Reading, writing fiction and poetry, good films, blogging, skygazing, theology and apologetics, singing, napping, kissing my handsome hubby, coffee, promoting Christian Speculative Fiction in and out of the CBA.
I make it a general policy only to exchange emails with women, because I think it would be a bit unseemly to start acquaintances with strangers who are male. I wouldn't like my husband doing that with strangers who are female, so I accord him the same respect.If you write or read speculative fiction--and are a Christian who'd like to see more Christian-friendly speculative fiction--please apply to be a friend. Comments welcome on the state of Christian fiction and poetry. Email exchanges less welcome, because I'm swamped with emails on AOL as is (hundreds a day sometimes).I'm being cautious at the moment, so forgive me if I refuse your application to be a friend or to email. I'm dipping a toe here in slow motion.(Although foreign, third-world males seem quick to want to strike up a friendship, which leads me to be mighty suspicious of motives. Call my cynical.)
Iona, Out of the Grey, Michael Card, Twila Paris, Bohinta, John Michael Talbot, Third Day, Dave Crowder, Stevie Nicks, Bad Company, Led Zeppelin, Dan Fogelberg (especially his stuff up to 1981), Loreena McKennitt, Maire Brennan, Clannad, Sherry Youngward, Evanescence, Classic Cuban stuff (Beny More, Celia Cruz, Barbarito Diez, Fajardo), Cat Stevens (before he went all Islamic on us), Heart, early Tom Petty, B-52's, Salvador, Chingon, Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Satie, Chopin, more...
Sense and Sensibility, Blade Runner, Forbidden Planet, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Serenity, Dune (all versions, but Sci-Fi Channel miniseries best), Children of Dune, Millions, Bridget Jones' Diary, Chronicles of Riddick, Aliens, Persuasion, Pride & Prejudice (the A&E/BBC series), X-Men United, Spiderman 2
House, Psyche, Burn Notice, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Monk, Masterpiece Theater, Mystery!, Poirot, Dr. Who, Babylon 5, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, American's Next Top Model, Top Chef
Too many to mention: Jane Eyre, Dune and sequels, Neverwhere, More than Human, The Dresden Files novels, Spindle's End, Death's Master, Night's Master, Sister Emily's Lightship, Firebird, Outriders, Foundation trilogy, Martian Chronicles, Illustrated Man, Lathe of Heaven, Dragondrums series, House on Mango Street, Woman Hollering Creek, Practical Magic, Lord of the Rings, Til We Have Faces, Strange Wine, Shatterday, Alone Against Tomorrow, PainGod, Deathbird and Other Stories, Her Smoke Rose Up Forever, Tales of Dark and Light, Wise Blood, Stories of Katherine Mansfield, The Importance of Being Earnest, etc.
Jesus Christ, St. Paul, St. John, Teresa of Avila, Rebecca (my teen mentor), St. Francis, St. Clare, C.S. Lewis, Isaac Newton, Flannery O'Connor, George Washington, Billy Graham, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., my Mom, my Dad, my husband. Loads.