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Hackberry Road

Rock Heart, Blues Soul

About Me

The guys from Hackberry Road have never cared much for labels. Some call them a Southern Rock band, some call them a Blues band, and some would say they’re a slice of Americana. “We’ve always tried to define ourselves by what we can do, not by what we should call it,” says Mark Nesmith, drummer and lead vocalist for the band. “To us it’s completely natural to have a set of songs that range from blues to rock ‘n roll to country and anything else we feel like playing. It’s just who we are, and I think it’s a big part of what defines Texas music. We don’t really think about it. We just play what we play and it comes out sounding like us.”
Although the band has only been together for a few years, they’ve already logged hundreds of gigs around Texas and parts of Oklahoma. Two of their original songs, “Angel” and “Jimmie’s Got a Girl” have received considerable play .. Block Radio (www.cellblockradio.net) here in Texas and also in Australia and Canada. Known for their impromptu jam sessions, they often have members of the audience onstage to sing or play cowbells, shakers, and drums with the band. They’ve even shared a stage with Charlie Torres and Tom Curiale from Rick Derringer’s band. The boys are currently hard at work recording more of their songs for a debut cd.
Jon Hodge, lead guitarist for the band, says “The music we play and the songs we write are about things we all go through in our lives – love, heartache, success and failure, and just trying to make the most of the life we’ve been given.” A night with Hackberry Road is a night filled with music Texans know and hold sacred, songs from some of the biggest legends to ever step on stage. From Stevie Ray Vaughan and ZZ Top to Pat Green and Johnny Cash to Albert King and Muddy Waters, nothing is out of bounds at a Hackberry Road show. Stay long enough and you’ll usually catch Mark leaving the drums behind and picking up a guitar to strum a few new tunes he’s working on. The band’s own well-crafted original songs are mixed in right along side classic hits and newer music from current stars like Stony Larue, Dave Mathews, Los Lonely Boys, Matchbox 20, and Montgomery Gentry. “After all, it’s all music, and all music has some common ground,” says Joe Gutting, who plays bass and sings with the band. “If you need a label, then call us a Southern Blues-a-delic Y’allternative Rock band that jams!” MySpace Contact Tables
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Member Since: 12/9/2006
Band Website: hackberryroad.net
Band Members: Mark Nesmith - drums,vocals,guitar
Jon Hodge - guitar, vocals
Joe Gutting - bass, vocals, guitar

Influences: Stevie Ray Vaughan, ZZ Top, Allman Brothers, Freddie King, Albert King, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Robert Cray, John Lee Hooker, Jimi Hendrix, Rolling Stones, Robben Ford, Eric Clapton, Dwight Yoakam, Pat Green, Muddy Waters, George Thoroughgood, Michael Bloomfield, Lynyrd Skynrd
Sounds Like: A Southern Blues-a-delic Y'all-ternative Rock band that jams!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Warnings & Disclaimers!!!

1. WARNING: The consumption of Hackberry Road may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your bra. 2. WARNING: The consumption of Hackberry Road may make you think you are whispering when you ...
Posted by Hackberry Road on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:00:00 PST


Arlington Convention Center - Arlington, TX.Bullwinkles Bistro & Pub - Plano, TX.Chaps Club - Seven Points, TX.City of Arlington Parks and Recreation - Arlington, Tx.Cottage Lounge  Dallas, TX.Di...
Posted by Hackberry Road on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST


3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Your Love - Otis Rush Angel - Hackberry Road Back in the USSR - Beatles Bad Company - Bad Company Bar Exam - The Derailers ...
Posted by Hackberry Road on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:29:00 PST