About Me
ike shoes. We'll be right back after these messages....................................................
.................Theres a ton of great music on myspace and one site that really stands out (for me anyway) is http://www.myspace.com/alessandracelletti . I'm always listening to the music on that site, try it , you might like it..........................................................
...................Hers another one very Jazzy Afrobeat, in fact its one of my favorite albums this year http://www.myspace.com/ayetoro ............................................................
.............................................Another funky site is definitely http://www.myspace.com/ogheno ............................................................
..........A very O R I G I N A L dude is http://www.myspace.com/flightof ....Wild!!
Az Afro Art kiadót vezeto, hazánkban is igen gyakran vendégszereplo os jazz dj, Paul Murphy, több évtizedes zenebizniszi barangolás után idén egy önálló nagylemezzel jelentkezik. A régi és új jazz, broken beat és afro világát érinto album tartalmaz néhány jól ismert számot is a mestertol. Ilyen a Soul Call, ami ugyan teljesen át lett alakÃtva a kislemez verzióhoz képest, ugyanis annak az eredeti maszterei elvesztek idoközben. Egy igazi groovy változat került fel az albumra, amin a lemez egyik társszerzoje Davide Mantovani basszusjátéka is hallható bónuszként. A nyÃregyházi Secta Chameleon közremuködésével készült Budapest Chachacha és a Kurosawa film betétdalának broken beat feldolgozása, a Seven Samurai a maxiról már ismert verzióban hallható. A Herbie Mann cÃmu szám viszont teljesen új, és nagyon finomra sikerült. Mantovani mellett, Roger Beaujolais zenél még éloben, o vibrafonon. Maga a szám egy elszállt, pszichedelikus, lassan bontakozó mu, nekem a korai Akasha sejlett föl, mint viszonyÃtási alap. Amennyiben ez a hat perc nem lett volna elég a teljes elszálláshoz, a cÃmadó The Trip majd rendbe teszi a dolgokat. Mr. Murphyt a hosszú indiai vonatozásai inspirálták a szám megÃrására, ami végül összejött az a Kraftwerk Trans Europe Expressének jazz dance megfeleloje… és persze Trans India. A Baghdad a cÃme ellenére nem mutat túl sok arabs vonást, bár eléggé elvarázsolt hangulat uralkodik annyi szent, ez az egyik kedvencem a lemezrol. Viccelodik ez a Paul gyerek a számcÃmekkel, az Acid Jazz kiadót alapÃtó Eddie Pilliernek ajánlott szám, nem annyira acid jazz, inkább booty bass jazz, mondjuk ez azon nem változtat hogy igen furcsa öszvér :) Végül egy cÃm nélküli afro-nu jazz-electro szám zárja a lemezt. A legkiemelkedobb a Herbie Mann és a Soul Call, de érdemes beszerezni az egészet, eléggé egyéni és hangulatos talpalávaló...............................................
AND IRISH....É ainmnithe ag bÃobla-ceoil iris Wire mar dioscmarcach na bliana siar i 1985 tá Paul Murphy (ó Chorcaigh nag clog ó dhúchas) ag casadh snag-cheol d’urláir rince Shasana le breis is scór bliain anuas. Is uaigh a fuair Gilles Peterson a chéad ghig mar dioscmharcach. Is fada, chomh maith, a chumas chun poirt súmhara a aimsiú léirithe ag Murphy ina gcúramaà mar úineir cheirnÃnà Afro-Art, ach se ‘The Trip’ an chéad uair dó a chosa a chuachadh isteach i mbróga an léiritheóra. Ar an bhfianaise seo tá a thomhas go beacht iontu.Adhmholadh d’fhuaim jazz-funk na seachtóidi a bhfuil sa saothar seo, d’oidhreacht Herbie Mann agus bossa scaoilte ildaite leithéidà Chico Hamilton. Ach más ar a mhuinchille a chaitheann Murphy a chuid ionsparáidà cinntÃonn an tsamhlaÃocht lena gcuireann se le hais a chéile iad go bhfuil ábhar súntais le haimsiú i ngach aon rian.Func-bhuama don urláir rince a bhfuil i ‘Soul Call’, meascann ‘Budapest Chachacha’ uirlisà praise cheol na ngiofóg Balcánach agus drumaà conga Mheiriceá Theas go cliste, agus i ‘Seven Samurai’ tugann Murphy fe leagann bagrach, sceirdiúil d’fhuaim-rian scannán Kurosawa den ainm chéanna. Rian epiciúil a bhfuil i ‘The Trip’ fhéin, a ghluaiseann o bossa éadroim thar uisci coirpeacha d’fhuaimeanna leictreonach agus abhaile aris i ndeich nóiméad; ar nós St. Germain léirithe ag Andrew Weatherall i ré ‘Screamadelica’. Si Si Senor Murphy, tógfaimÃd an turas seo i do theannta arÃs! Paul Murphy – The TripIMMER DEUTSCH!!!
Ein Trip durch verschiedene Sphären der Musikwelt. Acid Jazz, Funk, Afikanische Tommeln, helle Timbals, tiefe Basslines, fette Subwooves, Scratches, arabische Rhythmen, ungarische Vocals u.v.m…Paul Murphy ist eigentlich nur durch Indien mit dem Zug gefahren und hat jede Menge spannende Leute kennen gelernt und sich inspirieren lassen. Und was passiert, wenn jemand Kreatives zum Weltensegler wird, als wandelnder Kreativschwamm durch die Gegend läuft und alles in sich aufsaugt? Seine Kreativität fängt an eine Eigenenergie zu entwickeln und plötzlich entstehen ganz neue unerwartete, bisher ungehörte, manchmal unerhörte und ungesehene Dinge daraus.Im Falle von Paul Murphy haben wir nach ausgedehnten Zugfahrten und Eselsritten nun ein grandioses Album vor uns zu liegen, das zwar weder nach Zug, noch nach Esel noch nach Indien klingt, dafür aber eine musikalisch-weltliche Bandbreite und Smoothnes aufweist, die seines Gleichen sucht. Sphärische Subwooves, werden zu afrikanischen Trommelgrooves gepaart mit Beatspielereien und Freejazzigen Versatzstücken, die einen direkt in andere Welten versetzen und in höheren Ebenen floaten lassen. Ein Trip eben. Ganz ohne Drogen und Alkohol. Danke Paul Murphy......................................................
mage=317Paul Murphy - The TripAfro Art Records EULP 01Acid Jazz is dead! Long life Acid Jazz!
No, this statement is just a joke, but let me explain why I wrote it down. In July I received one of the rare copies of Paul’s new long player. After listening to this great album I decided to take it to a students radio show where I am allowed to play the records I like two times a month. Before the show began the editor asked me what I have planned to play at this evening because he would like to introduce the show and the content to the audience. I said that I would play four tracks from Paul Murphy's new album, some House and IDM music. So he asked me what kind of music is Paul Murphy playing that you play four tracks ? I replied the world best "Acid Jazz". Ten minutes later he introduced the show" ....and Michael gives us tonight a lesson in Acid music!" :-)
You get the point?
Anyway, before I am telling you more boring stories about misunderstandings and musical drawers let's talk about "The Trip". I don’t matter if you like or hate Jazz or Acid Jazz music. If you like music which touches your heart and your dancing shows you should listen to Paul's new album. The Trip isn't just a normal album, like the title says it's a trip into music and a musical log. Inspired by travelling through India Paul decided to record a new album which reflects this special journey. But don't except sitars and tablas. "The Trip" is inspired by the impressions, the people during this vacation and the fact that you have more time to think about your ideas when you travel. So this record strongly reflects moods and feelings. For example "Baghdad" reflects a dark and scaring sound and on the other side a track like "Budapest ChaChaCha" or the very personal track "Acid Jazz ED" reflects a light feeling and gives you an optimistic feeling. Acid Jazz music isn't known as a kind of concept music or a music which is telling stories most of the people would say that Acid Jazz is pure fun and dance music. With the wonderful record "The Trip" Paul shows us that he is the one who is able to combine the best parts of two worlds. In my opinion you could call "The Trip" a concept album, or no, call it a movie without a film combined with the BEST out of the wonderful world of Acid Jazz. I really can approve this record and tell you that it deeply touched my heart.
Wonderful record!.....................................................
.....From America.....http://www.giantstep.net/features/138...........
.................................Paul Murphy is among an ultra-rare group of eclectic UK DJ’s, whose remarkable path of music history continues to this day. He currently DJ’s internationally and head’s the esteemed Afro Art label. He used to even run a record store. (One of his employees was a young up-and-coming DJ named Gilles Peterson). Surely, the years of spinning and collecting music must have facilitated a library of musical ideas and directions for a debut album.If you think you know what to expect, be prepared for The Trip. It’s akin to a future soundtrack of the past, like a well-used passport to choice musical avenues around the globe. It’s elegant, cosmopolitan and sophisticated; the antithesis of the 4/4 dance album expected from the typical dance music DJ. The focus isn’t squarely on the beats; like those few works that stand the test of time, it’s about the music and melody after all.“Seven Samural†sounds as epic a remake as you can imagine, toiling on the classic Kurosawa film; Ashley Slater’s front-and-center trombone contribution, which cannot be overstated, works alongside wicked basslines, meeting bossa sensibilities. “Mr. Cosmic†has a worldly exotic pace that feels like an eternal Sunday afternoon. Roger Beaujolais does an exquisite job with beautiful vibe work, which can be heard on other tunes throughout the album). One must surely feel that Zeljko Kerlata of the underrated Cosmic Sounds label (and the person for whom the tune’s dedicated to) must be smiling and sipping fine wine somewhere.The Trip is a culmination of one man’s lifelong journey through music of many genres and cultures. Welcome to Paul Murphy’s mid-life opus; a worthy contender for one of the best albums of 2006. Dust off your passport and take the trip.
En Espanol..............Agradable retorno del sello de nu jazz-funk Afro Art. DJ, productor y propietario del mencionado sello, Paul Murphy vuelve al mercado con el álbum The Trip, que llega tras el éxito underground del single Soul call. Tras un viaje por India, Paul Murphy encontró la inspiración justa para realizar este trabajo de nu-jazz que está recibiendo unas fenomenales crÃticas en todo el mundo. Ha contato con la colaboración de Ashley Slater al trombón, del vibrafonista Roger Beaujolais y del bajista Davide Mantovani. Murphy propone, en The trip, incursiones cinemáticas con Seven Samurai (tema del film de Kurosawa), arábigas en Herbie Mann (homenaje al gran flautista) y, por supuesto, nu-jazz, mucho nu-jazz.....................................................
..........You should see me do the Polska etc...Paul Murphy to jedna ze wschodzacych gwiazd europejskiej sceny muzycznej. Dotychczas mial na koncie kilka singli (w tym bardzo udany "Soul Call") i udzial w etniczno-jazzowych skladankach, takich jak chociazby "This Is Afro Art!". Jakis czas temu przerwal jednak prace. Wyjechal do Indii. Kiedy wrócil - zainspirowany klimatem Dalekiego Wschodu - zebral ekipe i postanowil stworzyc swój pierwszy album.W tym przedsiewzieciu, oprócz Murphy'ego, wzieli udzial Roger Beaujolais (wibrafon), Davide Mantovani (bas), Ashley Slater (puzon, dawniej czlonek legendarnej grupy Freakpower) i Secta Chameleon (wokal). Material zostal nagrany w londynskim studio, a piecze nad wszystkim trzymali ludzie z wytwórni Afro Art Records, z która Paul wspólpracuje od dawna.Rezultatem spotkan piatki muzyków jest krazek "The Trip". Otwiera go krótkie "Afro Artro". To minutowa kompozycja utrzymana w konwencji psychodelicznego jazzu, która szybko przechodzi w "Soul Call". - Skomponowalem ten kawalek pare lat temu. Pózniej mastery zaginely i na potrzeby albumu nagralismy utwór od nowa dodajac do niego basowe solo Davide'a - opowiada Paul. "Soul Call" to bogato zaaranzowany acid jazz z krótkimi wstawkami wokalnymi i etnicznym, afrobeatowym posmakiem.Podobny, jazzujacy klimat prezentuje "Herbie Man". Króluje w nim wibrafon, co sprawia, ze utwór jest bardziej surowy. Wiecej tu elektroniki, która ostro rywalizuje ze znacznie bardziej tradycyjnymi bebnami. - Staralismy sie polaczyc arabskie brzmienia z melodyjnymi dzwiekami produkowanymi przez Rogera - wyjasnia Paul. Trzeba przyznac - udalo sie. Do Bliskiego Wschodu nawiazuje tez "Baghdad". - Chcielismy, aby ten utwór byl jak najbardziej klaustrofobiczny - dodaje muzyk. I faktycznie, sluchajac go czujemy atmosfere strachu, która na ulicach irackiej stolicy dzis panuje.Azje reprezentuje równiez "Seven Samurai". To temat z filmu Kurosawy zaaranzowany przez ekipe Murphy'ego. Oryginalny motyw zagrano na puzonie, dodajac do niego syntetyczne, troche house'owe loopy. - Zawsze lubilem ten film i pomyslalem, ze warto byloby nagrac wlasna wersje tego utworu - stwierdza Murphy.Wrazenie robi takze tytulowe "The Trip". Ta dziesieciominutowa kompozycja zawiera wszystko, co najlepsze we wspólczesnym acid jazzie. Troche slychac tu St. Germain, troche Down To The Bone. Nad wszystkim unosi sie dzwiek wibrafonu - jak u Roya Ayersa. Zreszta ten instrument doskonale sprawdza sie na calej plycie. - "The Trip" zainspirowal nas do stworzenia studyjnego albumu. Napisalem ten kawalek po powrocie z Indii. Chcialem jakos oddac klimat niekonczacych sie podrózy pociagami, które w tym kraju odbylem, poznajac przy tym mnóstwo ciekawych ludzi - mówi Paul.Murphy'emu udalo sie stworzyc naprawde dobry album. Sporo na nim oryginalnych pomyslów. Duzo czasu poswiecono tez ogólnej koncepcji i technicznej stronie calego przedsiewziecia. "The Trip" na pewno bedzie jednym z tych krazków, które wplyna na caly gatunek i popchna acid jazz w nowe, nieznane dotychczas rejony......................................................
...............Vokieta again...............................Ein Trip durch verschiedene Sphären der Musikwelt. Acid Jazz, Funk, Afikanische Tommeln, helle Timbals, tiefe Basslines, fette Subwooves, Scratches, arabische Rhythmen, ungarische Vocals u.v.m…Paul Murphy ist eigentlich nur durch Indien mit dem Zug gefahren und hat jede Menge spannende Leute kennen gelernt und sich inspirieren lassen. Und was passiert, wenn jemand Kreatives zum Weltensegler wird, als wandelnder Kreativschwamm durch die Gegend läuft und alles in sich aufsaugt? Seine Kreativität fängt an eine Eigenenergie zu entwickeln und plötzlich entstehen ganz neue unerwartete, bisher ungehörte, manchmal unerhörte und ungesehene Dinge daraus.Im Falle von Paul Murphy haben wir nach ausgedehnten Zugfahrten und Eselsritten nun ein grandioses Album vor uns zu liegen, das zwar weder nach Zug, noch nach Esel noch nach Indien klingt, dafür aber eine musikalisch-weltliche Bandbreite und Smoothnes aufweist, die seines Gleichen sucht. Sphärische Subwooves, werden zu afrikanischen Trommelgrooves gepaart mit Beatspielereien und Freejazzigen Versatzstücken, die einen direkt in andere Welten versetzen und in höheren Ebenen floaten lassen. Ein Trip eben. Ganz ohne Drogen und Alkohol. Danke Paul Murphy........................and again and again and again and again and IGEN!!!.....................New Jazz? NuJazz? Acid Jazz? All das wird Paul Murphy nicht gerecht. Denn dem Engländer ist ein furioses Debüt gelungen, welches viele Kollegen alt aussehen lässt, die sich ganz selbstverständlich als Erneuerer des Jazz verstehen. So erfrischend, so anders und originell klingt The Trip. Umso erstaunlicher ist dies, wenn man bedenkt, dass Murphy in erster Linie Chef bei Afro Art Records ist. Erst die überschwängliche Resonanz auf die ersten eigenen Songs – veröffentlicht auf Labelkompilationen – ließ wohl den Entschluss reifen, die musikalischen Ambitionen auszuweiten. Zum Glück muss man sagen, denn ansonsten wären uns Songs wie Herbie Mann, eine Hommage an den gleichnamigen Jazz-Flötisten, wohl vorenthalten geblieben. Und auch wenn man es hier wie bei den anderen Titeln kaum hört: Entstanden ist das Album unter dem Eindruck einer langen Reise nach Indien. „Als ich zurückkam, wollte ich die Reise zunächst musikalisch verarbeiten mitsamt aller gängigen Klischees wie Sitars und Tablas. Aber das gab es alles schon eine Millionen Mal. Also habe ich es ganz bewusst gelassen.“ (ke)........................................................
.............................................From Holland but in English....Mr. Murphy and his Afro Art imprint have brought us some great delights these past few years (Black Science Orchestra, Spiritual South,...). His own ''Jazz Room'' is still doing damage on discerning dancefloors worldwide, and here he is with his album debut. ''Proper'' instruments (like the vibraphone and trombone) mixed with electronic wizardry in jazzy moods is the recipe here. And it tastes like more !
From more danceable tracks like ''Soul Call'' and previous twelve ''Budapest Chachacha'' to more atmospheric offerings like the fitting tribute ''Herbie Mann'' or the delicate ''Mr. Cosmic'', the whole thing is wonderfully scored and masterfully executed. It's really more than just a dance-album. The influences are really integral parts of the songs and not just gimmicky add-ons (you hear me Jaxx ?). You can almost smell India in the title track and the acrid smell of fear and terror is almost palpable on the claustrophobic ''Baghdad''. And his cover of the theme of Kurosawa's film classic ''Seven Samurai'' simply puts him in a league of his own. In fact, the whole album proves that Paul Murphy is at the top of his game. You could call it acid jazz, but then it's Acid as in Gorbies (now THAT was acid !) and not as in The Brand New Heavies, you dig ?...........................................................
The Trip Afro Art ****Various long train trips while holidaying in India provided Paul Murphy with the sparks for this set of jazzy and spirited high rollers. For the Afro Art label boss, legendary jazz-dance scencester, acid jazz pioneer and one-time Cork resident, The Trip was an ideal opportunity to put a shape on various musical ideas and notions that were on his to-do list. What you'll hear are tracks which are adventurous, elegant and accomplished in how they poke and push various jazzy grooves around. Murphy has chosen his collaborators well, with Roger Beaujolais on vibes and ex-Freak Power dude Ashley Slater on trombone helping to ignite each track. Slater is the star on Seven Samurai, his trombone leading the way on Murphy's epic reworking of Fumio Hayasaka's theme for the Akira Kurosawa classic. Elsewhere, you'll be impressed by Murphy's new, tougher version of Soul Call and such atmospheric mood-setters as Budapest Chachacha. All aboard. www.afroartrecords.com
Here's my bio (In Italian)...era il primo morso dall'insetto di DJ verso la fine degli anni 70 in cui stava promuovendo una notte del randello il randello di Kingswood e il DJ' girata del NT su dovuto tempo inclemente. Una serie di gigs del circuito di Chitlin seguiti lavorare al momento grande infine arriva con l'apertura JAFFAS. al ferro di cavallo, strada W1 della corte de Tottenham. Il randello era il primo per mescolare il jazz con la scena infantile di ballo di jazz. Gli ospiti hanno incluso gli atti britannici quali Morrisey Mullen, Paz, fascia della prima colazione, Gonzalez ed i fratelli leggendari della brughiera (sulla notte del Brixton si solleva!!).Gli ulteriori contrattempi ed avventure sono seguito compreso un anno che dirige un negozio (annotazioni di fusione) in Clerkenwell e che promuove un concerto al YMCA che caratterizza il cantante/pianist brasiliani Tania Maria.Altri gigs e randelli che Paul Murphy ha giocato includono: La città elettrica de Camden del Ballroom, in cui Paul ha iniziato la stanza ora leggendaria di jazz, il randello Soho W1, 100 il randello, la via de Oxford, Londra W1, il deposito della commedia, Londra W1 ed il solenoide Y Sombra, via di scuot de Charlotte, Londra W1.In Paul 1984 - 1986 ha fatto funzionare le annotazioni di Palladin che hanno liberato il Venceremos ora seminale entro la settimana di funzionamento collettiva basata Londra. Inoltre ha liberato i LP da Tommy Chase, Jimmy Mcgriff e Phil Upchurch fra molti altri.Paul Murphy era inoltre il primo scomparto DJ del LEGARE dell'anno in 1985.Eddie Piller di jazz acido rediscovered Paul in Irlanda dopo la sua scomparsa mysterious dalla scena del randello all'inizio degli anni 90. Paul ha preso la sua offerta di un residency al randello molto sig.na della nota blu nel quadrato di Hoxton de Londra. Ciò ha rimesso la destra del Paul nel riflettore e presto offrirà all'annotazione e DJ stavano versando dentro e Paul ora sta facendo funzionare le annotazioni Afro di arte, l'etichetta basata Londra fondata dall'ex fratello balistico Ashley Beedle.Da allora Paul ha liberato vari sceglie ed è stato coinvolgere in molti degli altri rilasci Afro di arte fra cui è Unitedeye “l'Estremo-Oriente dell'ovest„, di alta fedeltà “crema dei battimenti„ Cubalooba “Cubalooba„ e di ultimo Unitedeye singolo “capo grande„ che immediatamente è stato autorizzato “alla compilazione incantata del giardino di freddo grande„ e “allo stimolante„ sulla compilazione di plastica ed è inoltre l'aria di tema per “Wanderlust„ un programma della TV sul RTE Irlanda.I rilasci di Pauls “di Ska ad est dell'ovest„ e “del capo grande„ hanno caratterizzato su molti playlists compreso il dj superiore Joe Claussel (corpo ed anima), Boris Dlugosch (cantargli indietro /Moloko), i rifugi “di amore„ del Tim, John Stapleton (stimolante de New York su plastica).Il lato di B “del capo grande„ “Sambana„ attualmente è descritto prominente sul nuovo Cd della miscela del Jon Carter per “Viva fuori chiamato ostacolato ostacolato fuori„ più produzione di Pauls “della domanda?„ dall'uomo è attualmente circa essere descritto su un'alta compilazione di profilo da Danny Rampling.Pauls “stanza„ singolo UE 006 di jazz è stato uno dei suoi rilasci più popolari finora ed era non solo uno dei venditori più grandi di arti Afro ma anche è stato progettato vicino oltre 100 djs ed ha caratterizzato sopra oltre 30 compilazioni differenti.Pauls “quel battimento„ è attualmente sopra rilascio su 7„ & su 12„ con le miscele supplementari da Ricky Morrison (pepita di Salsoul) e capelli grandi ed attualmente sta giocando fuori dalla scanalatura Armada, da Pete Isaac del JellyJazz, da Loco del capretto e da molti altri. Paul ha rimescolato e prodotto molti progetti vari compreso le altezze al neon, il pettirosso Jones, il Heron del Tito, il Loco del capretto e lo Slater del Ashley.And now the weather, sponsored by Somfy who make some kind of Gizmo that only Euronews would advertise....
..SOME GIG REACTIONS.(FROM WHEN I'M DJ'ING).....................................................
Hi Paul,
it was a great night, the music was spectacular.
Had a nice time untill i blacked out..
Yes we have to repeat it.
All the best,
Stanko ............................................................
...............you were great in athens!thanx for being in touch!
......... Thanks for playing records at the club on Sat night, great set and totally restored my faith in the Dundee headz! Keep me posted next time you ae to visit Scotland, all the best, Jim
Just like to say what a wicked night had on saturday night a party of us travelled up from the broath and the music and atmos was spot on paul murphy whata legend thanks again...................................... thanks for sunday night,and tell me again full name of that crazy record....something like "IRA KERI"?
..........Hi Paul,thank you for the wonderful music you played last week at the arthouse ... it was a lont time since I've danced so much
...................................................hey paul.. how u doinyeah the hole opera thing was very unseriose.. but still me and my company ,we had a great time indeed:)) you played some amaizing tunes and you make us happyhope to see you soon here again at proper club with PROPER turntables :))))Best Regards
Angel...............(see i can dj with 1 turntable and 1 cd player!)....................................................
..............................................He came to Dundee, he set the dancefloor on fire, ReadingRooms headz hot steppin' like no ones bizznizz! COME BACK SOON!. so good 2 enjoy u in ur incredible dj set ... ur afro cuban latin old tunes blow me up !!! ............................................................
Yo Paul, good meeting u on Saturday...what a messy night, totally wasted!!! good times mate, good luck in ur adventures!
......................................................I WON THE JOHN PEEL AWARD FROM GP WORLDWIDE SHOW BBC UK FOR 2006 , WHICH IS VERY NICE..
...........................FINALLY GOT MY TOUR DETAILS FOR JAPAN...YUM YUMM.. CAN'T WAIT!!Routine Jazz Presents "PAUL MURPHY JAPAN TOUR"?Routine Jazz Presents "PAUL MURPHY JAPAN TOUR"??????·?????????????????DJ
????·???????JAPAN TOUR????2007/04/27(?) @ CLUB IKSPIARI ??2007/04/28(?) @ LAB.TRIBE ??2007/04/29(?) @ ?? SUNSUI ??2007/05/01(?) @ place: fai ?? (and ?The Trip? Album Special Party)2007/05/02(?) @ planetcafe ??2007/05/03(?) @ JZ BRAT ??????·????????????The Trip?????????????