The Shiflett Brothers profile picture

The Shiflett Brothers

The talent of the Shiflett brothers is the strongest of any sculptors in the industry today. I am co

About Me

..The Shiflett Brothers are living their dream.Their professional sculpting careers began in the early '90s with their maquette work on the hit video game "Oddworld: Abe's Odysee."For Glenn Danzig's Verotik comics The Brothers sculpted the Jaguar God, Satanika, and Dalkiel resin kits. Soon followed by their work on Draco the Dragonheart and David Mack's Kabuki coldcast porcelain statues for Moore Creations.Working with Bowen Designs Brandon and Jarrod sculpted the full size Incredible Hulk coldcast porcelain statue as well as co-sculpting with Randy Bowen the Thanos, Juggernaut, Vision, Rhino, and Matt Wagner's Grendel Prime statues. They also worked on BD's Wolverine, Sabretooth, and Black Panther mini-busts.They were honored to co-sculpt, with Alex Ross, the Earth X Captain America for Dynamic Forces.Spectrums 5 and 6 featured pieces by the Shiflett Brothers, collecting the years best fantasy art. One of those years they won the Spectrum Silver Dimensional Award. Nine out of every ten sculpts The Brothers start remain unfinished and in various stages of horrible incomplete-ness. Hundreds of these pieces occupy shelves, closets, and cupboards around their homes. Others are smashed or thrown through walls in childish fits of frustation. They are, of course, most geeked up about their original designs and sculptures which so far include "Ol'Scratch", "Principia and the Serpent", and "Chloe: Aviator For Hire". It is now common knowledge that the older brother, Brandon, is a way better sculptor than his younger sibling Jarrod. Just ask anyone. Everybody knows. ................................ a href="" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:50%; margin-left:-235px; z-index:9; width:80px; height:15px; background-

My Interests

Comic Books, Science Fiction, Horror, and related arts.


Kate Bush, Morrissey, The Smiths, Sleater-Kinney, Dresden Dolls, Rasputina, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Radiohead, Bjork, Goldfrapp, The Cure, Portishead, Cat Power, Beth Orton.


Bladerunner, Ghost in the Shell, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Akira, City of Lost Children, Alien, All the Alien films, All the Harryhausen films, Brazil, Audition, 28 Days Later, Kill Bill, Sin City, Hellboy, Ichi the Killer, Natural City, Casshern, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn.


William Gibson, Iain M. Banks, Ian McDonald, Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow, Justina Robson, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, The Authority, Planetary, The Ultimates, Hellboy, Powers, Top Ten, Daredevil, Ex Machina.


Takayuki Takeya, Yasushi Nirasawa, Yuji Oniki, Ray Harryhausen, Bill Sienkiewicz, Moebius, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Kent Williams, Katsuya Terada, Carlos Huante, Travis Charest, Simon Bisley, Frank Frazetta and legions more.

My Blog

Shiflett Bros. Commercial Work List

For an upcoming magazine article, we had to put together a list of our commercial sculpts produced in pre-paint statue form. This list does not include video game work, unproduced statues, or our orig...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:33:00 PST

WIzard World Philly Photos.

Our booth in Philadelphia. All display...nothing was for sale. Commercial work on one side, original work on the other. The Shiflett Brothers (Jarrod, Brandon) with superstar sculptor Clayburne Moor...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:16:00 PST

Brandon Video Interview from Philly Con

Here's Brandon's video interview with ToyMasters Online from Wizard World Philly. Brandon's a dork. Enjoy making fun of him. Shiflett Bros. Interview with ToyMasters  ...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:23:00 PST

Shiflett Bros. Philly Programming Schedule

Wizard World Philly Programming:FRIDAY PROGRAMMING May 30, 2008 1-2 p.m.HOW TO SCULPT: THE SHIFLETT BROTHERSThe Wizard School Room - 202AGo inside the studio with master sculpting team the Shiflett Br...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Fri, 23 May 2008 04:02:00 PST

Wizard World Philly Press Release

Press Release from Wizard Magazine:   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ..TOY INDUSTRY GIANTS TO CONDUCT 'HOW TO SCULPT'SESSIONS AT WIZARD WORLD PHILLY! Superstar Sculptors The Shiflett Brothers, Randy Falk...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:13:00 PST

ToyFare Wizard World Philly Ad featuring Shiflett Bros.

ToyFare is running a really cool ad featuring our visit to Wizard World Philly in May. They are really too kind. Hope to see all of our East Coast peeps out there! Brandon & Jarrod www.shiflettbro...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:21:00 PST

Sculpting Forum.

For those interested in sculpting, insider tips, and the industry, Jarrod and I have a Sculpting Forum. The board includes pros and amateurs alike all sharing advice and stories. (There are many big-t...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 02:01:00 PST

Final Noynub Ad

Final artwork for our "Noynub in: Deal with the Devil" Resin Kit Ad. Ad artwork by Chad Michal Ward. Thanks Chad! B&J
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:14:00 PST

Noynub Review in AFM

Amazing Figure Modeller Magazine’s review or our latest resin kit: "Noynub in Deal with the Devil". They are very kind. Thanks for looking, friends. Brandon and Jarrod www.shiflettbrothers...
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:51:00 PST

Heavy Metal Now Out

The May issue of Heavy Metal which features our original work is now out. Here is a preview page at the official Heavy Metal website. Very cool. Cheers all. Brandon and Jarrod
Posted by The Shiflett Brothers on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:58:00 PST