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Healthy Wealthy & Spirit Wise

About Me

Jan 15, 2005 Aloha Gang,

I have three areas in life that I would like to hone, investigate, learn, teach, focus, change my mind and otherwise, blog and comment on......... Health-Wealth-SpiritualityIn each area, I thirst for more information. It's an ongong learning experience, so what I do and believe today, may change tomorrow. And I hope, that the same holds true for those that come on board.HEALTH-I subscribe to many journals, newsletters, authored articles and I love bringing these out for conversation, debate and or confirmation. I lean toward the holistic view of health (not just cutting, burning and taking care of symptoms), however, there are times when modern traditional medicine supercedes any unorthodox medicine, such as emergency response type medicine.WEALTH-I want to explore different ways to become financially independent. I currently work for a wonderful flooring company. The owner has been very good to me and given very specific advice in the past that has shaped and molded how my wife and I decided to bring up our two daughters.The other meaning of wealth is more on the spiritual side. Instead of monetary wealth, I also would like to expand my "wealth" in areas like friendship, relationship, human interaction and community service.SPIRITUALITY-In the broadest sense, I want to explore not religion, but all things spiritual. Once again, I subscribe to many sources of spiritual information which I like to share and discuss with myspacers.Of course I come with a biased opinion....I am a Christian. Yet, even this statement doesn't tell who I am and how I operate in life. To be more specific, I've also, in the past, been a Buddhist (Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai) and a Scientologist. And I've self-indulged in the readings of other "religions".So I do like to massage my brain in all three areas of life. I welcome confirmations, discussions, debate, arguments, and plain readings of my blogs. And I thrive on comments on these blogs.I love to subscribe to other people's blogs. I love to comment too!!! You'll always have an invitation to subscribe to my blogs page. If you haven't blogged, I'll be encouraging you. In fact I'll subscribe in advance, knowing one day, you'll take that blogging baby step. Oh, I'm a novelist when it comes to commenting.If you've been wondering how and why I've asked you into my circle of friends, perhaps it was your profile, perhaps the friends you keep, or maybe it was the pics that I viewed, or your interests.For a fast background of who I am and my family, visit the video library (just double click on the highlighted link). Spenze's Myspace Video LibraryFor a more in depth look, visit the blogs page below. Spenze's Blogs"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."--Zig ZiglarLastly, if you want to mingle with some of our active friends, besides the blogs area, you are welcome to join in our group Healthy Wealthy & Spirit WiseMahalo (thank you) for allowing me the opportunity to be part of your myspace.live love laugh follow your bliss stop the suffering keep on keepin on helpin you helpin me blessed to be a blessing use money & love people the way through is the way out at your service inC spenze.. make
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My Interests

Healthy Wealthy & Spirit Wise...Theme Explanation Healthy Coffee...our storyAdditional Ever Changing Programs

I'd like to meet:

Feb 24, 2007YOU!!! When the student is ready, the teacher appears!!! I'm an old dog but with the right biscuit and trainer, I think I can learn something from YOU!!!Are you one who has found the secret to being healthy by integrating modern medicine with folk, unorthodox, natural, holistic medicine? Are you in the process of, or are, a wealthy person, both financially and relationship wise? And are you able to meld health and wealth principles with a spiritual twist? Do you want to share the journey you are on? And for those that have not the above..... do you wish it, want it, need it, think it, intend it, strive for it? Perhaps we can walk this journey together, and share/experience each others hopes, dreams and aspirations!!!


A simple blog on my music interests...... click for blog link on music


Many notable movies watched. Too many to list here. In the last three years, most of our movies have been via DVD rentals from............ Netflix.com ..


“It’s not often you can combine entertainment with personal growth but that is exactly what The Spiritual Cinema Circle offers . These engaging films provide important messages about life, love and the world we live in.” — Jack Canfield


For a list of some books I've read (listened) please visit our blog link. click for blog link


View Verse of the Day ..

My Blog


VISITOR'S TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDShttp://www.gohawaii.com/http://www.aloha.com/~hvguide s/index.htmlhttp://www.hawaiihostels.com/http://www.keikibea ch.com/http://www.homeaway.com/http://www.merriemonarc...
Posted by spenze on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:59:00 PST

Occupation Keymaker/The Influence Index Conference

Aloha Myspace Gang,before i start on the main topic,i wanted to acknowledge a newcomer who,when he was invited by us to join our friends circle,really did peruse our front page profile.for way down at...
Posted by spenze on Tue, 22 May 2007 09:09:00 PST

Healthy Wealthy & Wise Corporation/Be A Life Coach

Howzit Gang,i was just checking my google position ranking and came across this company.wow, does anyone belong to, or know a bit about this company?just curious, since what it seems to have as a miss...
Posted by spenze on Mon, 21 May 2007 10:02:00 PST

Cofeee vs Healthy Coffee/A Clarification

Aloha Myspace Coffee Drinkers!!!for those that read the blog,then visited our coffee house...Spenze's Coffee Housemahalo, you got the whole story!for those that commented,it seems you might not have g...
Posted by spenze on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:13:00 PST

Coffee and Your Health

Aloha Myspace Gang,here's an article about the benefits of regular coffee.now combine the information below,with the benefits of 'healthy coffee' and hmmmm,do i see a synergistic product born out of a...
Posted by spenze on Sun, 20 May 2007 03:24:00 PST

It's Not My Job! LIttle Intentions Big Results

Aloha Myspace Gang,just taking a break from the Health and Wealth side of our three tier theme.on the spiritual path.....i find it intriguing that no matter what someone's beliefs or what group orcaus...
Posted by spenze on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:57:00 PST

A Mission Trip, Request for Contribution & Prayer

click for link to groupor for manual linkage....http://forum.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mes sageboard.viewThread&entryID=35154377&groupID=105705726&adTo picID=8&Mytoken=242D1A0D-4AD5-4682-BD86D55F...
Posted by spenze on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:49:00 PST

Military Moms...thanks ladies!!!

Aloha Myspace Gang....i had this blog and lost it and found it again.do you want to see a dedicated individual who has an amazing cause?!!!this is the myspace place where i borrowed this blog,and her ...
Posted by spenze on Mon, 14 May 2007 10:03:00 PST

Additional Ever Changing Programs We Are Involved In

Aloha Myspace Gang....and especially newcomers or visitors who happened on our front page.this blog link with change continuously as we add and delete ongoingprograms that will fund our philanthropic ...
Posted by spenze on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:48:00 PST


Window Utilitiesor for manual linkage.....http://www.software-street.com/?afl=18922Sublimi nal Powersor for manual linkage.... http://www.subliminal-power.com/?afl=18922Stop Smokingor for manual linkag...
Posted by spenze on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:59:00 PST