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About Me

Era l'Ottava meraviglia del Mondo. Una mecca di folli e di magia. La Camelot del popolo scintillante e dei paparazzi. Al numero 254 Ovest della Cinquantaquattresima Strada a Manhattan, tra la Settima e l'Ottava Avenue era situato il locale di cui per tre anni si è piu'parlato e scritto al mondo. Quello che ha fatto piu'scandalo. Perche' tutti volevano andare allo Studio 54. La gente lo scopriva dai giornali che mostravano le foto dell'interminabile corteo di celebrita'che sfilavano attraverso quel vestibolo ricoperto di tappeti, delimitato da alberi di fico alti sei metri. Sentiva parlare dai baccanali orgiastici che un pubblico in preda alle droghe inscenava nelle zone riservate del locale, e dei favolosi megaparty a tema. La ciliegina sulla torta? Tutto cio' succedeva al pulsante ipnotico, elettrizzante e carezzevole della piu' potente e orgogliosa disco music. Se La febbre del Sabato Sera e' stato il film epitome dell'intera epoca disco, lo Studio 54 e' stato lo stesso a livello di club. In realta'nonostante la bravura del deejay fisso Richie Kaczor, per i ballerini piu' accaniti c'erano posti migliori dove andare a passare la notte, illuminati da impianti luci impressionanti, come quelli del 12 West, dell'Infinity o dell'Ice Palace, per esempio. Ma lo Studio 54 era la Bengodi per gli hipster piu' estremi, per i cacciatori di star, per i voyeur, per i mondani a tutti i costi. Non era mai successo prima - e non sarebbe piu' successo - che superstar e gente comune si mescolassero in un simile armonioso accordo sull'altare della disco music. Perchè una volta superate le famigerate transenne di velluto e traversate le imponenti porte d'ingresso, il tempo si fermava. Eri giovane per sempre e, nonostante il famoso adagio, domani non era un altro giorno, ma era sempre il perpetuo, favoloso presente.Tutto era cominciato con Steve Rubell, figlio di un impiegato delle poste di Brooklyn che arrotondava facendo il maestro di tennis. Rubell - pelle olivastra e occhi scuri - divento'a sua volta un tennista "classificato" per compiacere il padre, ma non ebbe mai passione per questo sport, come non amava i corsi di economia che seguiva alla Syracuse University. Nel '71 Steve ottenne il suo primo lavoro dirigendo un ufficio di mediazioni finanziarie a Wall Street, ma nemmeno qui si trovo' a suo agio e fini' per mollare. A quel punto si fece prestare 13.000 dollari dagli sconcertati genitori e apri'una bisteccheria a Rockville Center, Long Island. Suo partner nell'impresa era l'agente immobiliare Ian Schrager con cui Rubell aveva familiarizzato all'universita , dopo che aveva scoperto che era cresciuto nella sua stessa zona a Brooklyn. Nel 1974 il duo guidava gia' quattro ristoranti, ma la cosa non bastava all'inquieto Rubell che voleva qualcosa di piu' dalla vita. Cosi'i due decisero di trasformare uno dei loro Steak Loft - quello di Douglaston, nel Queens - in una discoteca chiamata Enchanted Garden, nella speranza di sfruttare la voga disco che si stava diffondendo. Ma i rumori molesti prodotti dal locale sollevarono le proteste degli abitanti dei dintorni e il locale fu presto costretto a chiudere. Ormai comunque era troppo tardi: Rubell era stato punto e contagiato dall'insetto della disco. Nel frattempo a Manhattan prendevano forma gli eventi che avrebbero avuto stupefacenti effetti sulla sua vita. Uva Harden, un indossatore proveniente da Amburgo, aveva sempre sognato di aprire un club capace di scioccare la Grande Mela. Dopo aver sposato l'attrice Barbara Carrera, aveva scovato un edificio vuoto sulla Cinquantaquattresima Strada, perfetto per il suo progetto.Lo stabile era stato costruito nel 1927 e aveva funzionato durante la Grande Depressione come San Carlo Opera House, era stato poi convertito durante gli anni Trenta nel teatro-ristorante Casino de Paris e infine trasformato in teatro di posa televisivo della CBS nel decennio successivo. I seguitissimi spettacoli What's My Line?, The $64.000 Question e Captain Kangaroo erano stati tutti realizzati in quello che allora era chiamato Studio 54, dal numero civico di un ingresso situato sulla Cinquantaquattresima Strada. Quando la CBS si trasferi' a Hollywood, l'edificio fini in stato di abbandono, finchè Harden non lo affitto'nel 1976, cominciando a darsi da fare per trasformarlo in una discoteca. Finito perchè rapidamente a corto dei fondi necessari per finanziare l'impresa Harden, in preda al panico, si rivolse all'amica Carmen D'Alessio, una promoter di party. La D'Alessio presento'Harden a Rubell e Schrager, che aveva conosciuto quando i due l'avevano ingaggiata per lanciare una festa a tema all'Enchanted Garden. Dopo una lunga contrattazione Harden fu liquidato da Rubell e Schrager, che riuscirono a mettere insieme i 400.000 dollari necessari all'investimento, divisi in tre quote, una delle quali detenuta dal loro "socio silenzioso", il magnate del commercio Jack Dushey. Lo Studio 54 fu concepito e progettato in sei settimane dal gay Rubell e dall'etero Schrager perchè diventasse il piu'esclusivo e affascinante night-club di tutti i tempi. L'arredamento barocco degli interni originali fu salvato, restaurato e abbellito.I 1.800 metri quadrati della pista da ballo vennero bombardati da uno spiegamento di 54 differenti effetti luce, fiamme di stoffa svolazzanti, strisce di alluminio che ondeggiavano, neon rotanti, luci stroboscopiche e torri di riflettori colorati che diffondevano luci intermittenti e che si alzavano e si abbassavano sui mille ballerini che potevano accalcarsi sulla pista. Bufere di neve sintetica investivano l'intero spazio e palloni di varie fogge e dimensioni venivano lanciati in momenti prestabiliti. Il celebre Uomo sulla Luna veniva fatto scendere all'acme dalla frenesia notturna per offrire ai presenti lo scintillante contenuto di un cucchiaino d'argento. Tutto era un perfetto esempio di come Rubell si prendesse gioco delle convenzioni, esibendo al mondo i peccatucci illegali consentiti tra le pareti di un club esclusivo. Un'ardita strategia che avrebbe provocato la distruzione dell'impresa, ma che all'inizio costitui'un gioco rischioso ed eccitante. La discoteca fu inaugurata la gelida sera del 26 aprile 1977 e sconvolse immediatamente il mondo dei night-club. Non era un locale qualsiasi: l'aura incandescente che lo circondava e la sua eccentrica collocazione nel cuore della cultura pop fecero subito apparire lo Studio 54 come qualcosa di speciale. Era la prima volta che le foto di personaggi celebri apparivano sulle prime pagine dei giornali per nessun'altra ragione che per quella di aver passato la notte al "54".L'immagine di Bianca Jagger che galoppava su uno stallone bianco all'interno del club in occasione del suo party di compleanno fu solo la prima di una serie di sbalorditive istantanee che la gente comune divorava, sognando di potersi un giorno spingersi tra le sacre mura di quel santuario. Non era facile. Lo Studio 54 fu la prima discoteca a promuovere l'odiatissima politica della selezione all'ingresso. Il fatto di andare li con in tasca i dieci dollari del biglietto non significava automaticamente che si fosse sicuri di entrare. Di certo si doveva sostare dietro quelle intimidatorie transenne di velluto, mentre il gran capo dei buttafuori Marc Benecke, o il suo vice Al Corley (futura star di Dinasty e cantante HI-NRG di Square Rooms), decideva se eri abbastanza bello, abbastanza oltraggioso o abbastanza famoso per essere ammesso. Rubell chiamava questa procedura "pulire l'insalata". Non voleva che nessun gruppo fosse prevalente all'interno della pista da ballo e aveva istruito il personale alla porta affinchè venisse introdotta una quantita' equilibrata di neri, travestiti, celebrita', gente normale, modelle, gente dei sobborghi, sballati e anziani. Se ti chiamavi Andy Warhol, Liza Minnelli, Truman Capote, Halston, Calvin Klein e Diana Ross, l'ingresso era automatico. Ma le transenne di velluto si aprivano come il mar rosso di fronte a Mosè anche se eri uno di quei tipi fantastici con un proprio stile inimitabile come Disco Sally, il settantottenne ex avvocato che era anche un ottimo ballerino di hustle. O come Potassa, il travestito spagnolo, o la Rollerina la stella dei pattini. Tutti gli altri - "la gente grigia", secondo la definizione di Rubell - dovevano mettersi in fila e sperare. Non ti sei sbarbato? Te lo puoi scordare! Indossi un coordinato in poliestere? Vattene e non tornare piu'!Durante una storica notte fu rifiutato l'ingresso persino a Cher. Rubell sapeva che non si rendeva esclusivo il club, piu' la gente avrebbe fatto follie per entrare. Sapeva anche che la folla ammucchiata fuori dal locale era parte integrante della messinscena disco, né piu'né meno dello spettacolo d'elite all'interno.Uno scenario da incubo che venne stilizzato ironicamente da Dario, Can You Get Me into Studio 54? la canzone di Kid Creole and the Coconuts, di cui usci'anche una cover di D'ANA and Gene. Si racconta di coppie costrette a separarsi, nell'impossibilita' di entrare insieme. Perfino due in viaggio di nozze, arrivati alla porta si sentirono dire che solo l'uomo poteva entrare. E lui lascio'la mogliettina fuori al freddo! Quel che è peggio, lei rimase ad aspettarlo all'uscita. Certi buttafuori abusavano del loro potere in modo fascista; come la volta in cui due ragazze furono costrette a spogliarsi in pieno inverno e dovettero essere ricoverate in ospedale coi capezzoli congelati. Furono intentate cause contro i buttafuori da parte di banchieri di Wall Street inferociti perché gli era stato negato il permesso di entrare. Alcuni si arrampicavano sui muri degli edifici vicini per sgattaiolare dentro attraverso i lucernari. Qualcuno cerco' di penetrare attraverso un condotto d'aria, vi rimase incastrato e fu rinvenuto cadavere qualche settimana piu' tardi, dopo che la puzza per la decomposizione aveva invaso l'edificio. La plebe disco moriva letteralmente dalla voglia di entrare. Tutto il fenomeno venne alla fine ridicolizzato dai suoi stessi inventori, quando il club entro' nel mercato dell'abbigliamento, pubblicizzando una linea di jeans con lo slogan "Non tutti possono entrarci".Ma una volta entrati nel Sancta Sanctorum, si era parte alla piu' esclusiva serata del mondo. Avevate superato la prova di iniziazione del Guardiano della Porta, avevate spalancato il Sipario di Velluto e volevate che tutti gli altri adepti lo sapessero. E se non eravate esattamente dello spirito adatto per partecipare a un'orgia degna degli antichi romani, Rubell era pronto a mettervi a disposizione gli omaggi della casa per trasformare la serata in uno schianto. Qualunque fosse il vostro vizio il matre del locale era pronto a soddisfarlo. Droghe? Potevate scegliere tra qualunqe, marijuana, hashish, polvere degli angeli, eroina e cocaina. "Assaggia la coca..." - nel '77 tutti erano convinti non desse assuefazione... Sesso? O rimorchiavi uno sconosciuto in pista (bastava dire "ciao!" a qualcuno per avere libero accesso alla sua cerniera lampo), oppure chiedevi a uno dei ragazzi del bar - gay, eterosessuali o bisex, nudi fino alla cintola - di accompagnarti nella zona della balconata dove potevi farlo nella penombra, continuando ad ammirare lo spettacolare fermento giu'nella pista. Potevi fare come i personaggi celebri e accomodarti nel seminterrato, sempre sottoposto a stretta vigilanza, dove non c'era pericolo di essere disturbati da occhi indiscreti o da fotografi camuffati. Rubell sapeva che nel progetto Studio 54 il sesso aveva la stessa importanza dell'impianto luci e faceva di tutto per incoraggiarlo. Persino nei gabinetti, dove potevi fottere o farti fottere sul water in tutta tranquillita'Lo Studio 54 divento'famoso anche per i suoi party a tema. Non c'era limite a quanto erano disposti a spendere Rubell e Schrager per trasformare il loro club in un ambiente totalmente diverso. Ci fu una notte in chiave Folies Bergère, completa di motociclisti acrobati e trapezisti seminudi. Ci fu una serata in cui quelli che riuscivano a entrare venivano accolti da venti violinisti che suonavano una serenata a chiunque sbucasse dal corridoio. Una volta, in occasione della festa di compleanno di Tina Chow, moglie del ristoratore Michael Chow, lo spazio fu trasformato in una strada di Shangai. Per non parlare delle serate di gala in cui si esibivano Grace Jones, il travestito Angel Jack o il balletto gay. O la festa per la premiere di Grease. Nessuno sapeva che cosa avrebbe ancora escogitato Rubell e fin dove si sarebbe spinto per continuare a stupire i suoi ospiti. Un carnevale di Rio, un luau hawaiiano, un safari africano? Tutto cio'che faceva parte del fascino cool del posto, che trasformava lo Studio 54 in una sorta di "fantasyland" felliniana dove rifugiarsi lasciandosi alle spalle, dietro le porte girevoli del locale, lo sconcertante paesaggio anni Settanta. Tutti sapevano che non poteva durare. Era troppo meraviglioso, troppo esagerato e troppo illegale. Le prime avvisaglie dell'incombente disastro si ebbero con la rivelazione che lo Studio 54 non aveva una licenza permanente per gli alcolici. Ogni santo giorno Rubell doveva richiedere una licenza provvisoria di ventiquattr'ore, procedura che costituiva gia'di per sé una flagrante violazione della legge.Ma un giorno Rubell semplicemente si dimentico'di avviare la trafila e gli fu immediatamente proibito di vendere alcol all'interno del locale, gettando nello sconforto la clientela del locale. Dopo aver chiesto aiuto ad alcuni dei personaggi influenti che frequentavano lo Studio, il bellicoso avvocato di Rubell, Roy Cohn, trovo' un giudice disposto a lasciar cadere l'ordinanza. Ma da quel momento in poi le autorita' cominciarono a tenere d'occhio il locale. Non dovettero attendere molto prima che Rubell incappasse in un'altra gaffe, causata principalmente dalla sua arroganza. In un'intervista al New York Magazine Rubell arrivo' infatti a dichiarare: "I profitti del club sono astronomici. Solo quelli della Mafia ci superano!". La cosa attiro' l'attenzione di Frank Trattolillio della divisione criminale dell'Erario, e, in coincidenza con una denuncia per evasione fiscale la parte di un ex-dipendente, fu emesso un mandato di perquisizione firmato dal pubblico ministero Peter Sudler. Il raid allo Studio 54 ebbe luogo alle 9.30 di mattina del 14 dicembre 1978. Quaranta agenti perquisirono il locale sotto lo sguardo sconcertato dei dipendenti riuniti in attesa di ricevere la paga. Furono rinvenuti doppi libri contabili e sacchi pieni di denaro nascosti dappertutto. A Schrager fu trovata una busta di cocaina nel borsello e sia lui che Rubell vennero arrestati. Neppure la diabolica astuzia di Cohn poté salvarli quando si scopri' che non avevano denunciato piu' di un terzo degli introiti, pagando soltanto 8.000 dollari di tasse sul reddito per l'intero 1977. Dopo una richiesta di patteggiamento sul procedimento per frode fiscale, l'imputazione a Schrager per detenzione di cocaina fu lasciata cadere e i due furono condannati a tre anni e mezzo di detenzione. Le autorità ritennero infatti che era necessario dare un esempio di severita', per mettere in guardia dalle trasgressioni gli altri proprietari di discoteche. il primo febbraio 1980 Rubell e Schrager furono incarcerati al Metropolitan Correctional Centre - naturalmente dopo una favolosa festa intitolata Going-Away-To-Prison (partendo per la prigione) allo Studio 54. Anche i proprietari erano dietro le sbarre, almeno per un po gli affari continuarono ad andare avanti.Ma dopo il 28 febbraio 1980, scaduta la licenza, il club rimase chiuso per quindici mesi. Ormai in brutte acque finanziarie, Rubell fu costretto a vendere il locale e dalla prigione Rubell ne contratto' la cessione all'albergatore Mark Fleischman, per cinque milioni di dollari piu' il pagamento delle tasse arretrate del club. Fleischman divenne cosi' il nuovo proprietario dello Studio 54, mantenendo Rubell e Schrager nel ruolo di consulenti. Trasferiti alla Maxwell Airforce Base in Alabama per scontare la pena, Rubell e Schrager furono liberati il 21 gennaio 1981, dopo aver passato in carcere meno di un anno, anche perché avevano collaborato con le autorita', fornendo informazioni sulla gestione di altre discoteche, in particolare su Maurice Brahms, il proprietario del club rivale New York New York. Il ritorno alla bagarre del mondo discotecaro fu duro per entrambi. Gli ex componenti di quello che era stato soprannominato il "duo cosmico" si ritrovavano ora come due semplici stipendiati, per di piu' evitati da tutti, dal momento che la gente temeva di venire compromessa dalla loro cattiva reputazione. Inoltre il movimento "Disco Sucks" guadagnava terreno, in città il punk era ormai fenomeno di tendenza, l'Aids cominciava a manifestarsi in forme allarmanti, i nottambuli - ormai esausti - se ne stavano a casa e c'erano chiari segni di rottura nella cultura popolare, che stava prendendo rapidamente le distanze dallo spavaldo edonismo anni Settanta. Inizialmente lo Studio 54 continuo' ad essere affollato. La gente ci andava spinta dalla curiosita' e dato che ormai era solo un business e non piu' uno stile di vita, tutti potevano entrare.Ben presto l'alone di magia spari',le celebrita'smisero di frequentarlo e gli anni Ottanta ne sbiadirono il lustro. Un numero sterminato di procedimenti legali lasciava chiaramente intendere che il club non sarebbe durato a lungo. E la chiusura arrivo' poco dopo che Fleischman lo cedette in gestione a un altro consorzio, a sua volta convinto di poterne ancora sfruttare il nome. Tre mesi piu' tardi lo Studio 54 non esisteva piu', Rubell e Schrager tentarono di ricreare l'atmosfera e la mistica dello Studio 54 al Palladium, che apri' i battenti nel 1985. Ma l'operazione non riusci'. Ormai per i frequentatori dei club mainstream l'era disco era tramontata e a quel punto i due imprenditori pensarono bene di riciclarsi nel nascente mercato dell'industria alberghiera. Grazie all'aiuto e all'esperienza di Fleischman aprirono a New York una serie di Hotel alla moda, come il Morgans e il Royalton. Ma il 25 luglio 1989 Rubell mori' di Aids a soli quarantacinque anni. La sua pietra tombale reca la scritta "The Quintessential New Yorker" e i partecipanti al suo funerale passarono tra due transenne di velluto accuratamente presidiate. Schrager é attivo ancora oggi nell'industria alberghiera. Lo Studio 54 é stato il punto piu' alto del mondo disco, un colossale fuoco d'artificio che ha reso incandescente il cielo di Manhattan prima di esaurirsi nel bagliore ipocrita dei riflettori di quegli stessi media che tanto avevano fatto per crearlo. Come suo epitaffio rimangono la discoteca a tema che porta il suo stesso nome a Las Vegas, alcuni versi sparsi di canzoni popolari dell'epoca (Fashion Pack di Amanda Lear, Le Freak di Chic), Il libro The Last Party di Anthony Haden Guest e il film Studio 54. Ma per coloro che tra quelle mura hanno ballato, ansimato e sudato, che li' si sono stravolti e hanno fatto sesso, il "54" resta soprattutto un'esperienza indimenticabile. Il punto d'origine di un'infinita' di leggende disco urbane.

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Nicky Siano is a pioneer of the dance music scene in the early seventies. He inspired and launched the careers of Grace Jones, D.C. La Rue, Loleatta Holloway, Larry Levan and Frankie Knuckles. Nicky’s career began in 1971 and within one year, at the age of seventeen, he opened his own club, The Gallery. New York Daily News named him “the city’s best DJ,” Women’s Wear Daily called him “a genius behind the turntables,” and New York Magazine called his club, The Gallery, “one of the five most visually breathtaking nightspots of our time.” Grace Jones and Loleatta Holloway both made their debut appearances at his legendary nightspot. His talent for spotting a great record or talented singer was proved by the amount of big records and great artists he discovered. Through out the seventies the Gallery was New York’s most famous underground club, which regularly delighted large crowds for most of the decade with the true meaning of a party.It was no coincidence that when Steve Rubelle opened Studio 54 he chose Nicky as one of the two original DJ’s. Continuing his work at the Gallery on the weekends, Nicky weaved his magic during the week at many legendary clubs, including Le Jardin, The Grand Ballroom, Galaxy 21, The Limelight, Enchanted Gardens, Hurrah, The Botel, The Buttermilk Bottom and, of course, Studio 54.As one of the most ground breaking pioneers and sought after Dj’s of the era, the natural progression was production.In 1977, he became the first DJ to produce a record-- the underground classic “Kiss Me Again” on Sire Records, which sold more than 300,000 copies. In 1983, Nicky produced and wrote the top ten--dance classic “Pick It Up.” He recent year’s he has mixed “Believe In Yourself” by Melissa Morgan, “I’m Comin’” By Taana Gardner, “Pillow Talk” by Jazzhole, “Tiger Stripes” by Nicky Siano and produced a new album, titled “Live My Life”. From 1984 until 1998, Nicky worked with people with AIDS. He returned to the turntables at 'Body and Soul' for Larry Levan’s Birthday celebration, July 1998. That one appearance returned him to music full time. Since then he has played worldwide events in Moscow, Stockholm, London, Copenhagen and Sydney to name but a few. As well as the hit party, “Twelve West” in New York, at the Cheetah club which, was heralded by New York Magazine, The Village Voice, Time Out, Hx, Next, Flyer, DJ Times and Paper Magazine as the party of the year His Australian tour in March of 2003 sold out 6 arena's in 4 cities, each to capacity This year 2004, Nicky is featured in “Maestro”, the documentary which is playing around the world and chronicling the life and times of Larry Levan, Nicky Siano's protégé (Schedule available at Tim Lawrence's new book, “love saves the day”, the definitive book on the seventies dance music scene, Nicky's career is covered in detail. The book released in February 2004 is already being sought for movie rights. And, to make the year even more exciting, Soul-Jazz Records has signed Nicky to do a Gallery compilation, which will consist of the best rare club classics that Nicky played and made famous through out the clubs life. All tracks are pre-1974, so watch this space for worldwide release parties.This year also saw Nicky launch his record label “Inspira records” [] and the first release “Smoking it” by Automagic is a dance floor staple at Dave Mancuso’s famous “Loft” parties and many other major clubs. The new release “Love Serenade” by Marlon Saunders has been added play-lists of 78 radio stations around the world. Nicky is also features in MTV/VH1’s star studded documentary “the day disco ruled the world”, which is being aired world wide, and received a lot of attention for Nicky, as one of the main personalities and comic relief’s of the show. And if that was not enough, “The Gallery Movie”, a film shot at the Gallery 1975-77, featuring dance scene's beyond current experience, is being editedfor release early 2005. The footage has never been seen, and is attracting a lot of attentionalready state side. His screenplay, "Dance", covering the development of the dance music industry from 1971 until 1981, is currently being reviewed by severalstudios. His writings include several articles, and 'No Time To Wait', thebest selling AIDS manual. The 'Experience Music Project Museum', in Seattle, opened their new exhibit,Dance: A Decade Of Saturday Nights, devoted to the seventies dance movement,in November of 2002. Nicky is featured in the exhibit, and his memorabiliais on loan to the museum for the duration of the exhibit (through June 2003at EMP, scheduled to travel the world over the next three years). Nicky played for the launch party of the exhibit (Nov 2002), and the recording of that night is being considered for a live album by several record labels.
*Nicky's star is rising once again, behind the turntables, on vinyl, in print, and soon on the screen. He plays regularly, touring and at home, and he continues to be a regular topic in the press.
* "Nicky Siano invented the segue." New York Magazine's 35th Anniversary issue, April 2003.
* Nicky is named as one of the "100 People who Changed New York."
*"Nicky Siano IS dance music." (Play Magazine, March 2003) Australian Tour.
*DJ Legend Nicky Siano remains an important figure in the music industry. (Time Out magazine, September 2001
*Nicky Siano, the legendary Studio 54 DJ, finally returns with a new weekly party.
*Nicky concentrates on the vibe rather than the classics of an era. One of the most welcome parties in recent years. (Flyer magazine, April 1999)

Ivan Iacobucci
- 37 anni,dj da 24. Corre veloceinsieme al suo amore per la musica, insieme alla suenote funk ,soul,alle vibrazioni,quelle black epositive della hot garage dei tempi ...e ce lafa'....!!!E' il 1988, un locale che sotto il nome diLex club dice poco a chi oggi lo conosce comeCocorico'' avviene la sua consacrazione a DJportabandiera del suono italiano nel mondo.L'Italiadi certo non sempre ti accoglie,non sempre tiaiuta.Percorre la sua strada in salita e si confermain cima quando fermandosi un attimo e guardandosiindietro vede le sue numerose collaborazioni...e inomi sono tanti :Loleatta Holloway, AlexanderO'neal, Juan atkins, Gloria Gaynor e Isack Eyes, LeeJones (ex Imagination), Instinct, Cappella, MichaelWatford, Sabrynaah Pope, barbara Tucker, Inayaday......... Investe nella sua etichetta,la Hole Records,produce,remixa ma ancora una volta è li'che sistraconferma,dietro ai piatti,alla consolle,è lapassione del vinile e per la gente!La festa per luiè la fusione di questo...e ce lo racconta lui stessoche attraverso un suo dj set ci abbraccia con caldevoci,ci culla 4/4 di puro HOt style made in chicagoper poi farci correre nelle inversioni di marcia inun controsenso tutto da sua electroroad...! L'umilta'di parlare di grande musica e vecchiricordi insegna come il lungo viaggio itinerante diun dj che ha fatto del suonare la sua vita, dei suidischi le sue parole, della gente i portatori sanidi amore e sorrisi, in realta'nasconde la fatica dichi è costretto alla perenne lotta per esprimere sestesso in una nazione dove ai tanti che sanno,conoscono e amano vengon tarpate le ali in nome dicosa poi bene non si capisce.Protagonismo?Denaro?Entrambi?O forse tanto altroancora... resta la passione trasmessa da uno dei djpiu' influenti della scena, di un uomo prima che unsemplice nome,che a Bologna,al Contatto,con la suagente,amore e amici insegna,diverte ,stupisce.
Saro' di parte perche'amico ma's true!!!
Stralci di storie di grande gente...!!!

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The house music roots to 1985 Like it or not, house msusic was first and foremost a direct descendant of disco Disco had already been going for ten years when the first electronic drum tracks began to appear out of Chicago, and in that time it had already suffered the slings and arrows of merciless commercial music exploitation, dilution and racial and sexual prejudice which culminated in the 'disco sucks' campaign. In one bizarrely extreme incident, people attending a baseball game in Chicago's Comiskey Park were invited to bring all their unwanted disco records and after the game they were tossed onto a massive bonfire.Disco eventually collapsed under a heaving weight of crass disco versions of pop records and an ever-increasing volume of records that were simply no good. But the underground scene had already stepped off and was beginning to develop a new music style that was deeper, rawer and more designed to make people dance. Disco had already produced the first records to be aimed specifically at DJs with extended 12" versions that included long percussion breaks for mixing purposes and the early eighties proved a vital turning point. Sinnamon's 'Thanks To You', D-Train's 'You're The One For Me' and The Peech Boys' 'Don't Make Me Wait', a record that's been continually sampled over the last decade, took things in a different direction with their sparse, synthesized sounds that introduced dub effects and drop-outs that had never been heard before.European music But it wasn't just American music laying the groundwork for house. European music, spanning English electronic pop like Depeche Mode and Soft Cell and the earlier, more disco based sounds of Giorgio Moroder, Klein & MBO and a thousand Italian productions were immensely popular in urban areas like New York and Chicago. One of the reasons for their popularity was two clubs that had simultaneously broken the barriers of race and sexual preference, two clubs that were to pass on into dance music legend - Chicago's Warehouse and New York's Paradise Garage. Up until then, and after, the norm was for Black, Hispanic, White, straight and gay to segregate themselves, but with the Warehouse, opened in 1977 and presided over by Frankie Knuckles and the Garage where Larry Levan spun, the emphasis was on the music. (Ironically, Levan was first choice for the Warehouse, but he didn't want to leave New York). And the music was as varied as the clienteles - r'n'b based Black dance music and disco peppered with things as diverse as The Clash's 'Magnificent Seven'. For most people, these were the places that acted as breeding grounds for the music that eventually came to be known after the clubs - house and garage.Right from the start there was a difference in approach between New York and Chicago. "All of the records coming out of New York had been either mid or down tempo, and the kids in Chicago wouldn't do that all night long, they needed more energy" commented Frankie Knuckles after his move to Chicago. The Windy City was seduced to a far greater extent by the European sound and when the records started to come, it showed. Whereas garage in New York evolved more smoothly from First Choice and the labels Salsoul, West End and Prelude, there was no such evolution in Chicago.Opinions still differ as to what the first house record was, but it was certainly made by Jessie Saunders and it was on the Mitchball label - probably Z Factor's 'Fantasy', but there was also another Z Factor tune which went by the name of 'I Like To Do It In Fast Cars'. 'Fantasy' sounds extremely dated now but ten years ago it was like a sound from another planet, with echoes of Kraftwerk's heavily synthesized string sounds, a Eurobeat bassline and a simple, insistent drum machine pattern. Suffice to say, the record remained obscure outside the close-knit urban Chicago scene.Chicago music scene. "Those records didn't really motivate people" says Adonis, one of the early producers on the Chicago scene. "The first was Jamie Principle's 'Waiting On Your Angel'. See, before there were records there were cassettes, and that was the hottest thing in Chicago. It was so hot Jessie Saunders went in and recorded that track word for word, note for note, and put it out on Larry Sherman's label Precision. It was so influential that four or five records came out that took its sounds." Within a year though, others were fast joining. Saunders, who by then had come out with his Jes-Say label, with Farley Keith (or Farley 'Jackmaster' Funk) getting in on the act.Frankie Knuckles, who had already done some remixes for Salsoul was also beginning to work on his own productions. By 1985 it was clear that something big was beginning to stir. Ron Hardy, who was to become the backbone of the Chicago club scene by consistently breaking the new records, began playing at The Music Box around the same time as Frankie Knuckles left The Warehouse, and other DJs like Farley and the Hot Mix 5 who threw down the mix shows on the radio station WBMX were making names for themselves. But making a record wasn't the priority for most of the DJs at the time - they were making music specifically to play at the clubs and the parties that were beginning to spring up in the city. Larry Heard and Robert Owens, later to be known as Fingers Inc, and Steve Hurley were all experimenting with basic rhythm tracks long before they made the jump to vinyl."I started dabbling in making my own music." says Hurley. "Just making tracks to play as a DJ, not really thinking as far as producing - more to do with just having something to play that nobody else had. And one of these tracks, 'Music Is The Key', got such a good response that I decided to borrow some money and go in with another guy, who happened to be Rocky Jones, and put the record out."That momentous occasion was the beginning of DJ International Records, one of the two labels that was to give all the aspiring producers in the city a chance to get their music on to vinyl. The other, Larry Sherman's Trax Records was already up and running, though to begin with Sherman was attempting to break into a more commercial market with Precision. 'Music Is The Key' (the first house record to include a rap, incidentally) took house on a step by incorporating more musical elements and a vocal, and by the time Chip E's 'Like This', also on DJ International, appeared house had discovered real vocals and the sampled stutter technique that's such an integral part of dub remixes today. "It took a little while for the sound to develop" remembers London DJ Jazzy M, who worked in a record shop at the time and was one of the very first to get house on the radio in Britain with his immensely popular Jackin' Zone show on London pirate station LWR. "When 'Like This' and Adonis' 'No Way Back' came out, that's when it picked up. At first it was just drum machine programs and they were called trax, like there was Chip E Trax and Kenny Jason Trax and that's what house was, with maybe a few dodgy samples. I can remember talking to Colin Faver, who was one of the first DJs here to get into it, about 'Like This' and we were both really excited by it."Meanwhile, things were gathering pace over in New York though the development was a lot slower. Mixers like Larry Levan, Tony Humphries, Timmy Regisford and Boyd Jarvis, who came straight after Shep Pettibone and Jellybean Benitez were making ground as remixers, and fired by the raw club sound of Colonel Abrams, the deep, soulful club sound that became known as garage was taking shape with early releases on the Supertonics, Easy Street and Ace Beat labels. Paul Scott was one of the first with 'Off The Wall' in 1985 but before that there was Serious Intention's deep dub classic 'You Don't Know' and even before that was World Premiere's 'Share The Night'.HOUSE MUSIC - 1986 While Frankie Knuckles had laid the groundwork for house at the Warehouse, it was to be another DJ from the gay scene that was really to create the environment for the house explosion - Ron Hardy. Where Knuckles' sound was still very much based in disco, Hardy was the DJ that went for the rawest, wildest rhythm tracks he could find and he made The Music Box the inspirational temple for pretty much every DJ and producer that was to come out of the Chicago scene. He was also the DJ to whom the producers took their very latest tracks so they could test the reaction on the dance floor. Larry Heard was one of those people. "People would bring their tracks on tape and the DJ would play spin them in. It was part of the ritual, you'd take the tape and see the crowd reaction. I never got the chance to take my own stuff because Robert (Owens) would always get there first.""The Music Box was underground " remembers Adonis. "You could go there in the middle of the winter and it'd be as hot as hell, people would be walking around with their shirts off. Ron Hardy had so much power people would be praising his name while he was playing, and I've got the tapes to prove it!"The difference between Frankie and Ronnie was that people weren't making records when Frankie was playing, though all the guys who would become the next DJs were there checking him out. It was The Music Box that really inspired people. I went there one night and the next day I was in the studio making 'No Way Back' " In 1985 the records were few and far between. By 1986 the trickle had turned to a flood and it seemed like everybody in Chicago was making house music. The early players were joined by a rush of new talent which included the first real vocal talents of house - Liz Torres, Keith Nunally who worked with Steve Hurley, and Robert Owens who joined up with Larry Heard to form Fingers Inc, though the duo had already worked with Harri Dennis on The It's 'Donnie' -and key producers like Adonis, Mr Lee, K Alexi and a guy who was developing a deep, melodic sound that relied on big strings and pounding piano - Marshall Jefferson.Marshall worked with a number of people like Harri Dennis and Vince Lawrence for projects like Jungle Wonz and Virgo, who made the stunning 'RU Hot Enough'. But it was 'Move Your Body' that became THE house record of 1986, so big that both Trax and DJ International found a way to release it, and it was no idle boast when the track was subtitled 'The House Music Anthem', because that's exactly what it was.Marshall Jefferson was to become the undisputed king of house, going on to make a string of brilliant records with Hercules and On The House and developing the quintessential deep house sound first with vocalist Curtis McClean and then with Ce Ce Rogers and Ten City. "I can remember clearing a floor with that record" laughs Jazzy M. "Though they'd started playing it in Manchester, most of London was still caught up in that rare groove and hip hop thing.A lot of people were saying to me 'why are you playing this hi- NRG' and it was hard work but people were starting to get into it." 'Move Your Body' was undoubtedly the record that really kicked off house in the UK, first played repeatedly by the established pirate radio stations in London, which at the time played right across the Black music spectrum, and then by club DJs like Mike Pickering, Colin Faver, Eddie Richards, Mark Moore and Noel and Maurice Watson, the latter two playing at the first club in London to really support house - Delirium.Radio was the key to the explosion in Chicago. Farley Jackmaster Funk had secured a spot on the adventurous WBMX station, playing after midnight every day, and it wasn't long before he brought in the Hot Mix 5 which included Mickey Oliver, Ralphie Rosario, Mario Diaz and Julian Perez, and Steve Hurley, giving people who couldn't go to the parties the chance to hear the music. Then there was Lil Louis, who was throwing his own parties. By this time, house was moving out of the gay scene and on to wider acceptance, though in Chicago at least it was to remain very much a Black thing. Though a number of Hispanics were on the house scene, the number of White DJs and producers could be counted on one hand.The labels were still mostly limited to the terrible twins that were to dominate Chicago house for the next two years Trax and DJ International. Between them they had nearly all the local talent sewn up and by popular consent they were just as dodgy as each other, with rumors and stories of rip-offs and generally dubious activity endlessly circulating. Everybody it seemed, was stealing from everybody else.One that remains largely untold involved Frankie Knuckles. "This was the story at the time" recalls Adonis. "Supposedly Frankie sold Jamie Principle's unreleased tapes to DJ International AND Trax at the same time. Then Jamie came out with a record called 'Knucklehead' dissing Frankie. After that Frankie went back to New York."When Rocky Jones at DJ International became convinced by a larger- than-life character named Lewis Pitzele who was helping put a lot of the deals together at the time that Europe was the place to focus on, house poured into Britain with London Records putting the first compilation of early DJ International material out. As the press bandwagon rolled into action the 86 Chicago House Party featuring Adonis, Marshall Jefferson, Fingers Inc and Kevin Irving toured the UK's clubs. Trax took a little longer Adonis: "Trax was meant to be a bullshit label for all the dirty, raggedy records Larry Sherman didn't give a shit about. You know, labels were always trying to do radio stuff, but Trax became popular after 'No Way Back' and 'Move Your Body' and all those tracks." It was DJ International and London who notched up the first house hits, first with Farley 'Jackmaster' Funk's 'Love Can't Turn Around', a cover of the old Isaac Hayes song with camp wailer Daryl Pandy on vocals which reached Number 10 in September 1986, and then a record that spent months gestating in the clubs before it was finally catapulted to Number One in January 1987 - Jim Silk's 'Jack Your Body'. The Americans were gob smacked. Their underground club music was going mainstream four thousand miles from its home. But it was no surprise that Steve Hurley was behind the track, which hit the top despite only having three words - the title. Even then he was the one with the commercial touch.It wasn't a terribly original record - the bassline was from First Choice's 'Let No Man Put Asunder', but it summed up the mood of jack fever. All of a sudden the word 'Jack', which originally described the form of dancing people did to house, was everywhere 'Jack The Box', 'Jack The House', 'Jack To The Sound' 'J-J-J-J-JJack-Jack-Jack-Jack'. It was the stutter sample on the 'J' that took the word into legend. Vaughan Mason's Raze, who'd quietly been doing stuff out of Washington DC burst into the clubs and then followed Jim Silk into the charts with 'Jack The Groove'. And garage? New York simply couldn't match the energy flowing out of Chicago but there was little doubt that the music was developing simultaneously. The Jersey garage sound, boosted by Tony Humphries (who'd also been on the radio since 1981) at Newark's Zanzibar Club, was beginning to take shape with Blaze but the New York club sound was defined at the time by Dhar Braxton's 'Jump Back' and Hanson & Davis' 'Hungry For Your Love' which borrowed heavily from the Latin freestyle sound but echoed the energy of house. And over in Brooklyn, producers like Tommy Musto working for the Underworld/Apexton label were developing a different style again, one that like Chicago seemed to take its roots as much from Eurobeat as from Black music, though the mood and tempo was strictly New York.HOUSE MUSIC - 1987 While Chicago stole the thunder in 1986, other cities not only in the United States but across the world had either been absorbing house or working on their own thing, biding their time. One record from New York served a warning shot that the city was gearing up for some serious action - 'Do It Properly' by 2 Puerto Ricans, A Blackman and A Dominican. 'Do It Properly' was essentially a bootleg of Adonis' 'No Way Back' with loads of samples and a great electronic keyboard riff squeezed in to it and the first in a long, long line of New York sample house tracks. Its producers were one Robert Clivilles and David Cole, helped by another guy called David Morales. After that some kid in Brooklyn called Todd Terry made a couple of sample tracks with a freestyle groove for Fourth Floor Records by an act he called Masters At Work. But the sound that was really taking shape in New York and New Jersey was a deep style of club music based on a heritage that had its roots firmly in r'n'b. Though there were some superb deep, emotive instrumentats like Jump St. Man's 'B-Cause', the emphasis was on songs, which came with Arnold Jarvis' 'Take Some Time', Touch's 'Without You', Exit's 'Let's Work It Out' and a record on Movln, a new label run from a record store in New Jersey's East Orange - Park Ave's 'Don't Turn Your Love'. Ironically, as the first garage hits began to appear, The Paradise Garage - Larry Levan had already left - closed, but the vibe carried on with Blaze, who recorded 'If You Should Need A Friend' and Jomanda, both of whom teamed up with new New York label Quark.Echoing the need for vocals in house music, deep house began to take hold in Chicago. Following Marshall Jefferson's lush productions, the record that defined deep house was the Nightwriters' 'Let The Music Use You', mixed by Frankie Knuckles and sung by Ricky Dillard, a record that a year later was to become one of the anthems of the UK's Summer Of Love. And it didn't end there. Kym Mazelle launched her career with 'Taste My Love' and 'I'm A Lover', while Ralphie Rosario unleashed the monstrous 'You Used To Hold Me' featuring the wailing tonsils of Xavier Gold. Then there was Ragtyme's 'I Can't Stay Away', sung by a guy who sounded a little like a new Smokey Robinson - Byron Stingily. Soon after, Ragtyme, who also made an extremely silly innuendo track called 'Mr Fixit Man', mutated into Ten Clty. But Chicago's excursion into songs wasn't only characterised by uplifting wailers. There was another side, led by the weird, melanchoty songs of Fingers Inc and beginning to show itself in other minimalist productions like MK II's 'Don't Stop The Muslc' and 2 House People's 'Move My Body'. By 1987, though house was no longer a tale of two cities. The virus was taklng hold elsewhere as clubbers, DJs and producers worldwide became exited by the new music.It was obvious that Britain, which had already seen a massive boom in club culture in the mid-eighties as the increasingly racially integrated urban areas turned to Black music in favour of the indigeonous indie rock music, would eventually get in on the act. Though acts like Huddersfield's Hotline, The Beatmasters from London and a handful of others who included DJs Ian B and Eddie Richards had been trying to figure things out, the first British house track to really make any noise came from a partnership that included a DJ from Manchester's Hacienda, one of the very first clubs in Britain to devote whole nights to house music - Mike Pickering. With its funk bassline and Latin piano riffs, T-Coy's 'Carino' busted out all over, particularly in London at previously rap and funk clubs like Raw. But with the open nature of the UK pop charts compared to Billboard which was an impossibly tough nut to crack for small labels marketing new music, it was inevitable that the sound would be commercialised. 'Pump Up The Volume' by M/A/R/R/S was a rather lightweight record based on a house beat with a number of clever (at the time) samples but it worked like crazy on the dancefloor and it wasn't long before club support propelled it into the charts, where it held Number 1 for an incredible three weeks. Also in the top ten at the same time was another record that had broken out of Chicago - the House Master Boyz' 'House Nation'. The marketability of house - or pophouse - in the UK became gruesomely apparent with the advent of the 'Jack Mix' series, a number of hideous stars-on-45 style megamixes of all the house hits.Things were progressing in a much more underground fashion back in the States. A few guys in particular who'd been noticed hanging out in Chicago and checking the scene came from a city just a couple of hundred miles away Detroit. One of them, Juan Atkins, had been making records since the early eighties under the moniker Cybotron which specialised in spacey electro-funk fired by the Euro rhythms of Kraftwerk. But progress had been slow and electro had already fused with rap. By 1985 Atkins' sound was beginning to change with records like Model 500's 'No UFO's', which bore more than a passing resemblance to the new sounds emanating from their neighbouring city. Two other guys who had been to school with Atkins, and who shared his passion for European music were also beginning to experiment with making tracks and heartened by what they heard coming out of Chicago, set to work Their first tracks, X-Ray's 'Let's Go', produced by Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson's 'Triangle Of Love' by Kreem weren't classics by any stretch of the imagination but it didn't tahe them long to hit full power. Kevin came out with 'Force Field' and 'Just Want Another Chance', and Juan pressed on with Model 500's 'Sound Of Stereo' but it was Derrick who really hit the button with Rhythim Is Rhythm's 'Nude Photo', 'Kaos' and 'The Dance', all of which were immediate hits on the Chicago scene, and the latter a record that was to be thieved and sampled again and again for years to come. The Belleville Three, as they became known after the college they attended, made an amusing trio with Kevin as the regular guy, Derrick as the fast-talking nutter and Juan as the laid-back smokehead, but there was more to techno than that. Two other producers who helped forge the different sound were Eddie Fowlkes and Blake Baxter. It was faster, more frantic, even more influenced by European electrobeat and severed the continium with disco and Philadelphia, taking only the space funk basslines of George Ctinton from Black music. They called it techno. But Chicago was also beginning to head off into another direction, the most frenetic form of house yet. It was started by two crazy tracks that Ron Hardy had been pumping at the Music Box and it was going to be perhaps the most important stage of house so far. It was acid.1988 In truth, acid house had already started long before 1988. Amongst the scores of Chicagoans who were buying equipment and trying to learn how to make tracks was one DJ Pierre, who'd started out playing Italian imports at roller discos in the Chicago suburbs, and who had joined Lil Louis for his notorious parties. "Phuture was me and two other guys, Spanky and Herbert J." remembers Pierre. "We had this Roland 303, which was a bassline machine, and we were trying to figure out how to use it. When we switched it on, that acid sound was already in it and we liked the sound of it so we decided to add some drums and make a track with it. We gave it to Ron Hardy who started playing it straight away. In fact, the first time he played it, he played it four times in one night! The first time people were like, 'what the fuck is this?' but by the the fourth they loved it. Then I started to hear that Ron was playing some new thing they were calling 'Ron Hardy's Acid Trax', and everybody thought it was something he'd made himself. Eventually we found out that it was our track so we called it 'Acid Trax'. I think we may have made it as early as 1985, but Ron was playing it for a long time before it came out."Explanations for the name of 'acid' have been long and varied, but the most popular, and the one endorsed by a number of people who were there at the time was that they used to put acid in the water at the Music Box. Pierre though, stresses that Phuture was always anti- drugs, and cites a track about a cocaine nightmare, 'Your Only Friend' that was on the same EP as 'Acid Trax'. 'Acid Trax' came out in 1986 but made little impact outside Chicago, as was the case with another acid track, Sleazy D's 'I've Lost Control', which slapped a deranged laugh and some geezer repeating the title over the 303 squelching. 'I've Lost Control' was made by Adonis and Marshall Jefferson and was certainly the first acid track to make it to vinyl, though which was created first will possibly never be known for sure. It wasn't until well into 1987 that the acid sound began to infiltrate Britain, fuelled by another track that was getting a lot club play, and which fitted into the sound Bam Bam's 'Give It To Me', and a diversion of the regular acid track which put vocals into the equation, developed by Pierre's Phantasy Club with 'Fantasy Girl'. The house scene in Britain had faltered following the commercialisation of the poppier end of the spectrum, but towards the end of 1987 the underground was taking off with new LP compilation series like 'Jack Trax' and the opening in London of seminal clubs like Shoom and Spectrum and the move of Delirium to Heaven where the main dancefloor became exclusively house. Delirium's Deep House Convention atLeicester Square's Empire in February 1988 which featured a number of seminal Chicago artists like Kym Mazelle, Fingers Inc, Xavier Gold. Marshall Jefferson and Frankie Knuckles was a depressing event because of the poor turnout. But the people who did go were to be become the prime movers of London's house explosion. The next week a warehouse party called Hedonism was rammed and the soundtrack was acid. Acid house UK style had begun.As acid tracks like Armando's '151' and 'Land Of Confusion', Bam Bam's 'Where's Your Child' and Adonis' 'The Poke' began to flow out out of Chicago, the scene grew at a rate of knots with Rip, Love, Future, Contusion and Trip opening in London, and the legendary Nude in Manchester. DJs suddenly discovered they had a year's worth of classic house which hitherto they'd been unable to play. When WBMX in Chicago closed down, signalling the end of radio play for the music in the city, it was clear that the emphasis had switched to the UK. Acid house became the biggest youth cult in Britain since punk rock a decade before as British house records like Bang The Party's 'Release Your Body', Jullan Jonah's 'Jealousy & Lies' (later used as the backbone of Electrlbe 101's 'Talking With Myself'), Baby Ford's 'Oochy Koochy', A Guy Called Gerald's Voodoo Ray, and Richie Rich's 'Salsa House' became huge club hits, before the chart UK house records emerged with S'Express' 'Theme From S'Express', D-Mob's 'We Call It Acid', which popularised the ridiculous but funny club chant of 'Aciiieeeeed!' and Jolly Roger's 'Acid Man'. Opinions differ as to the effect on the scene of the relatively new drug ecstasy, but there was little doubt that the sudden rise in availabilny of the drug was directly related to the growth of the club scene. Before the tabloids discovered what was going on with their inevitably lurid headlines about 'Acid House Parties' and drug barons, it was easy to see people openly imbibing the drug in any club.Like Chicago radio was to prove crucial to spreading house in Britain. But this wasn't any kind of legitimate radio. Save for a few token shows, you couldn't hear Black music or dance music on legal radio, and eventually the demand turned into supply in the form of numerous pirate stations, mostly in and around London but also in a few other big cities. Most of them were on and off the air in months or even weeks, but the more organised stations managed to keep going, supplying hungry listeners with the music they wanted to hear - reggae, soul, jazz, hip hop - and house. Steve Jackson's House That Jack Built on Kiss and Jazzy M's 'Jacking Zone' on LWR pumped out the new music week in, week out."When LWR was what you call the boom, it was on half a million listeners." says Jazzy M. And we knew that because the surveys were actually being published in newspapers The Jacking Zone was getting 40-50 letters a week and I was broke because all my wages went on new tunes. Once that plane had landed with the imports, I was getting the new records on the show the same night. It was unbelievable."1988 wasn't just acid it was the year that house first really began to diversify. For a start, there was the 'Balearic' business, an eclectic style of DJing which at the time encompassed dance mixes of pop artists like Mandy Smith and quasi-industrial music like Nitzer Ebb's 'Join In The Chant' Championed by Danny Rampling, Nicky Holloway, Paul Oakenfold and Johnny Walker who'd all been to Ibiza, Balearic was an integral part of the club scene at the time, but after the gushing media overkill it all became a little farcical as people attempted to make Balearic records There was, of course no such thingThen there were the anthems. A year's worth of inspirational Chicago deep house, which went back to the Nightwriters and took in Joe Smooth's 'Promised Land' and Sterling Void's 'It's Alright' along the way became some of the biggest club records of the year, while Marshall Jefferson took the music to new highs with Ten City's 'Devotion' and Ce Ce Rogers 'Someday'. Marshall was on a roll in 88, picking up remixes and linking up with Kym Mazelle for 'Useless' It was the deep house that spawned the first two house LP's, which naturally came out in Britain first - Fingers Inc's benchmark 'Another Side' and Liz Torres With Master C & J's excellent 'Can't Get Enough'.Ten City were an important stage in the development of house. With self-conviction unusually high for the time, they snubbed the Chicago labels which by that time were losing their artists more quickly than they could sign them, and headed for Atlantic records in New York where Merlin Bobb promptly snapped them up. Where nearly all the house that had gone before them was strictly producer created, Ten City were an act, and they could be marketed as such. Plus, they returned some of the soul vision to house, a tradition that went all the way back to the Philly sound it was no coincidence that 'Devotion' was one of the first records from Chicago to really do well on the East Coast, which always had much stronger r'n'b roots in its club music. After another huge club hit with 'Right Back To You', they broached the UK top Ten in January 1989 with 'That's The Way Love Is' Even Detroit was discovering songs. Though the new techno sound was by now at full tilt with Rhythm Is Rhythm's anthem 'Strings 0f Life' Model 500's 'Off To Battle' and Reese & Santonio's 'Rock To The Beat', it was Inner City's 'Big Fun' a techno song with vocals by Chicagoan Paris Grey that was to propel Kevin Saunderson into the big time. Originally a track recorded for Virgin's groundbreaking 'Techno! The New Dance Sound Of Detroit' LP, 'Big Fun' was just too commercial to hold back, and Saunderson suddenly found himself in a virtually full-time pop duo making videos, follow-up singles and EPs like any other pop act.Chicago however was still finding new things to do with house, though the next trend wasn't to be anything like as significant. There had already been raps put down to house tracks as early as 1985 with 'Music Is The Key' and more recently with M-Doc's 'It's Percussion', The Beatmasters' 'Rok Da House' and New York's KC Flight with 'Let's Get Jazzy'. But it was Tyree Cooper (who'd already had a big club record with 'Acid Over') and rapper Kool Rock Steady who defined the hip-house style with 'Turn Up The Bass', a galloping track which somehow combined Kool's rap with the classic Chicago piano sound and Tyree's trademark 909 roll. It wasn't long before Fast Eddie, also at DJ International, expanded it with 'Yo Yo Get Funky'.But the biggest new producer of 1988 was someone who didn't come from Chicago at all. Or Detroit. New York was beginning to flex its muscles, the city that had always regarded itself the world's capital for dance music wanted some of the limelight back. But it wasn't an established figure in the New York or New Jersey dance scene that broke through, it was a kid from Brooklyn who was showing an incredible alacrity for the new form of sampling that had been co- developing with house - Todd Terry. First it was those Masters At Work tracks, but after that Todd hit house in a big way with 'Bango' (at which Kevin Saunderson was highly miffed, because it heavily sampled one of his records), 'Just Wanna Dance', Swan Lake's 'In The Name Of Love', Black Riot's 'A Day In The Life' and 'Warlock' and the one that was almost certainly the biggest club record of the year - Royal House's 'Can You Party!'. Though in New York Todd's sample tracks were firmly categorized with the Latin freestyle house sound that the Hispanics were developing, in the UK Todd became the toast of the house scene. In a by now familiar scenario, 'Can You Party' hit the Top 20 in October on a wave of club support, closely followed by another track on the new Big Beat label out of New York, Kraze's 'The Party'.As it became more and more apparent that Chicago was grinding to a halt, New York was getting it together, with more labels like Cutting (who'd already released Nitro Deluxe's classic 'Let's Get Brutal' in 1987) and Warlock turning to house and new labels starting up. One of these was to prove more important than all the rest - Nu Groove.1989 By now the UK and its trend-hungry music press had become the local point of the dance music world. After acid had slumped into fatuousness with the adopted logo of acid, the smiley, appearing on t- shirts racked up in every high street and the mainstream press (including the 'qualities') scuttling after every whiff of a half-arsed drug story, they discovered new beat from Belgium. The trouble was that save for one or two genuinely good records like A Split Second's 'Flesh', nearly everyone outside Belgium hated new beat, a sort of sluggish cross between acid, techno and heavy industrial Euro music and the media hype dissolved into a number of red faces. Then they discovered garage. 'Garage' as a term had already long been in use on the house scene to differentiate the smooth, soulful songs flowing from New York and New Jersey from the more energetic, uplifting deep house out of Chicago. But the hype on this supposedly new music did allow a lot of very good acts a chance of exposure that otherwise they wouldn't have had. The Americans were confused. To most New Yorkers and Jerseyites, garage was what was played at the Paradise' Garage, which had closed two years earlier. What they were making was club music or dance music, and house was all that track stuff from Chicago. But they were happy that someone somewhere was getting off on their sound. Tony Humphries, who'd been on New York's Kiss FM since 1981 and at the Zanzibar in New Jersey since 1982, was to become instrumental in exposing the Jersey sound. Though he was one of more open-minded DJ's In the New York area, his was the style that married real r'n'b based dance to house. "I really saw house start with the Virgo 1 record, which had that 'Love Is The Message' skip beat, and I was using that and a lot of other Chicago stuff as filler between the vocals, so if I was to play Jean Carne I would use the Virgo drum track before it. Vocals was always very much my thing, and I would say the people from Chicago we really respected in Jersey were Marshall Jefferson, Frankie Knuckles and JM Silk. A lot of it was really Philly elements, it was like Philly living on forever, and that was our flavor. "I became known for breaking new stuff, and to stay ahead of everyone I had to come up with more and more demos. I wanted to help all the people around me in Jersey, so around 88-89 I did a huge showcase with all the acts at Zanzibar first on my birthday and then at the New Music Seminar. Suddenly everyone was talking about the Jersey sound."Blaze were the forerunners of the new soul vision, followed by their protégés Phase II, who struck big with the optimism anthem 'Reachin', and Hippie Torrales' Turntable Orchestra with 'You're Gonna Miss Me'. Then there were the girls - Vicky Martin with 'Not Gonna Do It' and of course, Adeva, behind whom was the talented Smack Productions team. ' In And Out 0f My Life' had already been released by Easy Street a year before, but when Cooltempo signed the Jersey wailer up on the basis of her cover of Aretha Franklin's 'Respect', mainstream success was more than on the cards - it was a dead cert. 'Respect' entered the Top 40 in January and hung around for two months, by which time Chanelle's 'One Man' and then her own collaboration with Paul Simpson, 'Musical Freedom' had followed the example. It didn't end there. Jomanda, who shared the billing with Tony Humphries at a massive event stage in Brixton's Academy were next with 'Make My Body Rock', and though they were to become successful in the States, their sound never crossed over in the UK.New York was stepping up the pace in grand fashion and there was a lot more going on than just the Jersey sound. Following Todd Terry's success, the New York sample track was breaking out like wildfire, particularly with Frankie Bones, Tommy Musto and Lenny Dee at Fourth Floor, Breakln' Bones and Nu Groove records. Nu Groove, built on the foundation of the Burrell twins who'd escaped from an abortive r'n'b career with Virgin Records, was fast becoming the hippest house label. Nu Groove had started the year before with records like Bas Noir's 'My Love Is Magic' and Aphrodisiac's 'Your Love' and by 1989 they were on a roll. Nu Groove never had a sound - with producers as disparate as the Burrells, Bobby Konders and Frankie Bones that wasn't conceivable - and they never really had one big record, but the concept of the label went from strength to strength. Among their producers was Kenny 'Dope' Gonzalez, yet to hook up with Little Louie Vega, who was moving into house with his Freestyle Orchestra project. Nu Groove's first competitor was to come in the form of Strictly Rhythm, who opened up in 1989, though their first breakthrough wasn't to come until the following year. Two other New York producers who were also beginning to make a lot of noise were Clivilles and Cole with Seduction's 'Seduction' and their excellent deep, dubby mix of Sandee's 'Notice Me'. Their break into the mainstream came with a mix of Natalie Cole's 'Pink Cadillac'. Another guy who was also beginning to make a name for himself as a house remixer was David Morales.But one of the biggest records on the burgeoning UK rave scene was a record that made very little impact in its native New York - the 2 In A Room LP ..ting Records, a follow-up to 2 In A Room's 'Somebody In The House Say Yeah' that included a clutch of firing sample tracks from Todd Terry, Louie Vega, George Morel and a few other producers known only on the Latin freestyle scene in New York.By Summer 89 the acid house scene had grown into the rave scene which was becoming so big that promoters came up with the idea of putting on huge events in the countryside outside London - events that could not only hold thousands of people but which could go on all night. Although the scene was later to degenerate with an increasingly narrow musical policy, ludicrously numerous DJ line-ups and suffer from gangster style promoters who saw how much money could be made, at the time it was incredibly broad. Alongside the regular house movers, records like Corporation Of One's 'Real Life', Karlya's 'Let Me Love You For Tonight' and 808 State's 'Pacific' became the open air anthems.Several of those anthems came from a label that had started up in Canada the year before. Toronto's Big Shot Records was the brainchild of producers Andrew Komis and Nick Fiorucci, and they were startled when Amy Jackson's 'Let It Loose', Index's 'Give Me A Sign', Jillian Mendez's 'Get Up' and Dionne's 'Come Get My Lovin' became huge club records in the UK."I was dumbfounded about England. To me it was soccer players and the Queen, but if it wasn't for the dance stores in London and Record Mirror I'd probably be working in a hardware store." Andrew Komis. Again, the scene was largely fueled by radio. Though the original pirates had come off the air in an attempt to gain licenses (Kiss eventually managed it in 1990) and the penalties had been sharply increased, a new generation of pirates were on the air - Sunrise, Center force, Fantasy, Dance and countless others. Young, loud and incredibly unprofessional, they pumped out an endless diet of underground house music round the clock and shamelessly promoted all the raves.Another set of incredibly successful records came from a country only marginally more likely than Canada. House records from the Continent were becoming more and more common, though most of them were sub-standard covers of US and UK records, and when Italy's Cappella crashed the charts with 'Helyom Halib' it was really only because it was based on a huge club record from Chicago which had never managed to crossover - LNR's 'Work It To The Bone'. Then came Starlight with 'Numero Uno' and Black Box with 'Ride On Time', both the work of production team Groove Groove Melody. 'Ride On Time' was a brilliant concept, taking the vocals from Loleatta Holloway's 'Love Sensation' and putting them to a sizzling piano anthem. There was no holding it back. As the record flew up the charts on its way to becoming the first house Number 1 since 'Jack Your Body', the floodgates opened. Italo-house was a happy, uplifting lightweight sound nurtured in the hedonistic clubs of the Adriatic resorts Rimini and Riccioni, and it gatecrashed everything from the large raves to the hippest clubs. Those that argued that there was no substance behind it (a lot of the records WERE extremely corny) were foiled when a more mature sound emerged with Sueno Latino's 'Sueno Latino' and Soft House Company's 'What You Need.' Despite their initial insistence that 'Ride On Time' wasn't all sampled, Black Box managed to record a very good album, though they promptly pulled a similar stunt on Martha Wash, who wasn't at all amused. The Italians would go on to become an integral part of house music, with one of the most consistent labels, Irma, proving acceptance in New York by opening up shop there.Even in 1989, when house music had become the property of the world, Chicago still had a few tricks up its sleeve. Led by people like Steve Poindexter and Armando, the new underground of the city was returning to its roots with a new, minimalist style even rougher and rawer than the original drum tracks, a sound that was to join acid and techno in forming the roots of the hardcore scene. Another producer who'd led the way with crazy tracks like 'War Games' and 'Video Clash' was Lil Louis. While his spinning partner DJ Pierre became entangled in a fruitless contract with Jive Records (a fate that also befell Liz Torres), who'd opened up in Chicago, Louis' time came in 1989 with a track that slowed down to a complete halt and had as a vocal only a senes a female love moans - 'French Kiss'. 'French Kiss' was a huge club record and eventually it climbed to Number 2 in the charts and landed Louis an album deal with Epic in the States and ffrr in the UK. Though the style had started three years earlier with Jackmaster Dick's 'Sensuous Woman Goes Disco' and Raze's 'Break 4 Love' the previous year, 'French Kiss' began a sex track phenomenon that was to last a long time.Another group that broke out of Chicago was Da Posse, formed by Hula, K Fingers, Martell and Maurice. Their early tracks like 'In The Life' were mostly based on old Rhythm Is Rhythm records, but 'Searchin Hard', a deep house song on Dance Mania records led them to a deal with Dave Lee's Republic Records, for whom they eventually recorded an excellent album. Later they formed their own label, Clubhouse Records.Two other house originals also teamed up in 1989 - Frankie Knuckles and Robert Owens, who record

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Che io ricordi, non c’è stato Dj che si rispetti, che durante un’intervista non abbia fatto riferimento a quello che è stato il “Paradise Garage”, ed in particolare a cio' che ha rappresentato la figura di “Larry Levan”. Un uomo ed un locale intorno ai quali sono sorte storie inverosimili che hanno assunto la fisionomia di leggende, che sentirle ora fanno letteralmente venire i brividi. La club culture intesa come stile di vita, la sana follia notturna che resta ormai solida nelle menti dei fortunati cinquantenni di oggi, la musica resa componente primaria e fondamentale di quei magnifici anni, tutto questo è solo un frammento, dell’importanza che “Larry Levan” ed il “suo” “Paradise Garage” hanno avuto nel e per il mondo della dance. Il 21 luglio Lawrence Philpot, in arte “Larry Levan” avrebbe festeggiato il suo 50' compleanno, nato infatti nel 1954 a Brooklyn, “Larry” ci lascia nel 1992 all’eta' di 38 anni, stroncato da un male, l’AIDS, che purtroppo è stato sempre presente come un velo d’oscurita'sul popolo gay . Il suo mito arriva da lontano, da quando, insieme al suo amico “Frankie Knuckles” gettarono le prime basi di quella che sarebbe poi diventata l’house music dei nostri giorni, inizializzati, educati ed istruiti da un altro gigante della dance, quel “Nicky Siano”, che al “Gallery” di New York insegnava loro tutti i segreti e le tecniche di mixaggio.Nella seconda meta' degli anni ’70 il modo di recepire la musica aveva bisogno di radicali cambiamenti, ed anche il modo di produrre musica era in una fase di forti mutazioni, tutto il “Funk”, il “Blues” ed il “Soul” che era stato prodotto fino a quel periodo veniva cosi'unito ad una nuova, esilarante estetica ritmica, ed i teatri, od i classici luoghi utilizzati per le esibizioni di questi artisti venivano affiancati dai primi club, posti in cui, oltre ai musicisti tradizionali, che nel primo periodo continuavano ancora a presenziare, si trovavano altri strani individui, che proponevano musica alternando vinili miscelati con un mixer. La bomba era esplosa, e nel parlare comune due nuovi termini cominciavano a circolare in maniera rilevante, Dj e Discoteca.”Larry Levan” inizio'per amore, e, con il suo pulsare sempre dirompente, diede vita al mito, il “Paradise Garage”, il club per eccellenza. Quando “Larry” comincio'a metter dischi al “Paradise”, nel 1977, ci fu' una vera e propria rivoluzione, la gente avrebbe fatto di tutto per poter passare una notte nel tempio, e puntualmente, cosa che fino ad allora non era mai accaduta, la domenica mattina, nel negozio di fronte al locale, c’era la fila per comperare i dischi, di cui nessuno sapeva il nome, ma che tutti avevano nel cuore. Era nata la “Disco”, ed era nata la “Clubculture”.Da mezzanotte a mezzogiorno era lui il re,la gente si lasciava completamente andare alle sue scelte musicali, sempre di prim'ordine: erano gli anni del boom della “disco” e il suo sound era prevalentemente morbido e cantato...proprio dal “Paradise Garage” nasce il termine "garage" che negli anni a seguire definisce un brancha dell'house music dai tratti particolarmente melodici.Era tutto perfetto, i ragazzi avevano voglia di divertirsi, la musica era continuamente rifornita dalle numerosissime band che si andavano formando, e “Larry” era l’uomo giusto, con un gusto che rasentava l’inarrivabile, maniaco ed innamorato del suo club, al punto di arrivare a dormirci dentro.Il rapporto tra “Larry” e il “Paradise Garage” era di puro amore, ma come tutte le cose belle destinato a finire: il 25 settembre del 1987, infatti, il locale chiuse i battenti.I suoi trascorsi dopo il 1987 lo hanno visto forse demotivato, ma piu' probabilmente stanco, i suoi impegni si sono cosi'concentrati sulla produzione, e per la prima volta si è trovato di fronte ad una nuova realta'che lo vedeva girare il mondo, trasportato dal peso della leggenda, ed è proprio dopo il suo ultimo tour ufficiale, a Tokio nel ‘92, che la stella di “Levan” ci lasciava definitivamente, l’8 novembre, e tutto il suo amore per la musica è rimasto vivo fino all’ultimo, come dimostra la testimonianza di un altro suo grande amico, “Francois Kevorkian”, ricordando l’ultima esibizione di “Larry”…” Larry went into a set of Philadelphia classics which was just so poignant, so emotional because the message of all the songs said he was really hurting. We all felt it at the time, but I think he pretty much knew he was dying and all the songs he played were so deeply related to how life goes. He played Jean Carne's 'Time Waits For No One' and the Trammps 'Where Do We Go From Here,' and I realised that this was one of the best moments of greatness that I had ever witnessed in my life. It was so obvious, so grand, such a drama to it, that you just knew.”“Larry suono' un set di classici Philadelphia sound e fu veramente intenso, molto emzionante, il messaggio che traspariva da tutti i pezzi era quello di una persona profondamente ferita. Tutti noi lo sentivamo in quel momento, ma credo che lui sapesse che stava morendo e tutti i pezzi che suono' erano strettamenti legati al concetto dello scorrere della vita. Suono' "time waits for no one" di Jean Carne e "Where do we go from here" dei Trammps, realizzai che questo era uno dei piu' alti momenti di nobilta' al quale avessi mai partecipato nella mia vita. Era cosi' chiaro, un momento cosi' alto, cosi'drammatico che semplicemente lo si capiva.”
..Real Name: Lawrence Philpot Profile: Born: 7-18-1954 Died: 11-8-1992 at the age of 38.
Larry Levan stands at the crossroads of disco, house and garage. He was the legendary DJ who for more than 10 years held court at the New York night club Paradise Garage. Quite a number of today's most successful producers and DJs credit their first exposure to Larry's music at the Paradise Garage as a moment that changed their lives forever and inspired their whole careers. Larry is also credited with putting the dub aesthetic into dance music and being the first DJ to play a very eclectic and open-minded mix of music.Two months before his death in 1992, he went on a tour of Japan with Francois Kevorkian, who remembered it like this: "Larry went into a set of Philadelphia classics which was just so poignant, so emotional because the message of all the songs said he was really hurting. We all felt it at the time, but I think he pretty much knew he was dying and all the songs he played were so deeply related to how life goes. He played Jean Carne's 'Time Waits For No One' and the Trammps 'Where Do We Go From Here,' and I realised that this was one of the best moments of greatness that I had ever witnessed in my life. It was so obvious, so grand, such a drama to it, that you just knew." -- Francois K.

Ironically, although David Mancuso is arguably the single most influential individual in the development of the Dance music DJ, he does not consider himself a DJ. Alternatively, he considers himself a musical host. However, without David Mancuso's concept of the spinner of records as musical host, it's possible the DJ's role in creating a Dance environment would not have occurred. We are all in his debt for helping make a club night in the hands of a skilled DJ the transcendent experience it has become. David Mancuso was born in 1944 in upstate New York and lived in an orphanage in Utica until age 5. One of his most vivid memories of that period of time in life was the parties that Sister Alicia, the nun in charge, would throw for the resident children. A record player and balloon decorations were fundamental elements of these fond memories resurrected years later in Mancuso's creation of the Loft. David Mancuso travelled to New York City for the first time in 1962 and shortly thereafter rented his first Manhattan apartment. He first began hosting public parties after moving into an apartment on Broadway in 1965. By the end of 1966 he was hosting his first dance party. Mancuso began hosting bimonthly parties but these came to an abrupt end in early 1969 as he went on what he refers to as his 'monk' trip living the life of an ascetic and eventually ending up in the psychiatric ward of Bellevue Hospital. After escaping from the hospital, David Mancuso moved back into his Broadway apartment with the help of friends, rebuilt his sound system and began hosting weekly rent parties. He adopted a by-invitation-only door policy and by the end of 1970 the parties were packed. The building in which Mancuso was living was a loft building and the parties soon became known simply as the Loft. David Mancuso rebelled against being referred to as a DJ and preferred the title musical host instead. Although he did adopt mixing and editing techniques in playing music by the late 1970's, in the early 1980's he got rid of his mixing equipment and went back to his earlier style of playing songs from end to end. The key to Mancuso's style of hosting with music was the programming of the songs to create moods or convey messages to his audiences. He might program multiple songs in a row with a similar message on love or create a particular ambience with sound effects and rhythm tracks. It is this guidance of an audience through programming of the music that was powerfully influential .. DJs in the Manhattan Dance scene including Frankie Knuckles, Larry Levan, Francois Kevorkian, Nicky Siano and many others. By 1972 and 1973 the Loft had become one of the key venues for the emergence of various sounds that would eventually coalesce into Disco. Along with Nicky Siano at the Gallery, David Mancuso spearheaded development of an underground Manhattan music scene. In 1974 the city of New York began cracking down on emerging Dance venues and the Loft was forced to close that fall. For the next year David Mancuso searched for new locations for the Loft and finally found a location at 99 Prince Street in the SoHo neighborhood. The Loft reopened in October 1975 and was more popular than ever. The Loft would remain on Prince Street for the next 10 years. By 1975 record companies had begun to take notice of the Manhattan Dance scene and began a haphazard system of distributing to noted DJs new records and even test pressings of records yet to be released. This worked well for some but completely locked out others. David Mancuso helped lead a movement among DJs to create the New York Record Pool, the first of its type, to serve as an organization to provide orderly distribution of new music from record labels. He was elected the first president of the organization in June 1975. Although the New York Record Pool fell apart in 1977, it was the model for DJs interfacing with record labels that soon spread across the country. It remains the primary method through which DJs are provided new product to use in their clubs. The financial pressure of increasing real estate values and rent eventually forced David Mancuso to suspend hosting Loft parties at a single location. Today the Loft continues at regular parties at various locations in Manhattan, London, Paris and Japan. The parties continue to use the model of requiring invitations to attend and the decor includes balloons as a primary component. David Mancuso is today recognized throughout the Dance Music community as a key innovator and leader in the development of the relationship between a DJ and his or her audience. One indicator of his legacy is the fact that notable clubs from Paradise Garage to Ministry Of Sound have attempted, with varying success, to recreate some of the ambience of David Mancuso's Loft parties. Another concrete symbol of recognition from the Dance Music community is Mancuso's induction as a charter member of the Dance Music Hall of Fame in September 2004.

Steve was born in Brooklyn to a lower-middle class family, typical in Brooklyn in the 1940's and 1950's. The five foot five Rubell was known for his charming personality all through his school years. An avid tennis player with little desire for higher learning he did attend upstate Syracuse University. With marginal grades he did graduate and continue on to earn a Master's in finance. It was in college that he met Ian Schrager, an avowed heterosexual that was the complete opposite of Rubell. A deep bonding friendship ensued that would alter both of their lives. Upon graduation Steve joined the National Guard and after completing his tour of duty he moved back to New York. Back in the Big Apple he took a job with a brokerage firm on Wall street and was soon running the back office. It was at this point that he decided to become an entrepreneur. He started with two restaurants, a small eatery in Bayside, Queens and a smarter place in New Haven, Connecticut called "The Tivoli." Ian had by this time begun practicing real estate law. Rubell hired Ian in 1974 to help him pull together a chain of "Steak Lofts" that Steve had aquired. The two became partners in a "Steak Loft" in Douglastown, Queens. Steve at the time was not a partier, Ian was. The two began making the rounds of New York's nightlife when Ian decided that the two should enter into the nightclub business. Their first venture was in Boston, followed by a club in Queens called "The Enchanted Garden." The next stop would be Manhattan and a full scale attack on New York, nightlife and disco history. The building at 254 west Fifty Fourth Street was an old televison studio and former home of shows by Jack Paar, Perry Como, Jack Benny and Johnny Carson, as well as to such game shows as Beat The Clock and What's My Line. Upon accquiring the property, demolition and construction took over a year. But it's doors swung open in April 1977 and magic was about to be made. The rest is history and the stories abound, for more in depth coverage of the club itself consult "The Last Party" by Anthony Haden-Guest. The music stopped for Rubell and partner Ian Schrager when both were indicted on Federal income tax charges involving more than $2.5 million that was skimmed from club receipts over a period of three years. Both pled guilty and served 13 months in prison. They sold “54" shortly after their release in January 1981. The club still stands and all rumors of it’s destruction were, just that, rumors. After the WKTU-FM’s Last Dance Party in 1996, it was scheduled for demolition. A Cyberdome was going to be built as an entertainment/dance club. The deal fell through, leaving the Studio still standing. It now hosts private parties and special events. In 1985, Steve found out that he was H.I.V. positive. His friend and business partner, Ian was also tested at the same time and had a better result... negative. He, despite his many conquests, was extremely lucky. Steve’s relationships apparently, were not monogamous, as he dated many men before meeting the man of his dreams. He finally met Bill Hamilton while in Southampton, Long Island. Bill would remain with Steve for the rest of his life. Steve suffered from chronic bronchitis, but in June, 1989 he fell sick. He began taking AZT in hopes of abating the disease. Unfortunately, he continued to take drugs and drink, compromising what little immune system he had left. In the last weeks of his life his condition deteriorated very quickly. He grew thin and so did his hair. His excuse for his appearance was always the same, the side effect from liver disease. Hamilton became his round the clock nursemaid because he wouldn’t allow anyone else around him. He also refused to go to the hospital until the very end. Seldom would he go out, the only time he would show up at an event would be when a close friend was at a social affair. He would take care to cover his thin hair with toupees and always sported an artificial tan to mask his pallor. By July he was really sick. He had just come back from a weekend in Southampton and was now moving much slower. Suffering from flu like symptoms, he progressively grew worse. He was now vomiting constantly and not being able to keep fluids down. On Sunday, July 23, 1989, Steve checked into the Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan, under a different name. The nurses were on strike and there was no one to care for him but Hamilton. Rubell’s body had now ceased to function. That Monday a nurse finally came in, but Steve did not want her to touch him. His lungs were filling up with fluids and his breathing was labored. They had to sedate him and give him oxygen so that was the last day Hamilton was ever able to speak to Rubell again. By nightfall, he was out of it. Although he was stable, he was not improving. Friends Ian, Don Rubell and Deborah Hughes joined Hamilton at Rubell’s bedside. Tuesday night at 7:10, Rubell finally passed away. Hamilton left the hospital and ended up moving in with Ian. Steve was buried in Beth Moses Cememtery in Farmingdale, New York.


70's CHART
1)Don't let me be misunderstood - Santa Esmeralda & Leroy Gomez 1977
2) Stayin' alive - The Bee Gees 1977
3) Daddy cool - Boney M 1976
4) Night fever The Bee Gees 1977
5) Ma Baker Boney M 1977
6) Le Freak - Chic 1978
7) Funkytown - Lipps Inc 1980
8) Good times - Chic 1979
9) That's the way (I like it) - K.C. and the Sunshine Band 1975
10) September Earth,- Wind and Fire 1978
11) Hot stuff - Donna Summer 1979
12) Lady Marmalade - Patti LaBelle 1975
13) More than a woman The Bee Gees 1977
14) The Hustle Van McCoy 1975
15) I will survive - Gloria Gaynor 1979
16) Love's theme Love - Unlimited Orchestra 1974
17) I love to love - Tina Charles 1976
18) How deep is your love - The Bee Gees 1977
19) I'm your boogie man - K.C. and the Sunshine Band 1977
20) La Vie en rose - Grace Jones 1978


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Posted by Antonio on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:17:00 PST


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Posted by Antonio on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 06:58:00 PST


Posted by Antonio on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 04:05:00 PST