Science, Science, Science, Writing, Reading, Technology, Music, Hiking, Philosophical exploration of the cosmos by existential means
I am a devout believer in reason.
With that out of the way...
I was previously a singer/songwriter and recording studio owner. In addition to writing, I work in technology as a Network Architect. My premier novel, The Room, was published in April 2007.
I work in New York City, commuting from a wonderful little spot
in Orange County, New York. You know, that other Orange County.
I would like to see more Skepchicks in the world!!!
Every book ever written by Carl Sagan. Books by Albert Camus. Books by Richard Dawkins. The Cosmic Landscape by Leonard Susskind. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, Breaking The Spell by Daniel Dennett
I wish there were more from Carl Sagan, but thank the cosmos that we have Richard Dawkins.