music... history... planets...
Princess Diana, John F. Kennedy, Bob Marley, Malcom X, Aaliyah, Kurt Cobain, Flight of United 93..
All forms of Electronica...Bjork, Lamb, Portishead, Massive Attack, Hybrid....Armand Van Helden, house, progressive house, tribal, groovy, funky house, just house period!!!!!! anything that has 4/4 rhythm!!! System of The Down..The Deftones!!!!...British Invasion...I was born into hip hop, cant forget my old school hip hop roots: Gangstarr, public enemy, krs-one, OC, Master Ace, Tribe called Qwest, Dela Soul, Jungle brothers, The Roots etc.
The Professional....Alexander.... Saving Private Ryan...Domino...16 years of alcohol...Head-On.....The Last Days.......the tenants...tristan & Isolde....Star Wars...Alfie...The Beach...Reign of Fire....The New World...oops, cant forget my addict movies: requiem for a dream, basketball diaries, trainspotting, its all gone pete tong, leaving las vegas! Havana... Clockwork Orange...
dont own one, but when i did .......The x - files :) and the history channel
The book of the dead, Mission to Mars, mutant message down under, Robot Dreams, The Catcher in the Rye, Things Fall apart, Makes me wanna Holla, Deception Point, Da Vinci Code...
Chuck Norris... Charles Bronson