What did you learn in school about money?Most young adults graduate from high school with little-to-no education about money and personal finance.
Do you truly understand how money works?
Understanding how money works gives people the ability to take control of their lives.
Do you have the lifestyle you truly desire? Do you know what it takes to have your dream lifestyle?
Having the lifestyle you desire is directly tied to how much you know about money-how to earn it, how to save it, how to invest it, and even how to spend it wisely.
Watch the Teacher X Video Series to learn more at www.freeby30.com.
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Dirty Secrets Exposed - Why You Don't Know About Money
Where do most children learn about money?87% percent of young adults learn about money from their parents.
Why is this a problem?
Many parents have their own money problems. Honestly, unless they have had an education in personal finance, most parents aren't qualified to teach their children about credit, investing, and smart money management.
Why is learning about money through trial and error NOT an option you should consider?
Learning about money from "the school of hard knocks" is the result of ignorance, and is not a choice any sane person would make if they knew how much they stood to lose. By learning about money at an early age, young adults can use their youth as an advantage-especially when investing for retirement or for financial freedom to enjoy their desired lifestyle.
Why is personal finance education critical for young adults?
People who received personal finance education while young have a higher rate of savings, contribute more to personal retirement accounts, and have a higher net worth.
Why do you really need to worry about investing for retirement?
Most experts agree that the United States' Social Security system will be bankrupt long before today's generation of 16 to 22 year olds are ready to retire. Likewise, companies have been reducing and even eliminating private pension plans. If you ever want to retire with a lifestyle above the poverty level, you need to take action while you're young and time is on your side.
Learn more at www.freeby30.com. and watch Teacher X explain how money and the lifestyle of your dreams are intertwined.
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Are You Ready To Live Your Dreams-Or Let Them Die?
Can money really buy happiness?Not money alone. And certainly not the pursuit of money. Think of money as a tool that enables you to do what truly has meaning for you. In our society, having the money to do what you want gives you the freedom to enjoy the lifestyle you have always dreamed of. That's the real power of money.
But what does "lifestyle" mean?
"Lifestyle" is the way you live your life. And the meaning varies from one person to the next. For some, it's about having a nice home and possessions that make living more enjoyable, and doing things that are fun and rewarding, like travel, sports, hobbies and other passions. For others, it may be helping others, furthering a worthy cause, and trying to make the world a better place.
So, do you need lots of money to have a great lifestyle?
No, but you need to have enough money to live the life YOU want. Not everyone needs or wants to be a millionaire. But having money allows you to make the choices in your life, not someone else. And by developing your savings, you'll be able to keep the lifestyle you've chosen, even during economic downturns (and they will happen during your lifetime).
Visit www.freeby30.com. to see why Teacher X says that anyone who doesn't get smart about money has a dark future ahead.
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Be A Money Rebel To Stay Out Of Debt And On Track To Live The Life YOU Want.
What is a "money rebel?"A money rebel is someone who flies against convention with it comes to money. Most American families spend more than they earn, don't save or invest their money, and have an average of nearly $10,000 in credit card debt. This is the convention in America today. A money rebel would be someone who avoids these problems. If you're not a money rebel, then you need to become one ASAP.
Why should you become a money rebel?
Because money rebels are the people who take control of their personal finances. They know how to put money to work, to use money to make their lives, and the lives of people around them, better. Money rebels aren't necessarily Donald Trumps, just people who've learned the fundamentals of money.
If being a money rebel is a good thing, then why doesn't everyone become one?
Basic ignorance is the reason why. Our high schools don't teach young adults what they need to know about money. And for someone to get a "money education" on their own, they first need to be aware of how important one is.
What's the biggest money problem people have today?
Debt. Especially credit card debt. The average college student graduates with over $21,000 in credit card and student loan debt. And credit card companies roam the college campuses, bribing students with pizza, stuffed animals, and candy to get them to fill out credit card applications.
What's the second biggest money problem?
Lack of savings and investments is a strong contender for the number two slot. Some people would say it's the biggest problem, because debt and savings go hand in hand. If you have too much debt, then you have little or no money to save. You're spending faster than you're earning.
Without savings, you are out of money the moment you stop working. It means you have no security in the event of an emergency. It's why experts say that most Americans are only one paycheck away from financial disaster.
What can you do to solve or avoid these problems?
Develop solid money skills now and benefit from them the rest of your life.
Go to www.freeby30.com. Now to see what Teacher X says about getting smart with money.
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Financial Freedom Plan To Have A Life Most People Only Dream About.
What are the money basics you need to survive and thrive?Develop a realistic understanding of money and what it can do for you.
Save and invest to make money work for you.
Spend money wisely.
Avoid debt and use credit constructively.
Make the money you need by getting a great job or starting your own business.
Create a plan to tie it all together and achieve your goals.
Live the life you want on your terms.
How do you get started?
The easiest and best way to start on the path to financial freedom is to find someone who's already done it and copy them. Some of these successful people will lay out a roadmap for you to follow. Find them and follow them ASAP. Otherwise, if you want to do it by yourself, there are literally thousands of books and programs on how to do accomplish what we've outlined here.
But why should you get started now?
For young adults just starting out, time is on your side. By starting while you're young, you can take advantage of the easiest forms of investing, which require only time and a little bit of money to yield enormous payoffs. Also, by setting good money habits now, you can avoid the money problems that plague most Americans.
Really, what's the easiest way to get started right now?
Visit www.freeby30.com. Now. We have something special for you.
Did You Know:
The Need for Financial Education is Real!
During these uncertain economic times it is more important than ever young adults are prepared for the financial challenges that await them. Consider these statistics:
62% expect of college graduates will have a student loan debt averaging $27,236 (Student Monitor)
Only 11% of workers under 35 years of age indicate they are participating in their company's 401(k). (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
Less than one-quarter of students (24%) and only 20% of parents say students are very well prepared to deal with the financial challenges that await them after graduation. (KeyBank)
In 2004 the savings rate was a negative 1% in 2006. In 2006, "household debt in the US rose to an unprecedented 126.4% of disposable income. (National Association of State Boards of Education)
More than three-quarters of students (76%) wish they had more help preparing for their financial future. (KeyBank)
One out of three workers at retirement age in 2050 will have nothing ($0) saved in a 401(k) style account. (Government Accountability Office)
Research shows that individuals that have taken personal finance education course have a higher savings rate, higher net worth and make larger contributions to their 401k. (The Department of the Treasury)
Receiving a practical financial education does more than just help out financially. When people are free of financial worry they are healthier, have less stress, better relationships and it can improve every area of their life.