Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com profile picture

Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com

::Elaine Goodlad - IFBB Figure Pro and Spokesmodel::

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Meeting my fans..Stop by my website anytime! You can sign up for exclusive diet and training information, contest makeup artist, marketing presentations, a great portfolio, podcast interviews and online shopping! I look forward to seeing you there! www.elainefit.com

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I was born in Canada, in a small farming community of about 1500 hard working souls in Canada's grain farming and Bible belt. My dad was a farmer and a Baptist pastor and my mom was and still is, a very devoted housewife. I have an older sister Michele and a younger brother Donald and like brothers and sisters will do, we played together and fought together. Michele was the older motherly type (we called her bossy back then) and Donald was just an annoying younger brother that drove me nuts. We are all very close and my family means everything to me.Now my sister Michele lives with her husband Dave, my niece Melissa and nephew Jared in San Jose. Michele was a missionary for a lot of years until she married and had a family. She is by far the most giving person I know on earth and despite the minor tiffs we had from time to time when we were younger, she has always cared about me and looked out for my best interests. No one has a better sister than I do.My brother Donald lives in Regina Saskatchewan with his wife Michelle, my niece Katlyn and nephew Brett. He and I were always exremely close as Michele would tell on us and get us in trouble so we had to stick together. Donald is a natural athlete and when he was an outstanding hockey player, golfer, and just about anything else athletic that he put his hand to. Donald is a firefighter now and a great dad to his two kids.Mom and Dad still live in Wadena in the house I grew up in. Dad still farms and will till there is no more dirt left to farm I think. He also has a moving company and despite his getting older, still loves the open road in his big truck moving people from old lives to new ones far away. Mom still bakes the best buns in the world and on special occasions will send a care package in the mail of fresh baked stuff to feast on.No matter where life has taken me, Wadena is still home and the simple lifestyle and strong values that I grew up with have never left me. I still have fond memories of working on the farm for my dad back in the days when kids were expected to do their part and parents were not though of as cruel when they told their kids to do something. We would work in the fields picking rocks all day in the summer and it never occurred to us to complain about it. We were helping and it was fun being outside working hard. Our payment was the proud look on my dads face when he would come get us for lunch or the end of the day and he would see what a good job we had done.We learned to take pride in our work and accept responsibility. When I was old enough in the summers I would get a job to earn money for things like new jeans and stuff that I wanted. Its not that our folks wouldn't clothe us, they just saw no harm in us learning to work for things and learn the value of money. The whole concept of fitness had never reached Wadena when I was growing up, but mom always made sure we ate plenty of good wholesome food at home and we kept busy all the time outside playing or working. That was our fitness and nutrition program. As you can probably tell, I am very proud of my upbringing because its given me the strength to deal with whatever life throws my way and taught me the concept of healthy living long before it was cool.Church and God were always the center of my life and when I was 15, I moved away to Caronport, Saskatchewan to attend Bible Colledge. I met a guy there and started dating then after a couple years I moved to the big city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. When I was living there my boyfriend just up and moved away to another city one day to be with another girl.I got very depressed and began to eat because food was always a source of comfort and good feelings when I was at home. Pretty soon I had gained a ton of weight and was deeply depressed. I started forcing myself to throw up after binging on food as a way to find comfort that I desperately needed while trying to control my weight. My life had gotten way out of hand and I felt like I had no control.My cousin Betty lived in the same city and saw I was not doing well. She convinced me to come to the gym with her to feel better and find a more constructive way of controlling my weight. That was my first introduction to the gym and weight training just about 20 years ago.Since that time the guy that ran away came back, and we got married...then he ran way again and we got divorced. I really wanted to train so I went to the gym with a friend that let me train with him. He was a competitive powerlifter so I began training heavy like he did and loved it. I told him then that my dream was to someday be in the magazines like Cory Everson and the others of that time. That was about 17 years ago. We eventually fell in love and have been married for 13 years. We still train together, we also work together, and are still best friends.I still struggle with food and wanting to throw up from time to time but those times are rare and I am in control. Living a fit lifestyle has given me confidence and has changed my self image. Every trip to the gym, every cardio session, every meal, is a challenge with rewards that I see every day. Eating well is very easy to do and the odd cheat day is part of the program so its not a failure. Outside of normal cravings when dieting, I never have the urge to gorge myself.My strong belief in God has never changed, but my faith in him has grown through the years with the countless challenges life has thrown my way, and how he has pulled me through them. My comfort comes now from feeling healthy, looking good, and knowing I have worked hard for all I have. Inspiring others to look after themselves and improve their self worth gives purpose to all the work and sacrifice required to be an athlete and model. I feel that God gave me those struggles and challenges so I could eventually inspire others and serving him is my life's purpose. That is my reason for competing, modelling, and being here for those that he sends my way.Enjoy my website and God Bless.


Rock 'N' Roll


Action, Comedy


Family Guy, Simpsons, Sports.


I have been published in at least one magazine somewhere in the world, every month since June 1998. Some of my proudest achievements in publishing were my layout with Arnold for GQ magazine, my 3 Oxygen covers, and my 3 Flex Magazine centerfolds. Even though it’s been in the hundreds of times that my pictures have appeared in magazines around the world, its still exciting for me and I never take it for granted. I see it as a great opportunity to inspire women to be their best regardless of age. You just need to take care of yourself and believe in yourself, and don’t let fear stop you from trying. You have one life, truly live it.
I have been a professional hair stylist and makeup artist for over 20 years. I primarily work in the fitness industry and my work has been published in fitness industry magazines around the world including Oxygen, Flex, Musclemag, and numerous others. I also do many commercial projects for companies for their advertisements such as Muscletech, Gamma-O, and Whey Gourmet. At both NPC and IFBB contests I do makeup for competitors, book early though because the time slots get booked very quickly and far in advance. You can contact me for makeup bookings at [email protected]


So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. - Souza

My Blog

Merry Christmas Everyone!

News...News...News...Merry Christmas Everyone! I can't believe another year has passed and it's already Christmas! Thank you for loyalty and kind words throughout the year, and I wish you and yours a ...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 01:50:00 PST

New video added

Hello,A new video has been added to the site, enjoy! 
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 07:56:00 PST

Olympia Weekend

Hi Everyone! Just to let you know, I will be in the Weider Booth from 11am-4pm Friday and Saturday of the Olympia weekend September 29-30/06! Hope to see you there!...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 07:37:00 PST

Bodysport Fitness Model Search

September 17/06Bodysport Fitness Model SearchCarla Sanchez is a visionary. Everyone said that fitness and figure could never sell on its own, that men and bodybuilding were the only reasons people wou...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 03:15:00 PST

Bodysport Model Directory - A very effective self promotion tool for you

September 1/06 Bodysport Model Directory A very effective self promotion tool for you By Terry Goodlad Building a website to promote yourself as a model or athlet...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:40:00 PST

Oxygen Magazine - November 2006

ON SALE: September 19, 2006 Live longer, live stronger Tosca Reno and Elaine Goodlad - two over-40 fitness icons - share their secrets to living a long, healthy and fabulously fit life.http:...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:39:00 PST

Elaine Coming Back

September 3/06 Elaine Coming Back After taking a break to rest her mind as well as her very broken down body, IFBB figure champion Elaine Goodlad has decided to compete this fall in November at t...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:16:00 PST

Whats New For My Vip Members

Whats New For My Vip Members New! A live radio interview I did for the Performance Nutrition Show!A brand new section called MemorElaine...a scrapbook of my most memorable moments! - New tasty recipe!...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 07:27:00 PST

Elaine on the Go

August 15/06 Elaine on the Go Just because you havenât seen Elaine Goodlad onstage that much this year, donât think for one second that sheâs slowed down or lost any momentum in the fitness in...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:56:00 PST

Contest Makeup

February 22/06 Elaine Will Do Your Contest Makeup Elaine Goodlad is a well known IFBB Figure Champion, a very well known fitness model, but the best kept secret in the modeling industry is that s...
Posted by Elaine Goodlad :: www.elainefit.com on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 03:38:00 PST