Rich profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey Everyone......
Here's a little about me to start with.

Well, I have this problem. It's kind of a big problem of a personal nature. It's... well... I have the nice guy disease. And Yes, we believe it's going to be a terminal case too;-)I live clean and strong willed. Don't drink, smoke, do drugs, cheat, or steal. Deeply caring, loyal, devoted, affectionate, care giving, and respectful to the best of my ability. Though can be a bit overzealous in my idealism at times. When it comes to ethical or moral issues....
oh boy =-)

I'm forward thinking, thoughtful, hopeful, and quite helpful. A large animal lover too. And, I do know enough to know;
I don't know it all!

Went to a university and became certified as a personal trainer. Haven't practiced in a while. Though being health conscious is important. Except for happy meal's! =-)
We all have to live a little. =-)
I'm a deep thinker trying to figure out why we;
behave, believe, and feel
the way we do.
It fascinates me, it ticks me off,
and fills me with awe and wonder.

Science is always cool to me!! I love high tech equipment. Anything we use like cars, computers, photo/video technology, and of course the web. Or even a toaster oven! If I can mod it in some way, I love it!
Which leads me to my outlets:
Building, whether it's around the home involving carpentry or landscaping.
Artistically, I'm beginning to do more and more video filming and edited. Photography has been up and coming. Web design and Flash have been presently learning too..
Here's an image or two of another of my favorite friends.
Vicki personifies warmth and elegance.
She has that Southern Charm.
Here's one of my favorite friends.
Tara's as sweet and understaning as shes attractive.
A high caliber woman indeed!
With a new website and a DVD in the works by moi!
Hmm... I always thought of myself as Green Lantern
Your results:
You are Superman Superman95% Green Lantern 80% Spider-Man 70% Batman 65%Robin 57% Supergirl 55% Hulk 55% The Flash50% Wonder Woman 40% Iron Man 30% Catwoman 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
I was shooting for Thor, because I'm far more advanced than you simple simians...
*kidding* But, I'll take Sam too!
Ok, I wasn't going in that direction perve ;-)
Your results:
Samantha Carter Samantha Carter 72% Thor 57% Daniel Jackson 50%Dr. Frasier 45% Jack O'Neill 41% A Goa'uld 31% General Hammond30% Teal'c 27% You are highly intelligent and
enjoy scientific challenges,
but you also obey the rules.
Click here to take the StarGate SG-1 Personality Test
...Enjoying learning a little about the fabulous Ava...
Ms. Ava Cowan
Click here to see her profile.
...Also enjoy learning a about the Magnificent Michelle Bishop...
Ms. Michelle Bishop
Click here to see her profile too.
R Rare
I Inspirational
C Charming
H Handy
Name Acronym Generator
Here's my love number
Your Love Number is
Of all the numbers, you are the most caring and empathetic lover. Unselfish and humble, you find it easy to forgive your sweetie's mistakes. At times, your need to please can be come a bit too needy. As long as you remain somewhat independent, your relationships are perfectly balanced.
Though I'd like to add,
"You have to know someone; to love someone."

My Interests

I know I've shared a lot about the fabulous Tara Scotti on the right.
~ BUT ~
My favorite person in the world
My best friend in the world.
Is the one and only
Colette Nelson

Here's the front view of her Zed card.

You Have A Type A- Personality
You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds Do You Have a Type A Personality?

My Friends Links

My Tech Links

I'd like to meet:

Rich is a Male from Westbury, NY!! :)

Some of my favorite friends:

Hey Everyone......
Here's a little about me to start with.

Well, I have this problem. It's kind of a big problem of a personal nature. It's... well... I have this disease. It's called the nice guy disease and yes, we believe it's going to be a terminal case too ;-) I live clean and are strong willed. Don't drink, smoke, do drugs, cheat, steal. Deeply caring, loyal, devoted, affectionate, care giving, and respectful to the best of my ability. Though can be a bit overzealous in my idealism at times.

When it comes to ethical or moral issues....
oh boy =-)

I'm forward thinking, thoughtful, hopeful, and quite helpful. A large animal lover too. And, I do know enough to know; I don't know it all!

Went to a university and became certified as a personal trainer. Haven't practiced in a while. Though being health conscious is important. Except for happy meal's! =-)
We all have to live a little. =-)

I'm a deep thinker trying to figure out why we; "behave, believe, and feel" the way we do. It fascinates me, it ticks me off,
and fills me with awe and wonder.

Science has always been my string points. I love high tech!! Anything we use like cars, computers, photo/video technology, and of course the web. Or even a toaster oven! If I can mod it in some way, I love it!

Which leads me to my outlets:
Building, whether it's around the home involving carpentry or landscaping. Artistically, I'm beginning to do more and more video filming and edited. Photography has been up and coming. Web design and Flash have been presently learning too.
Some of my favorite tunes:)
Tried to pick some tunes you never heard before or haven't in years :)
And, I'm totally guilty of having too much fun finding some of them!!! :)

Here's some photo's I shot of my best friend, Colette Nelson!!
I know you wondering, "She's a Pro Bodybuilder, where's the muscle?"
There's plenty on her and many sides of her to display.
This happens to be how I see her best.

One of my favorite Italian ladies :) Tara!!!
These were idea's for her new website we never finished working on. Became too advanced and we lost interest in such a big project. Still feel bad about never finishing it :( Though theres always tomorrow :)

Helping to promote Ava.

My thanks to the folks at for such great work.

"Some examples of my work"

Something fun to showcase the fabulous Maria :)

And, a lil something for Chrissy. It was Black and white and I recolored it. =-)

Two Magazine Ad's I created for Janet Marsico's "Figure Workshops"
I thought some of you might like to see this and attend too!!! =-)

Here's some of my favorite friends and interesting people. Arranged and designed to honor them in my own special way

View Rich's Friends: All | Online | New | Mutual


My Tech Links


One if my all time favorites, Babylon 5!
One of the best written tv shows to date.
I also tend to watch Discovery, TLC, Scifi, HGTV, and Cartoon network too. I'm not one to watch the lower channels. Also known as network broadcasting.


In a word, TUTORIAL!!! =-)


All those who put the needs of the many;
above there own.
To those that build! Not simply on a physical level
but, build on a community level.
To know that we're all bound to each other,
come what may.

My Blog


Posted by Rich on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:11:00 PST

Happy and sad

I wrote this as a reply to a friend. She's often feeling blue and is looking for happiness. Knowing that for some it doesn't come as easily, I thought maybe I'd share my letter with all of you.I wish...
Posted by Rich on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 07:00:00 PST

A Bird Tale..

Here we go with another tale of animal rescuing. Sometimes, I just don't know how I get so caught on in such things. Oh yes, that's right, I'm insane!! Last week I was running late (go figure) and ha...
Posted by Rich on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 04:35:00 PST


Good morning everyone!!! You might have noticed, I have some amazing friends. Some absolutely fabulous women too. Though how can one encapsulate and quantify such traits? To create something so encom...
Posted by Rich on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 04:16:00 PST

Shows Promise

   Here's something I found quite promising. As someone whom believes in fair use and fair compensation for ownership. Because if you haven't noticed, the business communities at large have...
Posted by Rich on Fri, 19 May 2006 11:46:00 PST

Our freedom

I know many of you, even though your myspace savvy, aren't really as into tech as I am. And some, may not even be old enough to have been alive back then. But, in 1977 the entertainment industry alrea...
Posted by Rich on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 04:55:00 PST

What's New...

A FREAKIN LOT!!!! Sorry, my heads about to explode. I'm designing and creating several new site's and business entities right now. The lesson that keeps coming back to bite me is to remember to t...
Posted by Rich on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 03:42:00 PST

The Dog Story

To all of my friends both old and new, thank you for being here. I've been a bit busy the past week. I'll catch up with everyone soon. Here's an adventure I had on friday. Well, it all started arou...
Posted by Rich on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 03:40:00 PST

The After Party

    And Then came the "After Party" Or, should I say "THE" after party. It's amazing how much fun you can have and I don't even drink, smoke, pop, or anything. Simply had the most ama...
Posted by Rich on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The show....

There was so much happening, I had to split up my blog!! I went to the "Team Universe" Fitness, Figure, and Bodybuilding contest. I missed most of the actual event. Had a road call from a neighbor ...
Posted by Rich on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST