I'm Vestria profile picture

I'm Vestria

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Choctaw/African/Blackfoot/Chinese/IrishI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics
I'm the one who told Tupac no.My name is Vestria and I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California though I do not consider myself a L.A. girl. Basically, I have the temperament of a Southerner. My values more closely resemble that of a Southerner also. As my mother is from Louisiana and my natural father was from Georgia.I lived between two worlds as a child. By day I trained as a ballerina with the professional arts program in the USC annex, while attending prestigious private schools. I was a young member of the Screen Actors Guild. I landed my first lines in a major television movie at age 9. Playing opposite Loretta Swit in a movie called 'Mirror, Mirror'.My first commercial was for McDonalds. I pretty much got what ever part I went out for early on. The changing point was when I was reading for a part as a sexually abused youngster. My mom didn't think The Business was appropriate for me.I was later a drama major at Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences.In twelfth grade I developed asthma. That was the end of my dream to become a ballerina.I went to college in Atlanta, Georgia. When I returned to Los Angeles I worked for a record company, Channel 11, Stan Lee (the creator of Spider Man, Hulk and Fantastic Four) and Norman Whitfield (songwriter, record producer and arranger of Motown fame).Because I looked like a L.A. girl... pretty little and pretty cute, I was in the company of a lot of famous people.I was taught by my parents that people are simply people; no one more or less important. So I was able to not fall into that L.A. girl trap.Not to mention the fact the Holy Spirit was in the room when I was born. He wouldn't let up on me... not totally.My two eldest children father is a famous movie director. I knew him before he was ever famous. I knew him before he ever wrote his first film. Well, he tried to put me in a bottle and seal the top. That is a book of its own...He already based a movie on the relationship.I am a Real Estate Agent. I love to travel with my beautiful family. I am where God and I want me to be.No more bottles...

My Interests

Family & Travel a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vYmxpbmdlZS5jb20vYm xpbmdlZS92aWV3LzQ3OTM2MzA2LXBhcGk=" target="_blank"

I'd like to meet:

Real Estate Professionals...Believers...Friends


Gospel, Jazz, Soul, Folk, R&B, Latin etc.


Non-Fiction Movies


The News


Real Estate related books...always my prayer book...not enough my Bible (that will change)


My Beautiful Savior... Who has never left me and never will.He demands that I represent him.My Parents, who fought the system...My Children; Maasai (the peaceful warrior) Cleopatra (the hell raiser)and Baby Christian (who was strong enough to survive)... They are so very strong...

My Blog


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So stand!
Posted by I'm Vestria on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:23:00 PST