Live Music, stimulating conversation, dancing, walking, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy of the Science of Mind, metaphysical poetry, breathing, sitting.
Fellow travelers on this journey called life.
I like a wide variety of music. BRAZZAVILLE is my favorite and I'd have a video of theirs if they had one for me to post. Check them out here or here.
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Igby Goes Down, Superman, Oh God!, My Bodyguard, Charlie Brown Christmas, Charlie Brown anything, Altered States, Blazing Saddles, Beatles stuff, M Night Shalamayan (sp) But I'm a Cheerleader, Brain Candy, Birdy, Five Corners, John Water's Films, Kevin Smith Films, Bastard out of Carolina, Saved!, The Sound of Music, What the Bleep. . ., Adaptation, Virgin Suicides, I am Sam, Mind Walk, Mysterious Skin. . .
Metaphysical Poets Anthology, Anthem, Alchemist, Autobiography of a Yogi, Dictionary, Siddhartha, Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales, The Little Prince, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Celestine Prophecy, Dr. Seuss, Poe
Parents-- the concept and people who live up to the ideal. Paramahansa Yogananda, Wonder Woman and myself.