Mo!!y profile picture


If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the profile that it's farthest from.

About Me

If you're going to spy on me properly, you may as well start at MY WEBSITE - :
About my MySpacing = there's only so much time in the day for internet socializing!!! Sometimes I log in just to accept friend requests and comments that aren't blatant adverts or glittery nonsense. If by some miracle I send you an add request, you caught my eye as someone I approve of as e-pal-worthy -- maybe someday we will cross paths, like when I lay silently under your car, waiting for you to get off work?

My inbox is CLOSED to non-friends until I can make a dent in the mass of messages haunting my sleep nightly... Hahaha... If you know me in "real life" please just call me!! If you want to know me, add me and send me a message!

Life is GOOD and SO unbelievably BUSY for me!!! I'm sort of a jackass of all trades, but 8,007 hobbies aside, I've been paying the bills with my decades-old career as a union actress and working model (AKA: a professional puppet).
I also volunteer for the amazing people at the LAPD Rampart Station -- perhaps coming from a need to do something that actually matters to the universe or belonging to a group of people I really, really admire.
I'm into costume construction (not polyester police bikinis and silkscreened plastic capes -- more like Erte meets Satan)
Lastly, when I'm not burning the candle at both ends with a blowtorch, I somehow became know as the "spider lady" or some such moniker for my decade or so as a "spidermom" to thousands of black widow spiders, tarantulas, and other miscellaneous 8 legged excitement I've had to rescue out of friends garages... Hahaha... From that experience, Widow Wear was born -- my jewelry line of wearable mactans specimens - formerly my pampered pets!!
I'm bright, funny, loyal, passionate, hopeful, generous, old-fashioned, silly, vulnerable, trustworthy, charming, glamorous, and have both feet planted firmly in reality. I hate cats (they are why God invented firecrackers) and the smell of vinegar, but the rest of the world generally makes me very, very happy.

My Interests

Guinea pigs,

science (forensics, entomology, natural history, gemology), DIY anything, petting dogs, good old fashioned etiquette,

eating fistfuls of foreign candies (good and bad), puzzles and brain teasers,

taking pictures in pretty party dresses, giving advice,

shooting guns, rollerskating, playing Tetris,

crawling through the LA sewer system covered in filth and armed to the teeth, Tokyo,

fashion, true crime, mischief, the fighting arts, shark attacks, stale air,

corset tightlacing,

grandmas, medical anomalies,

gothic lolitas, spy gadgets,

sewing wild costumes, my mini shrimp quiche,

raising armys of pet black widow spiders for my scientific curiosity (and jewelry line Widow Wear), AND recently RUNNING (anyone want to huff and puff with me?.

I collect oddities including

antique medical equipment,

geisha dolls with frightened or mischievous faces,

anything Darth Vader,

silly socks, pretty rocks,

dead bugs, and superfluous information.

I love intellect and invention as well as music and art -- but feel that most "modern" art is for curious children and slobbering retards. I'll go to any length to make someone laugh, pet a dog, or get all of my various friends over for a pizza.

I'd like to meet:

I'm not looking, but I am available to be found (inquire within).

I love running into my ancient friends from "back in the day" and meeting some new, quality people (especially girls) for fun and friendship only. If you want a play date, you may want to consider something like going to the shooting range, rollerskating, going running, or my ultimate weakness, bean burritos.

I'll accept requests from anyone who isn't an obvious loser or shitbag, join any group I'm invited to that isn't completely foul, and accept any comment that isn't glitter graphics, twelve feet wide, or a blatant ploy for free advertising about something I don't give a crap about. After all, it's just MySpace, but I do have my limits:

THOSE WITHOUT PROFILE PICTURES NEED NOT APPLY. I mean, SERIOUSLY... you have to at least put in the minimum amount of effort before you want to befriend me -- a picture of your foot, an animated cartoon turd, SOMETHING?!

KIDS NEED NOT APPLY. Just because I lead a pretty PG13 life, doesn't mean I want to be around a bunch of 13 year olds. Even if your profile only SAYS you're under 18, that means it's marked "Private" and I can't see any of it before I can make the decision to accept or deny you. And if you really are under 18, I don't think kiddies should be on an unsupervised playground of any type, so my "Deny" is a statement that sometimes doing the right thing starts with me.

WHORES, SLEAZEBALLS, AND FETISH PERVS NEED NOT APPLY. So far, I've been pretty successful in avoiding the blatantly desperate and horny cesspool of the e-world. I WILL NOT add, write back, or attach my profile to any of the plethora of ass-shot avatars or MySpace losers that just want me for their harem of bikini-clad, slack-jawed, and attention-starved "women" or "models" (I use both terms loosely) you collect with names like "SpreadEmWide," "Pink Taco," or "Satan's SeXXXtoy" (OR any of the af-whore-mentioned females). I am a normal, old fashioned girl with no current words to explain how embarrassed and disappointed I am for how gross and misguided this world has become. I assure you, my sexuality is completely off the public market -- I am NOT a fetish model, nor do I ever want to be, but if you truly feel like you are going to be the one to discover me, please CLICK ON THIS HANDY SUICIDE TUTORIAL AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS .

Now I'll get off my mile-high soapbox and hopefully one of my friends will rescue me with one of their stories that start with, "Molly is SOOO funny. This one time, she...."


Truthfully, I've been so overexposed to nightclubs (and I am a compulsive multi-tasker), so if I'm not on a dancefloor, I rarely listen to music anymore. I prefer KFI AM 640 (talk radio) than headbanging to some mindless beat in LA traffic all day. Information is music to my ears.

When I do get in a musical mood... GENERALLY = darkwave, electro, J-rock, some industrial (but not the new screeching guitar / speed metal crap), pc punk, synthpop, ambient techno, goth, dark 80's, and good old fashioned deathrock. SPECIFICALLY, well... I'm all over the map!! She Wants Revenge is my mostest favoritist right now. VNV Nation and Fugazi are my favorite for getting motivated. Born Against is a brilliant combination of anger and humor. The Faint, Massive Attack, Bowie, and Prince are dance-y and sexy. Chick Webb is romantic and old-fashioned. Ethel Merman is my kind of singer – in fact I love anything that I can sing at the top of my lungs that horrifies all within a two block radius. Malice Mizer is great at melding musical opposites (from metal to madrigal). Hahaha – say that five times fast!! Rudimentary Peni is silly. Front 242, Royksopp, Glenn Miller, Voltaire, Wolfsheim, Ladytron, Jane's Addiction, Bikini Kill, Fischerspooner, Johnny Cash, Benny Goodman, Skinny Puppy, Mount Sims, Pink Dots, Misfits, Smashing Pumpkins, Interpol, Soft Cell, Foreigner, Yendri, Econochrist, Death in June, Billie Holiday, Tones on Tail, Social Distortion, Chameleons, Foo Fighters, Love & Rockets, Echo & the Bunnymen, This Mortal Coil, Benny Bennasi, Depeche Mode, Pailhead, Covenant, Killing Joke, Duke Ellington, Franz Ferdinand, Colin Newman, Cure, Joy Division, Weekend Players, Journey, Killers, Cocteau Twins, Nation of Ulysses, Bauhaus, Lionel Ritchie, Apop, Portishead, Damned, Wumpscut, Jawbreaker, Radiohead, Smiths, DeVision, Creatures, NIN, Assemblage 23, Sisters of Mercy, Moby, Bel Canto, Ella Fitzgerald, Marilyn Manson, Woody Herman, Duran Duran, Fictional, and of course the gemmed genius of Leslie Hall. I mean, SERIOUSLY. (bows to Leslie's greatness)


Anything clever, thrilling, or ridiculous. Star Wars, Napoleon Dynamite, The Dark Crystal, Challenge of the Lady Ninja, Airplane, Old School, The Island, Indiana Jones, the original HG Wells' Time Machine, Catch Me if You Can, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones, Professional, Xanadu, The Ring, Collateral, Shining, Blade Runner, Signs, The Parent Trap, Office Space, Some Kind of Wonderful, Sybil, Pretty in Pink, The Village, The Forbidden Zone, and anything with Harrison Ford.


In order of obsession: Heroes, Prison Break, House, Lost, Top Model, Arrested Development, Malcolm in the Middle, Dr. Phil, Cops, X-Files, Mad TV, The Cosby Show, the surgery channel, animal rescue shows, old Twilight Zone, Oprah, the news, I Love Lucy, and of course any shows I'm on!!!


Anything murder, forensics, horror, true crime, or detective based -- from Sherlock Holmes to Stephen King. I love it when my mind races. My dad's book, The Mighty Tiger!!!!!


My grandma Dorothy for her impeccable femininity and strength, Leslie Hall for her confident style and humor, Irene Adler for her elusive intelligence and mystique, and Ruth Buzzy for "making it" with her clothes on.

My Blog

Insect Fair this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! May 17th and 18th.

This Saturday and Sunday is North America's largest bug fair right here in LA at the Natural History Museum.Whether you want to eat a barbecued cricket, see a 10" bird-eating tarantula, buy a collecto...
Posted by Mo!!y on Wed, 14 May 2008 08:41:00 PST

Guinea Pig Update!!

There's been a change in the pig lineup!!! Here's the lowdown:Guinea Pig Update Add to My Profile | More VideosAnd here the two brothers are:And lastly, something I can't live without:The...
Posted by Mo!!y on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 01:45:00 PST

HELP!!! - Help me name my lastest pets!

Alright... Most of you know I have quite a zoo over at my place, though nothing you can ever play with -- mostly black widows, venomous tarantulas, fishies with attitude problems, and a handful of ir...
Posted by Mo!!y on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:21:00 PST

Crap to do involving - Cops, Bugs, Nerds, Pics, & ME!!!!

Okey doke!!! There's a few things coming up this month that I want to invite y'all to so get out your calendar and pencil me in...This Saturday, May 12th, is the annual LAPD Rampart Station Open Hous...
Posted by Mo!!y on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:42:00 PST

New Pictures!!!

The whole story comes when I have more time later, but here's a sneak peak at my shoot with Ken Marcus today!!!...
Posted by Mo!!y on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:19:00 PST

ZILLIONS of Birthday Photos!!!

Finafreakingly! Here's the first batch of photos from my party parade! There are more out there that I haven't seen from other nights, so send them already!!!MALEDICTION SOCIETY NIGHT:Remy getting r...
Posted by Mo!!y on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:03:00 PST


All the pics from the birthday parade will end up on here next weekish (and if you have some, send them to me!), but here's the up-to-the-minute update:This Saturday (Aug 12th) is my fourth and final ...
Posted by Mo!!y on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:04:00 PST

YOU'RE INVITED -- My BIRTHDAY Bashes at the Blistering Beach and Creepy Club...

This birthday makes me SO old, I need TWO parties, and YOU'RE invited to BOTH!!!For all the general birthday spam, click on the ret hot invite, but here's the non-html basics...PART ONE --- Sunday, ...
Posted by Mo!!y on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 03:44:00 PST

My trip to the ER with Elyse... (warning - graphic photos!)

Well, I thought my adventure with Elyse last Tuesday deserved special mention and LOTS of gorey photos!Here's Elyse and I on a good day: and here's a pic of us in the ER last week: The amazing thing i...
Posted by Mo!!y on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 02:03:00 PST

HUGE ASS GARAGE SALE TOMORROW Hollywood/Silverlake/Glendale

We simply couldn't get it all to the last one, so... a handful of us are converging one final time to offer you untold treasures (and a bunch of cheap crap) for our sweltering sidewalk sale!!! Vintage...
Posted by Mo!!y on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:04:00 PST