D.E.I Belongs to dale jr and the kids of Dale earnhardt no more no dam less. Dale Earnhardt Jr Fight for your right to become the 3rd gen Earnhardt Nascar Champ.Like father like son. This is the Dale Earnhardt #3 Upstate New York Fan Club.We have lost a NasCar God..
Dear Dale Earnhardt Jr, This note is for you. this site is not in any way disrespect to you or any Earnhardt.This site is about a ass kicking Nascar driver named Dale Earnhardt Sr your father,The man we all love.Dale we loved your Father you no that and now we have you.We no you are you, and not your father but son Kick some Nascar ass.It's your time to shine brother do the millions of fans proud 2007 Nascar champ. Get Er Done,Any thing you may wish me to add to help this small site please let me no,Your's truly Number one fan.
On the 3rd lap OF EVERY RACE RAISE THOSE 3 FINGERS UP for Dale Sr I made this car picture note the number 3 on Dale Jr's Bud car.And the number 8 as a shadow this is the car im waiting for.I think all Nascar fans should e-mail NasCar and let this car come to life.Post what ya think. My note,We all look for love out of our mother and father.When Dale Sr died do we all remember what he was doing ? When Dale Sr died he had 7 or 8 cars behind him.What he was doing was Blocking the hole feld from 4 thro 10 Off his son and M/W the man blocked so his son and his team could be 1 and 2 and if he would not have wrecked he would have been 3rd.When a father block's at 180 mph for his son so he and M/W could go on THATS LOVE PEOPLE. Dale Was blocking for his son so he could move on in nascar,A father gave hid life for his son.I am so impressed.What a hero not onley for what he did but a hero as a dad.Dont we all wish our fathers would do half that for us ? Do you remember when Dale Jr won his first nascar race ? I remember when Dale Jr won his first Nascar race Dale Sr changed his hat for the kid on tv.He changed his hat to the Bud cap the payer on the car,Dale Jr had no clue but Sr was there to hook the kid up.Dale Sr looked so happy. .
I am a Dale Earnhardt Fan There is no doubt about it.Dale earnhardt was the reason i became a NasCar fan and dale alone.Below is Dale Jr's number 8 car in black may i add i wish Jr would run this car all time for himself and his dad.But what would be better is that Bud car had the number 3 on it.Now below that is a video this is a must see video.Please if you like this video post it and pass my page on please.This is the sadest video you will ever see and it belongs on this page. Turn the sound off on the video and let my song play to this very sad day,Kepp in mind the doc's said that as soon as Dale bounced off the wal he died. .. Can Dale Earnhardt Jr really fill the gap of the man we all loved in Dale Earnhardt Sr ? Im not sure he can it's almost Like the true #3 Car fans are trying to take any thing we can get.
Above are 2 hearts one for Dale and one for us the fans.Dale my old friend rest in peace you are missed.Dale you are the man you are the man.
The big Dog is gone But his bite still lives. This is Dale's Sr's Car after the crash.Im sorry it took me so long to finish this part of my page.I cried when doing this part it hurts my heart to fill this in.
NasCar laid a cover over the car of DaleEarnhardt After the crash.Wicth told us all Dale had passed. How do we say goodby to some one we love ? My note on this. It's funny some times we all lose loved ones and we our self will pass one day. Why are we always so dam upset when one pass's.What i mean is thay have gone home to our Fater.I just hope one day i my self can shake the mans hand and say,Dale thank you so much for the love you gave us the fans,and every one around you,
Rusty Wallace and some of his people going into remember Dale.....
This is Richard Petty and his wife and the grandfather of Adam Petty who also died in a crash May 12th 2000,Richard petty also known as the king shared the all time win in nascar with 7 with Dale Earnhardt Sr. D/W and his wife going in to remember Dale Sr Dale Jarrett walking his way in to remember Dale Sr This is the picture that cought my eye,If you remember Dale Earnhardt Sr when he was standing used to always cross his arms.In this picture is Dale Jr take note at how he is standing iv never seen him cross hiss arms before have you ? Remembering Dale Earnhardt Sr Jeremy Mayfield and his wife remembering Dale Dear Mrs Earnhardt,We the fans can in no way feel your pain for the loss of Dale.But we the fans can do 6 years later is tell you to move on with D.E.I We do not want to leave Dale and D.E.I But you here me Mrs Earnhardt you work your troubles out with Dale Jr with out him there wont be a D.E.I as we no it.You put your pride aside and do this for Dale. Mr petty please tell me Dale's not relly gone. Dear MrChildress,We the Dale Earnhardt Fans Would Like To Thank You.For giveing us Dale EarnHardt Sr and the GoodWrench Chevy #3 Your friend was our driver and hero.You lost a close friend we lost a Nascar Hero,Sir we thank you. Please bring Dale Jr on your team and bring the #3 back to life.We the fans of R.C.R And Dale earnhardt thank you again.
Harvick wins 500 in no other then Dale Earnhardt Sr's car that gets a gofigure.Dale Jr go get D.E.I Your dad built it for you to pass it on to you.Do not settle for less 51% Of D.E.I it's yours go get it son.
Kenseth Wins Auto Club 500
Dear Dale Earnhardt Sr.God Dale we miss you I am sad every time a race is on.I am always looking for you and the black number 3 but we no your not there.Dale Sr thank you for all the fun the talks around the tables and pool halls and over dinner.Thank you my old friend for just being you.I love you Dale R.I.P Your number one fan who will never let you die.
As of Jan - 1 -2008, Dale Earnhardt #3 Weare going to show our love for us all. We are starting the Help a child law here. If any one of our members chirldern get deathly ill or need help. WE ALL MUST MAKE A OTH RIGHT NOW. We as a member of the Dale Earnhardt #3 Its webpage and life long Nascar fans will help any child that gets ill. Ok here are the rules it must be a single mother or father of a child. Or a hubby or wife out of work if they cant pay for it. As members we will give $2 per member to them alone. This webpage gets nothing The parent will mail me here tell me whats wrong. I will post it and we vote on it all of us.Then they will post a mailing addy to have it sent to.Rather you care or not respect people or not if you do not send it your off the list. There is no talking about this helping kids is a must and we must help a child in need. We have over 3,000 members now thats alot of cash for some one in need you will not abuse it when i say we all need proof i mean proof do not even mail me over a cold. The more people that sign up now the more we can help pass this page on thank you all.......
Dale Earnhardt Jr's First Nascar win Note the look on Dale Sr's face.Could a father be more happy ? Take note to Dale Sr's right hand the hat he changed is still in it.
Dale Earnhardt was killed on the final turn of the final lap when his No. 3 Chevrolet appeared to brush Sterling Marlin's Dodge, causing Earnhardt's car to swerve sharply to the right.Earnhardt's car, traveling at roughly 180 mph, then was struck on the side by Ken Schrader's car before slamming head-on into the outside wall. Doctors said he probably died instantly of head injuries.
This Shows Dale's Car Rolling Out Of The Pits.But It's Onley A Image Of Dale.I Call This The Picture Of A Life Time.I Call It [ The Ghost Driver } This Is Dale Sr Rolling out of the pits to Dale Jr. After Jr Has Wrecked To Make Sure He is ok.Get Out And Don't Give Up.If was here he would say. Jr get out your ok.We have another races to run other tracks to go to you must become the champ and give our name back to us.You have to keep trying you are my hope my love my life but most of all you are my son,GO DALE EARNHARDT JR 2007.I give to you the onley name thats fits us you are now the 2nd gen Intimidator "The Intimidator" Lives Oh shit is that a number 3 bud test car driven by Dale Jr? Dale Earnhardt Jr This msg is to you alone.Us The Earnhardt fans are waiting for this dam car son.I understand Dale Sr worked hard for you to run the nunber 8 after your grandfather but Jr we love all the Earnhardts that rean befor you but Jr you must run this car so we the fans can put Dale Sr's death behind us.We are sorry to you and every earnhardt that had to go thro this we all have lost loved one's.But Dale Earnhardt Jr you are our hope in Nascar the true #3 fan's. Jr i am asking you on behalf all the Earnhardt fan's PLEASE one time each year run the Bud #3 car at the 500.Dale Jr none of us ever wanta for get I beg you please do this for the fan's Thank you.Get Er Done kid we all are waiting.
Gorden Taking a foot up the ass from the man
The day Nascar and all Nascar racing fans stood still.One of the worst days in racing.
{My words} There are times in our lifes we really don't understand why we are here on earth.Stuff happens to us and we look up at god and say { Are you kinding me } Stuff happens to us and we never understand the full meaning why ? So on this im going to say.This person was a very old school man in every thing he did.He did a few things even god will shake his head about.But he was in his own way a very careing man.I never new him well.But in the end he gave me what we all try to find from someone we care about.And that is those 3 little words {I LOVE YOU} That we all use way to much and don't mean it.So i say to him you loved me from the start.I loved you in the end But ill miss you forever If your there I love you R.I.P Till i get home please hold heaven gates open for me ill be sliding in in a hurry.So if you haven't figured it out yet it's my Father