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Blow me like the wind.

About Me

Music = Life.

"Around here, this is what passes for reality.
The kind of security they now have at airports, imagine that kind of crackdown at all libraries schools, theatres, bookstores, after the culling song leaks out. Anywhere information might be disseminated, you'll find armed guards.
The airwaves will be as empty as a public swimming pool during a polio scare. After that, only a few government broadcasts will air. Only well-scrubbed news and music. After that, any music, books, and movies will be tested on lab animals or volunteer convicts before release to the public.
Instead of surgical masks, people will wear earphones that will give them the soothing constant protection of safe music or bird songs. People will pay for a supply of "pure" news, a source for "safe" information and entertainment. The way milk and meat and blood are inspected, imagine books and music and movies being filtered and homogenized.
Approved for consumption.
People will be happy to give up most of their culture for the assurance that the tiny bit that comes through is safe and clean.
White noise.
Imagine a world of silence where any sound loud enough or long enough to harbor a deadly poem would be banned. No more motorcycles, lawn mowers, jet planes, electric blenders, hair dryers. A world where people are afraid to listen, afraid they'll hear something behind the din of traffic. Some toxic words buried in the loud music playing next door.
Imagine a higher and higher resistance to language.
No one talks because no one dares to listen.
The deaf shall inherit the earth.
And the illiterate.
The isolated.
Imagine a world of hermits."
"Imagine a new Dark Age.
Imagine the books burning.
And the tapes and films and files, the radios and televisions, will all go into the same bonfire.
If we're preventing that world or creating it, I don't know...."
- Chuck Palahniuk - Lullaby
once upon a time
there was Candy and Dan
things were very hot that year
all the wax was melting in the trees
he would climb balconies
climb everything
do anything for her
oh Danny boy
thousands of birds
the tiniest birds
adorned her hair
everything was gold
one night the bed caught fire
he was handsome and a very good criminal
we lived on sunlight and chocolate bars
it was the afternoon of extravegant delight
Danny the daredevil
Candy went missing
the days' last rays of sunshine cruise like sharks
I wanna try it your way this time
you came into my life really fast and I liked it
we squelched in the mud of our joy
I was wet-thighed with surrender
then there was a gap in things
and the whole earth tilted
this is the business
this is what we're after
with you inside me comes the hatch of death
and perhaps I'll simply never sleep again
the monster in the pool
we are a proper family now
with cats and chickens and runner beans
everywhere I looked
and sometimes I hate you
I didn't mean that mother of the blueness
angel of the storm
remember me in my opaqueness
you pointed at the sky
that one called Sirius or dog star
but on earth
fly away sun, ha ha
fucking ha, you are so funny Dan
a vase of flowers by the bed
my bare blue knees at dawn
these ruffled sheets
and you are gone and I'm going to bed
I broke your head on the back of the bed
but the baby died in the morning
I gave him a name
his name was Thomas
poor little god
his heart pounds like a voodoo drum
These wankers pretty much rule.
(even though half their fans are batshit crazy ;p).
.. ..

My Interests

+ Web Design
+ Makeup
+ Human Behaviour
+ Conspiracys
+ Life
+ Death
+ Space
+ Time
+ Noses
+ Music
+ Comics
+ Movies
+ Reading
+ Writing
+ Horror
+ Serial Killers
+ Tattoos
+ Photography
+ Jager
+ Being V I motherfuckin P bitch

I'd like to meet:

When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you.

The male version of myself.

People with the same interests as me. People who I can talk to for hours about nothing and everything at the same time. People who won't attempt to use cheesy lines to get my attention. People who I have met before but somehow lost contact with.
And someone who can make True Romance reality ...yes the movie...yes I do find that to be one of the most "romantic" movies I've ever seen (right along side Natural Born Killers...let's just get that out of the way). Yes that might be a little strange. And no, I'm not looking for that person on the internet.
Drama need not apply.

Use this space to advertise your crappy club night or band (unless I love you) and you get blocked plain & simple (plus you're wasting time considering my comments are hidden!). People who actually have something to say are always welcome :D

View/Edit All All of My Comments


+ The Cure
+ Placebo
+ Stabbing Westward
+ 30 Seconds to Mars
+ Nine Inch Nails
+ Danny Elfman
+ Prick
+ Bjork
+ H.I.M.
+ Depeche Mode
+ Marilyn Manson
+ Negative
+ Skinny Puppy
+ The 69 Eyes
+ 40 Below Summer
+ Juliana Hatfield
+ Pagoda
+ Mindless Self Indulgence
+ The Dresden Dolls
+ Lye
+ The Start
+ Turbonegro
+ Kidneythieves
+ My Chemical Romance
+ Apocalyptica
+ The Ramones
+ Orgy
+ Spineshank
+ Professional Murder Music
+ Nothingface
+ Tori Amos
+ Human Waste Project
+ London After Midnight
+ ...a ton of other shit I don't feel like listing.

I HATE: Fall Out Boy & the chick from Flyleaf's voice makes me wish I was deaf, true story.


..+ The Nightmare Before Christmas
+ 28 Days Later
+ A Tale of Two Sisters
+ Dancer in the Dark
+ Batman
+ Batman Returns
+ Batman Begins
+ Requiem for A Dream
+ Candy
+ Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
+ Beetlejuice
+ The Crow
+ Edward Scissorhands
+ Natural Born Killers
+ Donnie Darko
+ Almost Famous
+ Memento
+ True Romance
+ Evil Dead
+ Evil Dead 2
+ Army of Darkness
+ Halloween 2
+ The Fountain
+ Interview with the Vampire
+ American Psycho
+ Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
+ Gia
+ Following
+ Fight Club
+ Pi
+ A Nightmare on Elm Street (pick one)
+ Hackers
+ Videodrome
+ Predator
+ Haggard
+ What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
+ 12 Monkeys
+ Seven
+ 10 Things I Hate About You
+ Dawn of the Dead
+ Clerks
+ Chasing Amy
+ 1984
+ The Shining
+ Audition
+ The Exorcist 3
+ Cape Fear
+ Bad Taste
+ Reservoir Dogs
+ Lords of Dogtown
+ The Dark Crystal
+ The Ringer
+ Fear
+ They Live
+ Cruel Intentions
+ Asian Horror
+ ...most Cheesy 70's-80's-early 90's Horror
+ ...I own about 600 movies, this list could go on forever.


..+ Dexter
+ Buffy the Vampire Slayer
+ Nip/Tuck
+ Silly shows directly or indirectly related to Flava Flav
+ Queer As Folk
+ Forensic Files
+ Miami/LA Ink
+ Entourage
+ ...anything on any channel about serial killers.


..+ Lost Souls
+ Lullaby
+ Invisible Monsters
+ Diary
+ Guilty but Insane
+ Songs of a Dead Dreamer
+ If Chins Could Kill
+ Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way
+ Burton on Burton
+ Book of the Dead
+ American Psycho
+ Book of the Dead
+ Long Hard Road Out of Hell
+ Under the Black Flag
+ Exquisite Corpse
+ The Informers
+ Rant


+ Myself.
+ Anyone who has worked to get where they are in life.
+ Tim Burton (I want him to design my first home.)
+ And of course my mommy.

My Blog

Its like Im going to a concert...

But I'm not, this is just the first time I bought movie tickets a month in advance haha.Ahh, the sweet smell of victory!SOOOOOOFUCKINGEXCITED!!!!That's all I really have to say. Besides...e®(Yes, I do...
Posted by catatonique on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:47:00 PST

Going to the movies...

I remember a time, when going to the movies was a somewhat 'sacred' experience. You would spend all day excited that the movie you wanted to see for SO LONG was FINALLY coming out and all those months...
Posted by catatonique on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 10:45:00 PST

That’s what happens...

When it's hot, and animals take over your living room.I don't feel like actually UPDATING right now. My head hurts.e®...
Posted by catatonique on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:14:00 PST


So I saw these in Sarah's blog and thought they'd be a pretty cool thing to get in on. So.....I did. Yeah it says I'm playing WiiFit, I finished & was watching Tracy...
Posted by catatonique on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:41:00 PST

For only 10 cents a can help Steph have an awesome time.

GIVE IT TO ME!!!I mean, your money.Yes, YOUR money.Yes, I am talking to you.Why? I can go to this: can paypal it to steph@zenbumedia...
Posted by catatonique on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:21:00 PST

Tattoo convention fun (and a new tattoo, wtf??)!

So we went to the tattoo convention today and....somehow or another this weird pirate ship just APPEARED on my arm.I dunno how it happened, no really. Yar.Thus begins my descent into a pirate sleeve, ...
Posted by catatonique on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:30:00 PST

My new pet.

So I had a dream my dad gave me a bunny, then I decided I wanted a bunny.Then I told Heather about said dream, and said wanting and the next day she told me she had my bunny. And I was like "Oh shit! ...
Posted by catatonique on Fri, 16 May 2008 11:40:00 PST

Dogs of the AMS, it's me Goldman.

Could it be possible that a week RULES only after Sunday & Monday have gone past?Well this week it does...First, Sunday they released the new TDK trailer right over this way... and somehow I forgo...
Posted by catatonique on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:37:00 PST

Vegas Day 3

Day 3Melissa had already been gone back to her brothers by the time Tracy & I woke up, she was gonna hang with him for the day. So Tracy, Gnatty, and myself lounged for a bit then decided to stop ...
Posted by catatonique on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 12:23:00 PST

Vegas Day 1&2

So I guess since Tracy is now asleep and I am not tired I will do a quick (or not so) rundown of our Vegas trip.Day/Night 1We got to the airport, and going through security I had to take out my earrin...
Posted by catatonique on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:50:00 PST