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Brenda Coulter

Award-winning inspirational romance author

About Me

Do you enjoy reading inspirational romance? My third book, A Season of Forgiveness, will be available this fall. Here's a teaser:

Interested? You can read most of the first chapter on this page of my website. And you can order the book right now from Amazon (for delivery on or after October 1, 2007).

This looks like a good place for a slideshow. And, hey, would you like to listen to one of my favorite songs while you're here? Just click the arrow on the little black music box over there on the left.

My Interests

Growing roses. Afternoon tea parties. Collecting English bone china cups and saucers. Astronomy. Blogging. Appreciating Godiva chocolates.

I'd like to meet:

Readers, writers, and other interesting people.

If you like this page or my blog or my website or my Love Inspired books, please tell everyone you ever met. Then let me know about it so I can tell you how wonderful you are and how grateful I am.

This is me on a good hair day and on my best behavior. (And I'm sorry to say that both occurences are rare.)

Interested in writing, life, and the writing life? Click over to
No rules. Just write.


Here are some faves right off the top of my head: The Wallflowers, Snow Patrol, Counting Crows, Howie Day, Foo Fighters, Celtic music (especially the slow airs and waltzes), classical (in small doses), opera (in somewhat larger doses, unless it's Wagner's Ring Cycle, in which case, bring it on).


My favorite movie is, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" I bet I've watched that DVD a dozen times. I also like romantic comedies, but once I've seen 'em, I'm done. Except for "Joe vs. the Volcano," I can't think of a single one that I have truly loved. I just always think they could be better, you know?


I really don't enjoy TV. I despise sitcoms, and dramas leave me cold. I hate TV news programs and "reality" shows. I watch an occasional movie on cable, but I can go a week or longer without even turning on the TV.


I like nonfiction best. As for novels, I go for the classics. I adore Jane Austen and Shakespeare. I don't read much contemporary fiction except for romance, which is what I write.


I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Okay, I'm not a very good follower. But I'm trying.

My Blog

Live in Indiana? Like romance novels?

If you live in central Indiana, I'll be visiting your neck of the woods next Saturday, October 21. From 4-6:00 p.m., I'll be at Don's Books in Kokomo to help celebrate the opening of the store's new H...
Posted by Brenda Coulter on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:10:00 PST

Am I unfriendly?

Today I accidentally deleted a MySpace friend request that I meant to approve. Now some perfectly nice person is going to scratch her head and wonder what I didn't like about her.I deleted a...
Posted by Brenda Coulter on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:18:00 PST

Where's the bug spray? Never mind, there's too many of 'em.

According to my home page on MySpace, there are currently 99,009,297 MySpace users. I guess it's inevitable that millions of those members would be Stupid People.   A little while ago I...
Posted by Brenda Coulter on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:40:00 PST

Am I too old for MySpace?

My two boys, ages 23 and 19, laughed when I told them I had set up a MySpace account. And more than a few of my writer friends were shocked. Nobody will take you seriously, they warned. Don't you know...
Posted by Brenda Coulter on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 08:53:00 PST

Why I killed Tom

This is my third day on MySpace. The first time I logged on to my profile page, Tom was waiting for me, looking all helpful and accessible and making me feel a little less alone. But my first fri...
Posted by Brenda Coulter on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 02:29:00 PST

Where do I start?

I'm not yet sure that I want to use this space as a blog, since I already have a blog: No rules. Just write. But while I've got you here, could I interest you in a good romance novel? You can rea...
Posted by Brenda Coulter on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:16:00 PST