Myspace Layouts by
I don’t necessarily have to be known for being the greatest. I just want to be known for being the REALEST... TU PAC SHAKURKEEPING IT REAL
In my life, I have had the pleasure of meeting many different types of people. Some of these people fill that they have to conform to being what others want them to be. I will NOT live my life this way. I choose to be real. I choose to be myself regardless. I don’t need or want to be apart of any group or associate with any person that can’t accept me for who I am. If I am outcasted for being myself, then so be it.
I am a GOD fearing man that’s been fortunate enough, to have been able to travel to many different places. My birthplace is Dallas, TX and I still lives in the Dallas metroplex. I think I am one of the most honest people you could meet. One reason why is that I have never purposely cheated or deceived anyone for financial gain. I have never had to because my talents speak for themselves. I’m also a caring person that loves helping other people succeed in their lives.
There are a lot of people that have influenced my life over the years. Some of them are included in my list of friend’s. But there are two books that have influenced my life so much that they are the main reason for who I am today.
The first is the Holy Bible, this book taught me how to put my faith in (JESUS). Which is where my strength comes from and believe me (You can’t touch this!).
The second is information that I paid good money for and it was worth every penny. It is a course called Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting and Dynamics of Personal Time Control by Paul J. Meyer of Success Motivational Institute in Waco, Tx. This information taught me a lot about myself. It also showed me how to attain what I want out of life. In addition it spark the influence of what I called the basic principle theory. Sorry but I want go into detail here.
For now, all you need to know is that you can take it to the bank, once I get focused, that it will come to pass.
I originally signed up for Myspace to network with real estate professional to build my investment resources. But it quickly turned in to something bigger.
Some very talented unsigned artists started requesting to be friends and my need for helping others kicked in. Then I start getting request from friends, family, old schoolmates and other businesses opportunities.
So now, though my first priority is to my real estate venture. I would like to meet anyone who would like to be my friend.
MY REAL ESTATE VENTUREI have been interested in real estate for a long time now and have decided to just go for it. I believe life has prepared me for this venture through the various jobs and life experiences. From managing time and employee, to training, budgeting cost, productive and inventory. I am also pretty good with my hand although I plan to capital on ope (other people efforts) so I can concentrate on finding properties, keeping them rented and cash flowing. I understand the principle of people helping people to benefit each other. I believe in the old saying the more people you help the more people will help you.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HELPING ME
I am always looking for good funding sources to fund residential and commercial properties.
TO MY HATERSIts no longer can I do it or do I know how to do. Its now just a matter of time before you realize all your efforts have been a waste of time.