Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me."
(Emily Dickinson)
.."Then onward in my journey
I come to understand
that every hair is numbered
like every grain of sand."
~ Bob Dylan
Quotation for life artists:
"You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering." ~ Henri Frederici Amiel
I love Quetzalcoatl, La Pachamama, quantum physics, time and no-time, languages, cultures, the soaring of the Soul, translation, poetry, music, artistic expression...
Also, deja vecu/human consciousness - for explanation of deja vecu see..."Three Types of Deja Vu": http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~mdlee/dejavu.htm
I'd like to encourage you to participate in "A Deja Vu Survey": http://silenroc.com/dejavu/ It's ongoing, at least for now. (The artist of the picture above, "Portrait of Edward James, 1937", is Belgian surrealist painter René François Ghislain Magritte, b.1898 - d.1967.)
(Above) "Persistance De La Memoire", by Salvador Dali
(Above) Salvador Dali's 1943 "Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man"
"Espiralli's Pyrrhuloxia" (above)
"Through The Wall", by Espiralli (above)
"La Mujer Mejicana" (above) ~ Espiralli, 2006
(Above) "Oni-panoc ompa ic Tullan", Espiralli '07
Oni-panoc ompa ic Tullan = Yo pasaba por Tula = I was traveling through Tula.
Excerpt from "En la torre", (In the tower), by Pablo Neruda
"...Ésta es la torre desde donde veo
entre la luz y el agua sigilosa
al tiempo con su espada
y me apresuro entonces a vivir,
respiro todo el aire,
me enajena el desierto
que se construye sobre la ciudad
y hablo conmigo sin saber con quién,
deshojando el silencio
de la altura.
(Translation by Alastair Reid)
"...This is the tower from which I watch
between the light and the tight-lipped water,
time with its sword,
and then I rush to live,
I breathe all the air,
I am stunned by the desert
building up over the city
and I speak to myself without knowing who I am,
stripping the leaves from the silence
of the high places."
"Para quien y a quien en la sombra
mi gradual guitarra resuena
naciendo en la sal de mi ser
como el pez en la sal del mar?"
~ Pablo Neruda, Cantares
"For whom and to whom in the shadow
does my gradual guitar resound,
being born in the salt of my being
like the fish in the salt of the sea?"
~ Pablo Neruda, Songs
Who would I like to meet? Hmmmm...Federico Garcia Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Salvador Dali, Nezahualcoyotl, Gibran Jalil Gibran, Bob Dylan, Isaac Asimov, Zenna Henderson, Octavia Butler, Martin Luther King, Quetzalcoatl, Joan Baez, Michio Kaku, Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein, Mercedes Sosa, Black Elk, Jesus...the list goes on...artists, poets, musicians, physicists, deja vu researchers, deja vu'ers/vecu'ers, spiritual beings, translators, creative people young and old and in-between, homebodies, social butterflies, those that I came here to meet...those to whom my "gradual guitar resounds"...
(Above) "Mobius Band", by Michal Ludwicki
(Below) "Jimson Weed", by Georgia O'Keefe"Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time." - Georgia O'Keefe (1887 - 1986)
(Above) ".Cipher", by Bev Hodson (For more of Bev's artwork, see http://elusive.chaos-rules.com/) ..... Thanks for permission to post, Bev!
(Above) "Shaman Spider Woman", 1986, by SUSAN SEDDON BOULET (1941-1997)
Mitakuye Oyas'in
(please see http://www.nativeprogress.org/)
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." ~ Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)
and Theatre and Dance...
I follow Jessa's budding theatrical career with avid interest and much love.
(Below) Jessa ~ Belly Dance
February 3rd, 2007ATAHUALPA YUPANQUI (below)
Epoch of the Man
(Of The Gaucho Minstrel)
by Atahualpa Yupanqui
(Translation into English by Espiralli, 2006)
The cosmic particle that courses in my blood
is an infinite world of sidereal strength.
It came to me by way of a long millennial road
when, perhaps, I was sand for the air's feet.
Later on I was wood, a desperate root,
sunk in the silence of a waterless desert.
Later on I was a periwinkle, who knows where,
and to me the seas gave the original word.
Then human form unfurled over the world,
a universal banner of muscle and tear,
and blasphemy bloomed upon the ancient earth.
And saffron and lemon tree. Folksong and prayer.
Therefore, I came to America to be born as a Man,
and united the pampa, the forest, the mountain in me.
If one plain-dweller grandfather galloped to my cradle,
the other told me histories with his flute made of reed.
I do not study things, nor attempt to understand them.
I deny them, it is certain, for I dwelt in them, before.
I converse with leaves in the middle of mountains,
and secret roots their message upon me bestow.
And so I go through the world, without age or Destiny,
in the sanctuary of a cosmos that walks with me.
I love the light, and the river, and the road, and the star,
and I flower in guitars, because I was wood.
Tiempo del Hombre
(del Payador)
por Atahualpa Yupanqui
La partÃcula cósmica que navega en mi sangre
es un mundo infinito de fuerzas siderales.
Vino a mà tras un largo camino de milenios
cuando, tal vez, fui arena para los pies del aire.
Luego fui la madera, raÃz desesperada,
hundida en el silencio de un desierto sin agua.
Luego fui caracol, quién sabe dónde,
y los mares me dieron la primera palabra.
Después, la forma humana desplegó sobre el mundo,
la universal bandera del músculo y la lágrima,
y brotó la blasfemia sobre la vieja tierra.
Y el azafrán, y el tilo. La copla y la plegaria.
Entonces vine a America para nacer un Hombre,
y en mà junté la pampa, la selva y la montaña.
Si un abuelo llanero galopó hasta mi cuna,
otro me dijo historias en su flauta de caña.
Yo no estudio las cosas, ni pretendo entenderlas.
Las desconozco, es cierto, pues antes vivà en ellas.
Converso con las hojas en medio de los montes,
y me dan su mensaje las raÃces secretas.
Y asà voy por el mundo, sin edad ni Destino,
al amparo de un cosmos que camina conmigo.
Amo la luz, y el rÃo, y el camino, y la estrella,
y florezco en guitarras, porque fui la madera.
And here are the words to Victor's "LA MAMAQUILLA", which so often you'll hear playing on my page (someday I'll get around to translating this):
En el fondo de la noche hay un lamento
Una lagrima que brilla
En la palma de mi mano
Bajo la luz de Mamaquilla.
En el fondo del lamento hay una herida
Brota como una espina
Que acaricia a los labios
Y no me deja besar.
Mamaquilla tu iluminas lo que siento
Que las lágrimas son penas
La violenta agonÃa
Haber perdido sus labios.
Mamaquilla, la tierna melancolÃa
Ha embrujado a mi alma
El suspiro en la noche
El olvido de un amor.
Mamaquilla yo te miro y tu iluminas
Que las lágrimas son piedras
Se convierten en arenas
Y se pierden en el mar.
Mamaquilla te pregunto y tu me dices
Que las lágrimas se secan
En los ojos siempre queda
Imprimido el dolor.
(c) RDV Monasterio 2005
CUFFYand Chilca Juliana, Anayaham, Javier Otero, Elwoods Blue, Quodia, Violeta Parra, Mercedes Sosa, Silvio Rodriguez, Spanner Banner, and Renny - amongst many other musical MySpace Friends and other influences, yet to list and yet to come. So here's "The Ring", by Espiralli ---
Groundhog Day, A Beautiful Mind, Independence Day, and others. More later.
string theory...
Spiral Galaxy M100 (above), which looks much like our home galaxy, the Milky Way. (However, the Milky Way has a bar of stars, dust, and gas across its center.) Image credit: D. Hunter (Lowell Observatory) and Z. Levay (Space Telescope Science Institute), NASA.
Far too many to list all of my favorites, but here are a few of them at my fingertips:
*Next, by Michael Crichton
*Pilgrimage, by Zenna Henderson
*Black Like Me, by John Howard Griffin
*Manchild in the Promised Land, by Claude Brown
*Tertium Organum, by P.D. Ouspensky
*La Increible y Triste Historia De La Candida Erendira Y De Su Abuela Desalmada, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
*A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L'Engle
*We Have Always Lived in the Castle, by Shirley Jackson
*Mind of My Mind, by Octavia E. Butler
*Selected Poems and Letters of Emily Dickenson, Edited by Robert N. Linscott, 1959 Edition
*El Profeta, by Gibran Jalil Gibran, Editorial Origin Mexico 1972
*A Room of One's Own, by Virginia Woolf
*The Writing Life, by Annie Dillard
*Future Memory, by P.M.H Atwater
*A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking
*Stephen Hawking's Universe, by John Boslough
*The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
*The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes
*Those Who Watch, by Robert Silverberg
*Incredible Coincidence, The Baffling World of Synchronicity, by Alan Vaughan
*The Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra
*A Child's Garden of Verses, by Robert Louis Stevenson
*Aztec, by Gary Jennings
*Fully Empowered, by Pablo Neruda
*Eon, by Greg Bear
*La Biblia De Estudio Mundo Hispano, Antigua Version de Casiodoro De Reina (1569)
More later...maybe I'll post my wish list :-)
"Raphaelesque Head, Exploding" by Salvador Dali, 1951
"Deirdre", 1940. By Dorothea Tanning, American, b. 1910
MY GRANDMOTHERS (seven generations removed from me, who I feel prayed for me, who put the "Tribal Gotas de Sangre" in the creative sap of my family tree, one who died at the age of 35 in 1849, the mother of ten children...two of those children I'm descended from.)--- MY MOTHER (who died in 1997, at the age of 67, the mother of four children, including me - somewhat of a challenge.)--- MY BELOVED DAUGHTER, and all others who deal with, accept, and overcome the obstacles in Life.QUETZALCOATLJESUCRISTOEL ARBOL DE LA VIDA