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Psychoanalyzing beatz since 1999

About Me

LACAN (and prince) QUOTES OF THE WEEK (4 u): "What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?"------- "A letter always arrives at its destination."------- "The result of gathering crooks into a herd inevitably leads to a collective foolery. This is what makes the politics of right-wing ideology so depressing."------- "Its impossible to heal your own emotional brokenness through the body of another person as mortal and broken as you are."------- "The subject first talks about himself without talking to you, then he talks to you without talking about himself. When he is able to talk to you about himself, the analysis is over."------- "He who interrogates me also knows how to read me."------- "Psychoanalysis is a delusion."------- "The very word "I" is ambiguous."------- "She is my muse! She is the only person I know who knows what she is speaking. When she is anxious, she places her head on my knees. She knows that I am going to die. Her name is Justine. . . She is my bitch, she is very beautiful and you would have heard her speak . . . the only thing she lacks relative to the individual strolling there is not to have gone to the University." ((((speaking about his dog))).------- "There is one thing that's not funny, and it's castration."------- "We know the anal object by way of the phenomenology of the gift, the present offered in anxiety. The child releasing his feces yeilds them to what appears for the first time as domniating the demand of the Other, to wit: his desire. His feces is his gift."------- "Mystery means that one eventually sees the truth."------- "No objectivity can be achieved in human matters without that subjective basis."------- "'The universal of what women desire is sheer madness: all women are mad, they say."------- "f (S1/S) S = S (+) s"------- 'I cannot lie when my hand is on your thighs; I'm thinking, isn't it a miracle that life comes from inside?'------- "A boy must, in a sense, hand over his little penis to get a bigger and better one from his father"------- 'This is 4 discrimination and egotists who think supreme/ And this is 4 whoever taught U how 2 kiss in designer jeans.'------- "Just because people ask you for something doesn't mean that's what they really want you to give them."------- 'So first I need a picture of your mother 2 verify the fact that there's not another One in the universe so supreme Damn, U got the rock 2 give a brotha cream (cream)'------- "Desire is a remedy for anxiety."------- 'The opposite of NATO is OTAN And if the number 13 is such a bad luck number When there's no such thing as luck'------- "The neurotic says, 'The Other must not get off on me!' while certain perverts seem to say, 'Let The Other get off on me. Let me become the instrument of the Other's jouissance.'"------- 'Open letters aren't the only things that open wounds Long hard shiny rocket ships can fly U 2 the moon '------- "If what he says is so insightful, why is it written so damn obscurely?"------- 'Cunning liar, eternal fire Demon clever, promise 4ever The curious try and always die.'------- "Genital relations are, in short, untroubled"------- 'I never wanted 2 be your weekend lover I only wanted 2 be some kind of friend'------- "Just think of the highmindedness we display when we show that we ourselves are made of the same clay as those we shape!"------- 'Her lovin will kick your behind Oh, she'll show u no mercy But she'll shonuff shonuff show u how 2 grind' (speaking of Nikki)------- "The mirror would do well to reflect a little more before sending us back our image."------- 'Hey, lover, I got a sugarcane That I wanna lose in you, Baby can you stand the pain'------- "Adam pulls out a hair from Eve, and the next day she comes back with a mink coat over her shoulders."------- 'If a man is considered guilty 4 what goes on in his mind Then give me the electric chair 4 all my future crimes-OH!'------- "I love you, but because inexplicably I love in you something more than you -- I mutilate you."------- 'Arrividerci cock poppy, I just need a funky beat To get my body movin' up outta my seat Tell me y'all, ain't that the bomb?'------- "I confined myself to the two rims concerned in the digestive track."------- 'Like Frank and Ava, we'd paint the town Just on the floor, gettin' way down Dom Perignon and caviar The finest clothes and fancy cars'------- "What we must say is this: I am not, where I am the plaything of my thought; I think about what I am where I do not think I am thinking."------- 'U kiss your enemies Like U know U should Then U jerk your body Like a horny pony would'------- "Respiratory erogeneity has been little studied, but it is obviously through spasms that it comes into play."------- '2 all his good brothers the Wise One spoke highly of his Muse, because her love 4 the one true God was growing with every passing day. So he said, "2 all a good night", sent them 2 bed early and invited his Muse 2 join him in the Sensual Everafter.'------- "The real supports the phantasy, the phantasy protects the real."------- 'When I scritchy, scritchy, scratch I will make U shake your back [. . . ] No, I don't need your money, put half a mil' a year U want your record played, it's got 2 freak my ear'------- "The pre-genital libido is the sensitive spot, the moment of mirage between Eros and Thanatos, between love and hate. [It is the] role played by the so-called desexualized libido of the ego in the possibility of reversion, of instantaneous swerving of hate into lovem of love into hate."------- 'If u're tired of the masturbator Little girl, we can go on a date And if u like, I'll jack u off.'------- "The Other of The Other only exists as a place."------- 'Baby, I swear 2 God if U don't kiss 'em I'm gonna kick your super natural ass! '------- "Such new forms of labor present new possibilities for economic self-management, since the mechanisms of cooperation necessary for production are contained in the labor itself."------- 'Oh baby nothing can stop us now, I'm gonna show you how Show you how to work C'mon let's have some fun, we'll work till morning comes Lemme see ya work I'd love to turn you on, I'd work you all night long If I could get you in the raw, I'd make you climb the walls Oh yeah nothing can stop us now, I'm gonna show you how Show you how to work'------- "Yet being is being, regardless of who invokes it, and we have the right to ask what is it doing here."------- 'She got the long dark legs She got the butt that go round This kind of poochie make u beg Turn a dog into a hound'------- "I + (I + (I + (I + ( . . . ))))."------- 'This is how it's gonna b If u wanna b with me Ain't no room 4 disagree 1+1+1 is 3'------- "Learning is based on believing."------- ' "I just gotta know... are we gonna try 2 love each other?" "Stop the press - who is that?" "Vicky Vale" '------- "For the paradox of desire is not the neurotic's privilege; it is rather that he takes the existence of this paradox into account in his way of dealing with desire."------- 'The passion's in the mix. (Serve it up, Sheila) Drink it quick - Cindy, shit Where'd u get that beauty mark? Maybe u and I should be undressing.'------- "The pig's grunt only becomes speech when someone raises the question as to what it is that they want to make you believe."------- 'But now I'm ready 2 tell your mama that I gots 2 get with her daughta Put on your good dress, baby - it's courtin' time!'------- "He who wished to prove too much goes astray."------- 'These are "come-and-fuck-me" pumps (Who, Robert?)'------- "Orgasm is in itself anxiety, to the extent that forever, by dint of a central fault, desire is seperate from fulfillment."------- 'Lavender oil cum from the bottle like I do Whenever I think about me zippa rippin' so cool All down the body and double between da thighs Ripopgodazippa and U get a big surprise'------- "We have the most explicit indication in Freud's writings. ... it is less a matter of remembering than of rewriting history, and again, I tell you what there is in Freud. ... He never abandoned something which can only be put in the way I've found of saying it--rewriting history."------- 'Cuzzin', when Spooky say dead, U better say died Or U can fly high right by Spooky and all that he crawls 4 Spooky and all that he crawls 4.'------- "Being opposite two blacks, one knows that one is a white."------- 'Arrividerci cock poppy, that was hip yesterday - rave New thing hitting where it feel good, what did U say? - rave Tell me all: ain't that a bomb? Mack Daddy ain't got no gun - rave Everybody got a new thing, new fun - scandalous - rave'------- "The use of speech required far more vigilance in huan science than anywhere else, because speech engages the very being of its object there."------- 'It's time 4 a new direction It's time 4 jazz 2 die 4th day of November We need a purple high'------- "The Other is only halfway from a quest that the unconscious betrays."------- 'Bad as Bonnie when she ran with Barrow, yeah When U kiss me, feels like I'm committin' a crime, oh yeah U use furniture in new ways, yes U do I can't find the adjectives enough 2 say I'm so glad U're my baby, OK?'------- "C'est en tant qu'il est là ou qu'il n'est là que s'instaure la différenciation symbolique des sexes, autrement que spécialement pour la femme, ce phallus elle n'a pas symboliquement, c'est participer à titre d'absence."------- 'This funky beat's gonna show u, Gonna show u what your hips r made 4 Nouveau grind, come on (people) People it's much 2 late, It's much 2 late 2 be shy London, what does Big Ben say? Ce soir, la chantez, all night long Ce soir, la chantez, all night long.'------- "Let me just stress todat that it is not in vain that analysis posits itself as modulating in a more radical way this relation of man to the world that has always been regarded as knowledge."------- 'I guess U know me well, I don't like winter But I seem 2 get a kick out of doing U cold Oh, what the hell, U always surrender What's this strange relationship that we hold on 2?'------- "For it is Eros, whose true face Plato showed in the phasmid that extends its wings over the destroyed polis, by which the hounded soul is panic-stricken."------- 'Dig if u will the picture Of u and I engaged in a kiss The sweat of your body covers me Can u my darling Can u picture this?'------- "Think of the mirror as a pane of glass. You'll see yourself in the glass and you'll see the objects beyond it. That's exactly how it is - it's a coincidence between certain images and the real. What else are we talking about when we refer to an oral, anal, genital reality, that is to say a specific relation between our images and images? This is nothing other than the images of the human body, and the hominisation of the world, its perception in terms of images linked to the structuration of the body. The real objects, which pass via the mirror, and through it, are in the same place as the imaginary object. The essence of the image is to be invested by the libido. What we call libidinal investment is what makes an object become desirable, that is to say how it becomes confused with this more or less structured image which, in diverse ways, we carry with us."------- 'U took my sex and my money Took all my self-esteem, yes U did U had the nerve 2 think it was funny I never knew a bitch so mean, yes sir'------- "What is a 'cultural life-style' if not the fact that, although we do not believe in Santa Claus, there is a Christmas tree in every house and even in public places every December?"------- 'Born in Bethlehem Christmas Day A man whose life changed the way Everywhere with the holy word he went Some folks said it was absurd He walked on water like dry land Floatin' on faith I'm talkin' about the man called (Jesus) Jesus (Love) Jesus (Higher up) Jesus'------- "I would very much like to start off this new year, for which I offer you my best wishes, by telling you - The fun is over!"------- '2000 0 0 party over, oops, out of time tonite were gonna party like it's 1999."------- "Castration means that jouissance has to be refused in order to be attained on the inverse scale of the Law of Desire. I won't go any further here."------- 'Ur thousand years r up Now U got 2 share the land Section 1 - the 14th amendment says "No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" Mr. Man, we want 2 end this letter with 3 words: We tired a-y'all'------- "How will there ever be offspring for such an old man as I?"------- 'And we were naked and did not care There's a time 2 take and a time 2 share'------- "A parenthesis enclosing one or several other parentheses -- that is, ( ( ) ) or ( ( ) ( ) . . . ( ) ) -- is equivalent to the distribution of beta signifier and delta signifier, in which it is easy to see that the redoubled parenthesis is fundamental."------- 'Whatcha want 2 eat? "Ribs" Ha, toy, I don't serve ribs... U better be happy that dress is still on I heard the rip when u sat down'------- "Humanist progress from Aristotle to St. Francis de Sales did not fill the aporias of happiness."------- 'Like a flame she came and I was no longer cold That's a little shady, for this lady was only 16 years old.'------- "For I can lure my adversary with a movement that runs counter to my battle plan, and yet this movement has its deceptive effect only insofar as I actually make it for my adversary."------- 'The night is calling u 2 act Act upon every urge U can't get no satisfaction If u ain't got the courage Eye don't know what u're afraid of Eye don't know what u've heard Get up, come on let's do something Don't u wanna know the word?'------- "If we wish to recognize a reality that is proper to psychical reactions, we must not begin by choosing among them; we must begin by no longer choosing."------- 'Through the gates. Knock on the door. Put your clothes in a pile, on the floor. Take your pick from the Japanese robes and sandals. Drink champagne from a glass, with chocolate handles.'------- "I have the right to enjoy your body and I will exercise this right without any limit to the capriciousness of the exactions I may wish to satiate with your body."------- 'And we lay down on the sand of the sea And before us animosity will stand and decree That we speak not of love only blasphemy And in the distance, 6 others will curse me'------- "Desire, not tendencies."------- 'Gregory looks just like a ghost And then a beautiful girl the most Wets her lips 2 say "We could live 4 a little while If U could just learn 2 smile U and I could fly away, fly away." '------- "Diana will recognize the hounds for what they are worth . . . "------- 'She got the long dark legs She got the butt that go round This kind of poochie make u beg Turn a dog in2 a hound'-------- "In the encounter between the body and the mind, the soul appears as what it traditionally is, that is, as the limit of the monad."------- 'Loving U in passion unmolested in this garden Mango and nectarine, sweet honeydew, I beg your pardon My mouth runneth over from ecstasy It's true, baby, I love the taste of U'------- "Let's try to practise a little brain-washing on ourselves."------- 'Girl it ain't no use, U might as well get loose Work your body like a whore'------- "The only thing of which one can be guilty is having given ground relative to one's desire."------- 'If nothing else is true The only one that can save U is U, yeah Shoobedoop'------- "Perversion is an inverted effect of the phantasy"------- 'I want 2 be an honest man I'll be your slave, just understand How much I need U And if I died We'll be 2gether side by side'------- "Man's desire is the Other's desire, in which the de/of/ provides what grammarians call a 'subjective determination' -- namely, that it is a qua/as/ Other that man desires."------- 'June brought an Easter bunny Needless 2 say, hmph, that girl was late Told a made-up story 2 a busy-body of our only date What a sketch!'------- "And what is a Chorus? You will be told that it's you yourselves. Or perhaps that it isn't you. But that's not the point. Means are involved here, emotional means. In my view, the Chorus is people who are moved."------- 'I want to get hot wit U I want to make U climb this chain around my waste so I can prove That I'm the only one that brings out the freak in U'------- "There is no such thing as a sexual relationship."------- 'Sexuality is all U'll ever need.'------- "Such is woman concealed behind her veil: it is the absence of the penis that makes her the phallus, the object of desire. Evoke this absence in a more precise way by having her wear a cute fake one under a fancy dress, and you, or rather she, will have plenty to tell us about."------- 'It comes 2 makin' a pass, pretty mama I just can't win a race.'------- "To make the id the sum total of the subject's innate dispositions is a purely abstract definition devoid of use value."------- 'Sexy dancer, you got my body screamin' Sexy dancer, you got me just-a-creamin'.'------- "You are my -- after all, what do you know about it?"------- 'Maybe you're just like my mother, she's never satisfied."------- "Of course, Freud went so far as to make us recognize the Eros by which life finds a way to prolong its jouissance in the repreive of its rotting."------- 'Ultimately the only one That can save U is U'------- "If causality evinces the subject's involvement, it will come as no surprise that every order conflict is attributed to him."------- 'Little sister making minimum wage Living in a 1-room jungle-monkey cage Can't get over, she's almost dead She may not be in the black But she's happy she ain't in the red.'------- "The me [moi] of modern man has taken on its form in the dialectical impasse of the beautiful soul who does not recognize his very reason for being in the disorder he denounces in the world."------- 'Baby, I swear 2 God if U don't kiss 'em I'm gonna kick your super natural ass!'------- "Suppression of the image's morphogenic action leads to the progressive reduction of the number of gregarious individuals among the offspring."------- 'U know U're 2 hot when U play with your hair I like it'

My Interests

reading, writing, cultural and literary theory, film, music, remixxxing, radio, photography, Lacan, percussion, POKER, chillin, chillaxin, NEEEEEEEECKIIIIIIICE, magazines, food, family, tv on dvd, pop culture, COMICS -=-= esp. batman, clowes, chris ware, ethan persoff, loeb/sale, identity crisis, adrian tomine, and the D and Q Canadian crew -- = boots/mashups, necks, reading about porn industry, scorsese, your mom, the music of Tim Butler, Dean Galanis' Myspace account, contemporary poetry, brushing my teeth, looking at my neck, vicodin (any dosage, mg, w o w/o apap, whatever you have), eatin collards, pens, pepper, learnin', teechin'


From handel to hardcore and hip-hop and holestar and holla!!!!!! and hasselhoff. I listen and know more about music than you do. I will not argue with you, because I will always be correct. just because you like the U2 and/or Dave Matthews Band does NOT mean you "know a lot" about music. I like almost everything except James Blunt - he makes the world a weaker place. I don't think I am comfortable living in a world where people listen to and like James Blunt. There has to be some rapper out there who is madd pissed that James Blunt has the name he does, and is allowed to sing ssit like "yih boo-ee-foo" with said name. I would sooner listen to the complete box set of Yoko Ono for a 24-hour period than listen to a few minutes of James Blunt. ***Please check out some of the DJs and musicians who are my myspace friends. They are all good. I would not befriend crap.


"Look at your suntan, it's leather, it's like leather man, your skin. We could make a fucking suitcase out of you. Like a crocodile, fat crocodile, fat bastard. You look like fucking Idi Amin, you know what I mean? Stay here? You should be ashamed of yourself. Who do you think you are? King of the castle? Cock of the walk?"


"law and order", all flavors///SCTV box sets///The First Season of SNL box set [makes you wonder why Paul Simon could be funny in the 70s and Matthew Fox could not be funny ever]///"Playboy After Dark" box set -- groovy and swingin'///"The O.C."~canceled, and I openly weep with you Josh Schwartz and McG: two of the most cerebral geniuses of the medium of television since McLuhan.


Read anything published by McSweeney's.


Fergie, for admitting, "I'm such a lady, but I'm dancin' like a ho." and McG.