roller derby- PUTAS DEL FUEGO. layin' around on a rainy day with the windows open. people watching. cruisin' on a cool, sunny day, with the windows down and music loud. CHOCOLATE. shoes - all kinds. ice cold negra modelo on a hot sunny day. goin' out with my friends or even just chillin' with them. snuggling. spooning. looking up at the stars. I LOVE COFFEE! complete silence. live music. exploring different styles of music. watching t.v. (when i get a chance). all about 420. My kitty-gatos, I-gon and Fumanchu.
You, and maybe you. Oh, I can't forget about you.....Oh yeah, and you over there.. GO FUCK YOURSELF!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Tool, Perfect Circle, Janes Addiction, Beastie Boys, Deftones, System of a Down, Sublime, Sparta, Primus, Pink Floyd, Snoop, I like just about everything. I love me some heavy shit and I love me some hip hop and of course I love me some 80's. I guess it's whatever I'm in the mood for.
Goodfellas, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, True Romance, Wierd Science, Very Bad Things, Kill Bill 1&2, 4 Rooms, Resevoir Dogs, Practical Magic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Doors, Nightmare on Elm Street I, Fargo, Lord of the Rings I-III, Rocky IV, Fear, Boogie Nights, and so on and so on...
Weeds, Californication, Dexter, Robot Chicken, Simpsons, The Office, Entourage, The Soup, Reno 911, News, Animal Planet, Discovery, Nat'l Geo, and whatever looks good at the time...
Does Star Magazine count?...