videography, COOKING, BBQ & Grilling(especially sub-zero Grilling), Religion, Music, Contact Sports, NASCAR, Art of all kind, All intellectual conversations, Life and all it has. Good TV. Anything adventurous. Subsistence Hunting. I miss my 1970 Dodge Challenger that I sold to move to Alaska!! I get a new one one day. Need adrenaline... please. Anything to shoot on camera and edit. Finally, A SENSE OF HUMOR. Life is too short to have blinders. Here is a video that I love. I had nothing to do with the making of this one. It's just a great classic.Troops
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YOU!! Sasquach.Sasquatch Flaming Bag - internet
What ever I feel like at the moment.
Superman, old and new, Office Space, Mad Max series, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, 300, Highlander, Chronicles of Narnia, Back to the Future trilogy, Chronicles of Riddick, Jackass 1& 2, 2.5, Indiana Jones, anything ILM and PIXAR, All Disney, All Pirate's Of the Caribbeans. Movies I can't predict and anything that makes you forget it's a movie.
All Discovery Channel shows especially Deadliest Catch and MythBusters, Man vs. Wild, No Reservations/w Anthony Bourdain, Food Network, Travel Channel, Science Channel, History Channel, Heroes, The Sarah Conner Chronicles, The Venue, Chappelle Show, My Name is Earl, Jimmy Neutron, South Park, Family Guy. Scare Tactics.
The Bible. One's that teach skill and intelligence. Working on the Edge. Anything worth reading, one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. LOL
My biggest hero, my WIFE, Karen. Sorry ladies, unless you are a billionairess willing to be my sugamomma and let me cook and clean for you and pursue my hobbies. You ain't gotta chance. Even then that won't guarantee my loyalty. You have to be a rockin hot chick on top of that!! Nothing personal. None of you out there like that. Bear Grylls, Dale Earnhardt #3 (Damn, I'll Miss You!!), Walt Disney, Bruce Lee, SUPERMAN, Steve Irwin, Evel Knievel, Captain Sig, Captain Phil, Disney's Imagineers, Edwin Moses, Forrest Gump.Are you a Super Hero?Sometimes we all fall from grace...