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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Which Spongebob Squarepants character are you???

Meow. You are a pet and live to please your master.
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My Interests

My family, and MOLTEN HOT GLASS AND FIRE!!!! Those are my first 3 passions. I Love to lampwork and create glass beads, sculptures, and marbles from glass rods and a torch. The creating with glass is my sanctuary and my therapy - without it, I go a little nuts. I also dabble in creating sterling silver jewelry and components to compliment my glass bead creations. I recently got a tumbler for polishing my silver so I'm planning more and more things that I want to make! I just love to create with my hands. It's what keeps me sane! I've gotten a new torch after 10 years (think it was about time???) -a Bethlehem Piranha. I LOOOVVVVEEEE her! So versatile and it's the perfect torch for me. I'm still having a blast with it! I love to garden, also and have worked hard to create some kind of a nice garden of perennials in my back and front yard. I would love to have a garden full of movement - art pieces that move with the wind. For now, I use a lot of tall grasses to achieve the movement effect. I'm planning to create a zen/yoga garden in a shady spot undera a tree in my yard. I even got moss for mother's day so it can go into the garden. ( I know, I'm weird.....who gets excited over moss???

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GD,DMB, John Mayer, Sting's new it.... Some local music, Oh, man, am I supposed to list everything that I love??? Too many to mention. I love and toured with the Dead for quite a few years (quite a few years ago). Those were the best times of my life and I do miss them. I miss Jerry the most. I'm all over the place with music. I love almost everything, but don't play 99% of rap or contemporary music for me. Think people need to search their brains and come up with some lyrics and music that hasn't already been made and I'm tired of hearing how many women you had at "da club". :p I have many VERY TALENTED musician friends who have consistently opened my world up to all sorts of music, and I'm grateful for that. You all know who you are and thank you so much!!!


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TV I cannot live without - The Simpsons and Spongebob Squarepants. Fine, go ahead and laugh ... I'm a grown woman and my two favorite shows are cartoons. :) I love House - that's about the only real show I make sure I catch every week. If I can, I watch the wife swap shows because I like to see prissy women freak out and have a meltdown ;)


Siddartha (Herman Hesse) is my favorite book. I also loved A Million Little Pieces - even despite the fact that most of it turned out to be a farce - it still hit really close to home and was a very emotional read for me.

My Blog

Whats the haps...

Ahh.... the sun is shining, the birds are singing and I'm looking forward to more gardening in some lovely 74 degree weather today, but before I do, I just had to drop in here and update my blog. ...
Posted by Kristen on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:21:00 PST

Why drinking and driving DON’T MIX!!! Pics in my pic page......

TO begin, I have stupidly drank and drove in my 20's more than a few times to call myself lucky - more like watched out for.  I don't drink at all anymore, and now have a pretty big mouth ab...
Posted by Kristen on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 11:56:00 PST

Summer’s over :( .... back to school - YAY!

Wow, another whole summer flew by!  I think the last time I posted was Memorial Day and now it's just past Labor day.  Could you tell that being on the computer in the summer just isn't my t...
Posted by Kristen on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 12:10:00 PST

Remember Memorial Day !!

Have a great Memorial Day and enjoy your extra day off - but don't forget to give a little thanks for those who have fought and are fighting oversesas now. No matter what your political views on the w...
Posted by Kristen on Mon, 28 May 2007 08:28:00 PST

Oh yeah....forgot to tell you...

I forgot to tell you my stupid part of getting the whole water feature going this weekend!  So I've decided on Saturday that I'm going to get going on this project of digging out my old, scraggl...
Posted by Kristen on Mon, 28 May 2007 08:15:00 PST

My Zen Garden water feature is FINALLY IN!!!!

(The pictures that accompany this blog are in "My Pics" cuz I'm too lazy to publish them elsewhere to add them onto the Well, it's FINALLY in!! After literally about 2 years of planning fo...
Posted by Kristen on Mon, 28 May 2007 07:34:00 PST

How time flies!!! Also...a message to the "Cabin Retreat"ers that I'm missing this weekend!

It doesn't seem like 6 years has gone by, but my little girl is celebrating her 6'th birthday next week!!  Where did all that time go?  Seems like I turned around and she's like 3 & 1/2 ...
Posted by Kristen on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:14:00 PST

Hey, Psycho, it's only slander if it's untrue!

I'm simply defending my character because someone I knew for so long decided to get uppity and then psychotic - calling me a liar and calling my friends and family to try and convince them of the same...
Posted by Kristen on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:44:00 PST

ALRIGHT, I"VE HAD IT WITH YOU!!!!! You are officially PSYCHO!

Alright, I've absolutely had it with your PSYCHO ASS!!!  You're going to call my family crying about what I write, then stop saying and doing BULLSHIT to me - don't read my blog, and stop writing...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 05 May 2007 12:36:00 PST

Leaving well enough alone

Well, after MANY weeks of trying to put all of this hurtful stuff between me and the person I've blogged about behind me, I was informed that here she comes stirring the pot - again.  What's the ...
Posted by Kristen on Wed, 02 May 2007 10:42:00 PST