jennifer* earth xstasy entertainment* profile picture

jennifer* earth xstasy entertainment*

I am here for Networking

About Me

My Interests

PR/music agent/some booking(EARTH XSTASY ENTERTAINMENT) for The Influence, No Second Troy, Stars Go Dim, JoAnna Lynne, HuDost, and Travel Like Trains. I can contact papers/radio/tv for each show as well as magazines and get you set up on many websites and network in everyway possible at all times, even in my dreams while sleeping! I am an actress, writer, producer. I have rough draft fora psychological thriller that is ready to be put in screen play form. i need a team of amazing writers and actors. Is this you? My goal is to run my PR biz and actively write and act. i can do it all. I love seeing live music every week,reading and research, connecting with God, Jesus, Angels, mother earth, universal energies of love and light. I don't feel you have to believe in one religion. Religion is run by men. Spirituality is different. I am plugged into the universal energies of love and light. I'm spiritual, not religious. I love all of our leaders past and present that help the world. I was a 2nd grade teacher for a long time. I will always be an environmentalist and help people, animals, nature...

I'd like to meet:

Oprah, Bono, Johnny Rzneick, Criss Angel, Drew Barrymore, Al Gore, Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt, Jenn Aniston, Sheryl Crow,Doreen Virtue, Carloline Myss, Dr. Wayne Dyer, all spiritual, amazing, funny, intelligent, talented, gorgeous people that are helping the world and all of the people that need help.


Check out my list of friends.


Everything spiritual, metaphysical, quantum physics, healing, miracles, power of prayer, manifesting, health, brain and body chemistry, psychology, the diving matrix, reincarnation, time travel many out there topics...

My Blog

Check out this video: Silverchair The Greatest View

Check out this video: The Greatest View ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by jennifer* earth xstasy entertainment* on Thu, 29 May 2008 05:59:00 PST

This Call- video by the Influence ...
Posted by jennifer* earth xstasy entertainment* on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:02:00 PST

The Influence unplugged video
Posted by jennifer* earth xstasy entertainment* on Tue, 20 May 2008 06:55:00 PST