Je suis ToToM, je produis des mashups autrement appelés bootlegs, principe consistant à mélanger deux morceaux qui sembleraient complètement étrangers au premier abord. Zebra est très bon à ce petit jeu et en général, ceux qui se retrouvent dans mes Top Friends ont un talent certain pour la chose.
Hi, I'm ToToM, I produce mashups a.k.a. bootlegs, in which I mix two tracks that would first seem complete strangers to one another.
check my website for more mashups and other stuff. - c le lien juste avant pour aller sur mon site et écouter d'autres mashups.
I just finished the first volume of Bootleg is Resistance , a mashup album around Year Zero. Volume II & III are meant to be released very soon.
Feb 2007, I finished Boo+wArds , a mashup album which concept is about putting rock acapellas over hip hop instrumentals mostly.
also check With Boots, the mashup album I made around Nine Inch Nails' With Teeth. Made by a NIN fan for NIN fans and also for mashup lovers.
Bastard Pet Sounds is the past from now on. I only care about maybe half of the tracks from it.
et j'ai à mon actif 4 albums de mashups (dont un triple) concernant les Beach Boys et Nine Inch Nails entre autres. encore une fois cliquez sur les liens ci-dessus.