Mar!n@ profile picture


Say not, 'I have found the Truth,' but rather, 'I have found A truth.'

About Me

The first thing you should know about me is that I don't like to be labeled. If I like the darkness that doesn't mean im satanist, goth, emo etc, ; if I like the light that doesn't mean I'm a hippie for example. Hmm....And before putting me a label better read my whole profile and then make up your mind and message me if you wish. I respect people for what choices they make for themselves. I consieder myself nice and sunny person in general. And one of the main things I really want to achieve is to bring (back) the smile to every single face that needs it. You can find me on:
--->What I'm Doing With My Life:
Working hard to make me dreams come true. And never stop dreming and putting up new goals...that's the game of life, isn't it?---> I'm Really Good At:
Giving advices and makinge people feel good in my company.I do my best to help my friends, with all the knoledge that I have and I'm able to use. ---> The First Things people usually notice about me:
That I'm friendly, little absent-minded and little crazy /always full of strange ideas! haha/ (Are you surprised?) --->The 6 things I could never do without:
Books, Internet connection, Friends, Music, Love...and...iced black tea with milk & clove hahah --->I spend a lot of time thinking about:
Art /architecture, photography, fine arts, movies, music/, the supernatural, philosphy, human reactions and relations, mysticism, occultism and world religions /yeeees...I love to explore those and I'm always ready to ask questions and dig for the answers/.
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My Interests

..(Scroll down to view more)..

- Traveling abroad,photogaphy, painting, listening to music (world folk music!) and reading fiction, architecture, archelogy, ancient history (especially egyptian-18th dynasty, Akhenaten and his reign), India, Africa, Japan (I'm a Japan and Egypt geek...) etc, vintage fashion (moslty victorian & edwardian),all kinds of vintage photography... Have a GREAT passion for Kabuki theatre and nagauta music
- I respect all world religions especially Buddhism and Islam. I consider myself spiritual but not religios
- Interested in the works of Alister Crowley, Gerald Gardner etc. and I'm interested in occult theories. Want to know more? There you go:
- Likes: Livin in Peace with those who are nice to me; honesty , Like to write stories and fairy-tales, to meditate.
- Dislikes: People who don't like to read an diesrespect the books; Hate, lies, illiteracy; homophobia, lazyness, unpunctuality, drugs, racism, to be alone when I don't want to, bad-made makeup, bad-smelling pepole, 'pop star' or thug wanabes

I'd like to meet:

People, who want to discover new worlds and cultures, make friends and have fun. All of you are welcome: nomatter if you are straight, gay, black, white or other, goth or punk, muslim, hindu, buddhist etc. It depends on yor intentions and way of comunication.:) Buuut! You must know, I don't allow anyone to lead me or "implant" his thoughts in me. I'm a free Person with a free Will. Becides...I pretty much hate mainstreamers, who discard anyone who's different than them. Everyone has the right to express himself, but not to force others to be the same. The only ppl I really DON'T want to meet or write to are: religious f.a.n.a.t.i.c.s. (I respect your way but DON'T press it on me).As for meeting famous people, that will be...Sarah Brightman, Chris Corner, Mineko Iwasaki, Zaha Hadid, Ton Schulten, His Holliness the Dalai Lama and my all-times favorite: the amazing Kabuki actor Bando Tamasaburo


All-time favorites: Jazz, blues , Classical, Intrnational, (world), chillout. Some favorite artists: Sheila Chandra, Loreena Mckennit, Enya, Aaliyah, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Al Jerrau & George Benson, Barbara Hendricks, Maria Callas, Sarah Brightman. Big fan of Agatsuma Hiromitsu and the Yoshida Brothers. Other (not-so-often) listened Ggroups & Artists: Nightwish, The Prodigy, Die Artzte, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, The Skeletal Family , Murder She Wrote, Type O Negative, Butterfly Messiah, Chaostar, Malice Mizer, Sephiroth, The Cure, Moi Dix Mois, OperaNoire, Puscifer, IAMX, Placebo AND MANY MANY MANY MORE


History & Fantasy mostly, as well as asian horrors. Some movies that I like in a list: "The Lord of the Rings", "Bless the Child", "Schinder's list", "The Craft", "The Barber of Siberia", "Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love", "Onmyoji", "La mala Educacion" a.k.a. "Bad Education", "El Orfanato" a.k.a "The Orphanage" etc.


Only Discovery Civilization:)...and oh..ok.."Jetix" and "Cartoon Network" sometimes (hahah I never miss "Courage the cowardly dog" or "Tom & Jerry , "Totally Spies"):) My faves are Discovery, National Geographic and the History Channel :)


..(Scroll down to view more)..
- "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield,
- "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran
- "The Lord Of The Rings " by J. R. R. Tolkien,
- "Sinuhe The Egyptian" by Mika Waltari,
- "The little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- "Honour lost" by Norma Khouri,
- "Inside the Kingdom: my life in Saudi Arabia? by Carmen Bin Ladin
- "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe,
- "Geisha: A life" by Mineko Iwasaki
- "Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden,
- "Akhenaten: King of Egypt" by Cyril Aldred
- "Book of Dreams" by Sylvia Browne,
- "Dracula" by Bram Stoker (calssic!),
- all of Ann Rice's books (I only mentioned Interview with thw Vampire..this is just the best for me!),
- "The Secret History of Lucifer" by Lynn Picknett,
- "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte,
- "Beneath a Mrble Sky" by John Soars,
- Almost all books of Stephen King,
- And all the fairy tales and poems by Oscar Wilde,
- The poetry and phillosphy of Jalal al-ad-Din Rumi (Mevlana),
- "The Art of Happiness" by HH Dalai Lama,


..:: THEY INSPIRE ::..

--> ZAHA HADID -architect
--> ANTONIO GAUDI -architect
--> BANDO TAMASABURO V -Kabuki actor
--> OSCAR WILDE -poet & writer
--> KHALIL GIBRAN -poet & philosipher
--> HUNDERTWASSER -architect & artist
--> TON SCHULTEN -artist
--> DALAI LAMA -spiritual leader
--> AKHENATEN -egyptian pharaoh
--> MEVLANA RUMI -poet & philosopher
--> MARIA CALLAS -opera singer
--> LOUIS ARMSTRONG -musician
--> SARAH BRIGHTMAN - singer

My Blog

Beautiful story & enchanting performance

I’d like to share with all of you a theatre play that I consider quite impressive. It’s a Kabuki play, named "Yôkihi"- part fairy tale, part ghost story, the tale of Princess Yôkihi (Yang ...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:48:00 PST


Please fill this little survey and post your answers /you can also message them to me/Are you male or female?How old are you?How many times were you heartbroken?Explain in 3 words what does "broken he...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 04:32:00 PST

Finally...I’m moving to Vienna.

Now thats what I call a "my lil success day". My application was approved and now I am a student of  TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) to continue my architectural education. I finna...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:24:00 PST

I finally got rid of them!!!!

I finally got rid glasses!!! Yeah!!! I used to be with them since I was 3yo, so that makes 16 whole  years. And today I took my first pair of contact lences! So I'm pretty happy now! The ...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Fri, 11 May 2007 07:09:00 PST

St.Mary's Church: If Your Child is a Gothic, Reform Through the Lord!

Here is a letter from St. Mary's church sent out to all the parents in the area&(  I got it browsing the net) All the things that surprised me and made me laugh are coloured in pink My comments a...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:53:00 PST

Another charming character of Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles"

Hello there.I've just found out another pretty charming character of Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicals". I thought I've never like  it actually...this is Pandora (Lydia) from the book "Pandora". "...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:30:00 PST

My first phtography award:) Hee hee

I just wanted to share that I just won a Black-and-White Photography award for my latest photo "Veiled Sadness" on Here goes the link:
Posted by Mar!n@ on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:06:00 PST

Your opinion about one of my favorite poems?

I'd like to share with you one of my favorite poems. Please comment and tell me how do you feel about it. Here goes the original text (in German langiage) and the translation in English:Erlk...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:27:00 PST

"Beneath a Marble Sky"

Hello everyone! I'd like to recommend you a book I'm reading at the moment:)- "Beneath a Marble Sky" by John ShorsAre you intersted in the Indian culture? Do you stay in awe of Taj Mahal? Do you know ...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:02:00 PST

!!!Children R Skary!!!

Do you think children are cute and innocent? Well....check the "Theater" section in and think again. My personally favorite movie is "The Little Girl Who Was Forgotten By Absolutely...
Posted by Mar!n@ on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:09:00 PST