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Risa and Ezra on The Reelz Channel: Dailies Risa and Ezra on The Early Show (CBS) discussing Cinescopes... Recommended by Parade Magazine! “Cinescopes (is) a book out this month that blends the cinematic savvy of Roger Ebert with the psychological models of Carl Jung."
- Portland Tribune "We're not the type to consult our Myers-Briggs personality tests before embarking on anything, yet we felt strangely drawn to Cinescopes...The book, in addition to to giving us some new films to watch and some fictional soulmates — Mr. Incredible, to name one — had a surprisingly accurate take on our character."
- The Washington Post's Express "Combining psychology, cinema theory, astrology and mythology, it’s a fun way to find out if you’re more Ferris Bueller, Princess Leia, Rambo or Scarlett O’Hara." -American Profile
"Packed with fun movie information, this book deserves a best pop psychology award." - The Hartford Courant
"Cinescopes - the book is finally out...This is a great way to get to know someone or just have party fun!" - Boulevard Magazine
What is a CINESCOPE? It's a psychoanalysis of why you like your favorite films and a personality assessment. Visit our website, post your list, get film recommendations and find your perfect Cinema companion. Movies will never be the same again.Other features on our website:
Cine-Match: MEET YOUR CINE-MATCH! Someone who shares your fine taste in films!
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