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German Bense Bossa Nova

.."isto é bossa nova, isto é muito natural"

About Me

"BARCO SIN PUERTO"Indira Briceño recording "Barco sin puerto", an old song of my own...thank you Indira!"Rosto de menina, rosto de mulher"
Lyrics, Music, Voice and Guitar by German Bense

"Rosto de menina, rosto de mulher" was performed by German Bense for the first time at Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 6 2007, in the "3er Encuentro de Bossa Nova en Argentina".





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Member Since: 7/12/2006
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Sounds Like: THE BOSSA NOVA AND GERMAN BENSE"Brazilian rhythms and vocal harmonies are performed with dexterity and passion by German Bense. A fabulous memento of Stan Getz's bossified era, the music faithfully imparts a sense of nostalgia, while retaining the unique blend of its Afro-Uruguayan style." (Editor's review at"...It has just enough off intonation in the male vocal line to remind one of the earnest offerings of Astrud Gilberto or her ex Giao (Joao Gilberto), and in a sense recalls the American Michael Franks with respect to smooth whisper quality. Overall excellent smooth jazz bossa nova worthy of any mellow cafe gathering or romantic mood..." (Lance-K at "Gods of Music")"...The combination of precise guitar, accoustic piano and poetic lyrics takes the listener to that special place which one only visits (if they are lucky enough) oncein a life time..." (Ed Drurry at RandomArtist)"...The chord progessions are so smooth and the vocals are very warm and relaxing. Much like a solo serenade for you and your loved one as you travel the sites and sounds of a lost getaway. Nobody but you,y our girl, and a soft voice keeping the mood "just right"..." (Justin Stone at "Gods of Music")GERMAN BENSE STEP BY STEP1963 - German Bense was born in Montevideo, Uruguay1977 - Begun piano and theory studies at the "Instituto Kölischer" (until 1979).1979 - Begun guitar and bass studies at the "Centro Musical Moderno" with the master Juan Lamas. Performs as guitarist in a bossa nova band that won the Uruguayan TV Conquest "Estudiantina".1981 - Performs in a dixieland band called "Luisiana Jazz Band".1982 - Begun his professional musician career performing guitar and bass guitar in Montevideo's night clubs. Wrote his first own songs that year. 1983 - Performs in a brazilian music band called "Turbilhao" that play the whole year in differents Montevideo's night clubs.1984 - Won the "Revelation Award" in the "Festival de La Paz", Canelones, Uruguay (Uruguayan Popular Music).1985 - Begun an ininterrupted activity at differents Montevideo's clubs (until 1995). The highlighted appareances of that period are the followings:-Guitarist, bassist and singer at "Clave de Fu", a legendary Montevideo's brazilian music night club. Integrates the "Fernado Torrado trio" (Clave de Fu owner) and co-write many songs with him (songs that are included in the Fernando Torrado's discography) -1986: Bass guitarist and arranger of the Mario "Chichito" Cabral band, mythical Uruguayan percussonist and composer. -Between 1992 and 1995 share with the Uruguayan singer Liese Lange a duo called "Bossa Nostra", since today remembered as a Montevideo music classic.1989 - Record and publish his first album, "Despues de todo", shared with the songwriter Jorge Alastra (Perro Andaluz Records).1990 - Record and publish his second album called "Quimera" (Perro Andaluz Records).1991 - Make a gigs series in wich he invites to share the scene others songwriters of his generation. They are: Claudio and Rossana Taddei, Jorge Alastra, Liese Lange and Jorge Drexler (who 14 years later won the "Oscar Award")1995 - Stop his musician professional activity for personal resons until the year 2000. 2000 - Inagurtes his first Internet music site at ""2001 - Record and publish his 3rd album (his first whole bossa nova album) called "Opus Bossa Nova" ( Records).2002 - Record and publish a new bossa nova album called "Desafinados como eu" ( Records). December2002: his songs "Barco sin puerto" and "A dream that to fullfil" reach the ..1 in the bossa nova and jazz charts. Return to the live performances in Uruguay.2004 - His song "Desafinados como Eu" is included in the music band of the film "Falling", by the New York independent Producer and Director Clayton Allis.2005 - Record and Publish his new bossa nova CD "Love Song in Vain" (Perro Andaluz Records).2006 - German Bense is invited to participate in the "2do Encuentro de Bossanovaenargentina" (unique event of these characteristics in the world made in Buenos Aires, Argentina), sharing the scene with Argentinian and Brazilian musicians and composers. He performs on 9 of April of 2006.2007 - In July German Bense presents his show again in Buenos Aires, in the "Club Lounge Buenos Aires" and in the "Centro Cultural del Sur", as part of the "3er Encuentro de Bossa Nova en Argentina". Also in this year, the Bense's song "The lack of love" is included in the soundtrack of the film "Butterfiles in the wind", by the US independent producer and director Vic Alexander. The premiere of that film was on September 29 in the "Ava Gardner Film Festival", Smithfield, North Carolina.In December 2007 Bense participates in the 3rd edition of the "Festival Internacional Mardelbossa" (Mar del Plata, Argentina), in where he shares the scene with outstanding Argentinian and Brazilian musicians.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Last weekend I have dedicate my song "What kind of love" to my New York friends.Ok, this week I will dedicate "Love song in vain" (song that gives the name to my last Cd) to my CALIFORNIA FRIENDS.Unli...
Posted by German Bense Bossa Nova on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:55:00 PST