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Risa and Ezra on The Reelz Channel: Dailies Risa and Ezra on The Early Show (CBS) discussing Cinescopes... Recommended by Parade Magazine! “Cinescopes (is) a book out this month that blends the cinematic savvy of Roger Ebert with the psychological models of Carl Jung."
- Portland Tribune "We're not the type to consult our Myers-Briggs personality tests before embarking on anything, yet we felt strangely drawn to Cinescopes...The book, in addition to to giving us some new films to watch and some fictional soulmates — Mr. Incredible, to name one — had a surprisingly accurate take on our character."
- The Washington Post's Express "Combining psychology, cinema theory, astrology and mythology, it’s a fun way to find out if you’re more Ferris Bueller, Princess Leia, Rambo or Scarlett O’Hara." -American Profile
"Packed with fun movie information, this book deserves a best pop psychology award." - The Hartford Courant
"Cinescopes - the book is finally out...This is a great way to get to know someone or just have party fun!" - Boulevard Magazine

What is a CINESCOPE? It's a psychoanalysis of why you like your favorite films and a personality assessment. Visit our website, post your list, get film recommendations and find your perfect Cinema companion. Movies will never be the same again.Other features on our website: Cine-Match: MEET YOUR CINE-MATCH! Someone who shares your fine taste in films! Cinescopes T-shirts, mugs and accessoriesCinescopes of the Authors

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Cinescopes: What Your Favorite Movies Reveal About You by Risa Williams and Ezra Werb is now in bookstores nationwide.Order it here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Tower Books and Virgin Megastore!


Our business is heroes. In our opinion, there are sixteen different types of heroes. The question is: Which Hero Are You?

My Blog

new cinescopes review 6/08 TM   Curve Magazine...
Posted by Cinescopes on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:36:00 PST

Latest Cinescopes Review - 4/30
Posted by Cinescopes on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:31:00 PST

Cinescopes in SC Museum Display!

Our book was spotted in the South Carolina Museum Display Case as part of their Hollywood exhibit!  See pic here   Spot our book somewhere fun? Send us a pic: cinescopes@...
Posted by Cinescopes on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:23:00 PST

Tell us where you bought our book!

Was it Barnes and Noble, Virigin Megastore, Tower?  Tell us the bookstore and the city, we love to hear where the book is selling! Thanks!   If you are in L.A., check out Barnes and Noble at...
Posted by Cinescopes on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:48:00 PST

Cinescopes in The Chicago Tribune and Hartford Courant! 2/24 qqbookfeb24,1,3263229.story 24.artfeb24,0,1137440.story...
Posted by Cinescopes on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:42:00 PST

American Profile/Review of Cinescopes 3/2  look for it on 3/2
Posted by Cinescopes on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:11:00 PST

Cinescopes authors will be on the Reelz Channel Dailies Show 2/14/08!

Check it out if you have Direct TV - Reelz Channel, 2/14/08 Dailies Show.
Posted by Cinescopes on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:58:00 PST

Cinescopes in Louisville Courier 2/8/08 080208/SCENE03/802080305/1045
Posted by Cinescopes on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 03:25:00 PST

Risa and Ezra will appear on THE EARLY SHOW CBS 2/5!

Watch Cinescopes authors, Risa Williams and Ezra Werb, on The Early Show CBS 2/507 (next Tuesday)! .
Posted by Cinescopes on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:55:00 PST

Parade Magazine recommends us...

...and Sheryl Crow.  What a strange combo. 008/Parade_Picks...
Posted by Cinescopes on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:48:00 PST