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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hello,Thanks for taking the time to visit my "My Space" page. Let me tell you a little about myself. I feel that everyone has a mission in life. God has blessed me with a business that allows me to have financial freedom. I'm thankful for my business and the ability to help others to achieve their goals as well. My mission is to help like minded individuals who are looking for a business opportunity to earn extra income on a full or part time basis. I enjoy the simple things in life such as meeting new friends, networking, traveling, and building relationships. New friends and individuals interested in networking are welcome to send me an add request. The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice,the fifth teaching others.




Father, I pray for courage as I begin this day, for I understand there is work to be done, burdens to be carried, feelings to be shared and joys to be celebrated. Grant me the courage to be silent that I may hear Thy voice; to persevere, that I may share Thy victory; and to remember, lest I forget the way by which Thou has led me. And when this day is done, O Lord, may I have the courage to see Thy guiding hand in the friendships that have been made, in the hurts that have been healed, and in the strength that has been given. "In Jesus Name" Amen.

My Blog

Want to be an Entrepreneur?

WANT TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS ?   Are you a motivated individual looking for an opportunity to start your own business or earn extra income while working from home? If the answer is yes, pleas...
Posted by Jamille on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:45:00 PST

Save Money & Earn Rewards Points while shopping!

Online Shoppers Save Money & Earn Rewards Points Message to Online Shoppers - I encourage you to visit my online Rewards Mall  which is available on the website listed above.  Its free...
Posted by Jamille on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:49:00 PST