ChelleBomb profile picture



About Me

Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
Put your name in this cell phone wallpaper with yours truly. Just follow the instructions. I made one for all of my best friends.  It's easy and fun!
Put your name in a mobile wallpaper with yours truly. Just follow the instructions and you can add yourself to my pic. I made one for each of my best friends.  It's easy and fun!.. width="425" height="350" ..
This is the real me...makes ya go hmmmm...
1. ANIMALS- I love them. End of discussion. If you do not love animals...I do not love you.
My babies, Lily and Chloe...the cutest kitties on the face of the earth.
My nephew, Shmutz, professional ass sniffer.
Goblin, the cutest dog I have ever seen in my entire life.
Sparky, he is a spaz...but I love him.
Jinger, the sexiest pitbull in the east village. She always has her nails painted a slutty shade of red.
Andy the dolphin, better kisser than most men I have dated.
Hello Kitty, my interior decorator.
2. Chocolate- the perfect drug.
3. Desserts- I mean really....
4. Hats- I have about 25 of them. It is a sickness.
5. Laughing- I have the funniest group of friends in the world. If you don't make me laugh, then chances are you won't be hanging around too long. I like to act goofy 90% of my day...the other 10% is spent sleeping.
6. Cracker Barrel- I don't care what anyone has to say...this place is the bomb. Where else can you purchase cupcake plates and eat the dirty dirty south home cooked yummies? PLEASE.
7. Handlebar mustaches. I have a sick obsession with them. Sick.
8. Grabbing boobs- there is a reason they are called fun bags.
9. Big schlongs- ya gotta love em.
10. I like big butts and I cannot lie.
To sum it up I like animals, eating, laughing, handlebar mustaches, hats and screwing. Just your average girl pretty much!
1. Bad kissers. This shot was taken off of a Whitesnake video. He is about to swallow Tawny whole. NOT COOL.
2. Sucking teeth...also falling into the oral category is chewing with your mouth open, popping gum, and picking teeth in public. GET SOME FUCKING MANNERS!
3. Smoking- nastiest habit ever. To my friends who smoke...if you ever smoke another cigarette around me I will be forced to choke you...because that is what it does to me. Smoke at least 100 yards away from me.
4. Bugs- ((((SHUDDER)))) especially spiders.
5. These suck big time.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I love to paint!

I'd like to meet:

Funny motherfuckers.I have an SNL cast as my friends and family. They are the most important people in my life. I hold them all in the highest regards. XOXOMy mom- the coolest, funniest, best cook, highly educated, most caring woman on the planet.

Bill- my mom's husband. He made our right to birth control legal as single people...if it were not for him...we would not be able to use condoms unless we were married. We have a lot to thank him for.

My brother Brandon- the strongest person I know...

My little sister Kelly- a walking encyclopedia and has the best eyelashes.

This is my yummy brownie!! His tan is way better than mine. He made me addicted to the show 24 and I will forever hate him for this...I am watching it right now. Thanks Cedric. Thanks a lot. I love youuuuu! XOXOXOTarah- My twin...even though it is quite obvious I am the hotter twin. Drop dead bitch. We have made name calling and obscene behavior more accepted in today's society.

FrizzyPoop, FrizzyPubes, FrizzyFucker, "HI....I'm Neil" Whichever way you put it...he is one of my best friends, a beyond talented photographer and artist and an all around Japanese psycho. :o)

Chrissie- my partner in crime. Funniest girl EVER.

Kitty KAT! I miss this girl so very much! LA stole her away from us! Definitely one of the most fun human beings alive. Everyone should own their very own Kat.

Soaree/Sole- coolest bitch ever, best smile, best laugh, best boobs, best eye makeup. She don't fuck around. I love her dearly.

I totally have a secret love affair going with Monica. We have the same obnoxious laugh and we use it to our advantage.

Eddie and Jules- I love these two. I will be stalking them in LA every chance I get. Seriously amazing people.

Lisa/Lilo/My love/Rittre Risa- cookie baking partner, clay molding companion, funny picture taker, fellow scrabble player, kick ass makeup artsit and photographer, all around talented bitch. I'm LOVIN YA!

Riz/Riztard/Rizzeroni/Handsome...the list of names go on and on. What can I say about this man beast? He is my pretty pretty princess, a great friend, a joy to torment, and a bad ass DJ. He rules even though I am not in his top 8 and for that I present you with this....

..Can Erika be any hotter? She is the perfect person. Sweet, funny, talented and of course beautiful. I love her!

CC is my hiney twin. She is the cutest!! Love her!!

Delicia and Pasqual are DIRRRRRRRRTY. They have a really awesome clothing company called Dirty Couture...chiggity check them out!

JENNNNNN!! Jen has a perfect body. I am over her. Jen...go away. :o) MUAH!

Rietsa is my Greek GODDESS!!!

Star!!! She is my adorable and beyond funny LA girl.

Chloe is the sexiest vegetarian on the planet. Another chick who's closet I would love to raid. XOXO

Rafi from House Of Mercado has to be one of the sickest show designers I have ever met. His imagination is endless. :o)

LAAAAAN, we have the same birthday AND same year, which makes us SUPER COOL! :o) Lani...COME ON!!


I 3 Music. I am open to everything except lame country songs about pickup trucks and beer.. SORRY BILLY RAY! Loved you on Dancing With The Stars though! HEHE


Labyrinth, Legend, The Dark Crystal, The Shining, Anchorman,Zoolander, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Dumb And Dumber, ANYTHING With Jim Carrey, ANYTHING With Will Ferell, Pan's Labyrinth, Edward Scissorhands, Mermaids, The Secret Of Nymb, Alice In Wonderland, Austin Powers *all of them*, So I Married An Axe Murderer, Seven, The Sixth Sense, Ghost, The Last Unicorn, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Return to OZ, Napoleon Dynamite, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, White Chicks, Trainspotting, Shaun of The Dead, Willy Wonka, The Never Ending Story, Spirited Away


24, I LOVE NEW YORK, Mad TV, Wife Swap, Pretty Much Every VH1 Show *hangs head*, Dancing With The Stars, Family Guy,The Office, George Lopez, SNL, anything know that people.This guy terrifies me... (((shudder)))


Everybody Poops


My mommy, my brother, and of course Hello Kitty. I mean come onnnnn. Anyone who inspires me to be the best person I can be :o)

My Blog

Sun, Sand, and Ham

Hey germs! I wanted to share my trip to a magical land where the unicorns run free, ham is the staple food, and sand gets wedged in your ass crack. Yes you guessed it! A little place I like to call Do...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 05:31:00 PST

Check Out The Cover Of DJ Times!!

Hey Everyone!!!!! I have been absent for another month...I know. Trust me, I wanted to tear every blonde hair folicle from my head because I could not get internet service. Verizon drama, Time Warner ...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:38:00 PST

Night Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The ChelleBugs Bite!

I am a hellion... No really...I am. And when I go away to a tropical island, spend a night out with friends, combine that with heat, alcohol, and a sunburn from the depths of the underworld, you get a...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST

Fun With Porn Stars

Hey there labias and genitals! I am FINALLY writing a new blog. I feel abandoned...and you were...but I am back and ready to give you some ocular orgasms with pictures from the AVN Expo! Le...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:16:00 PST

This made me cry...

...tears of extreme laughter. This has to be the funniest/cutest thing I have ever seen. Thank you POPtarts for posting this on your page...I love you lots! SOUTH POLE WALK IT OUT!!Gangsta Happy Feet ...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST

Dirty Girls Have More Fun!

Hey fashion whores! I did a show for my good friends Pasqual and Delicia's new line "Dirty Couture" so go check it out! Their clothes are so awesome and they have stuff for guys too! Oh and everything...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 02:18:00 PST

Why would anyone want to be my friend?

Clearly I am insane...I mean honestly......
Posted by ChelleBomb on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 01:09:00 PST


Hey children of the corn...I am off to Vegas for the Magic Tradeshow where I will be doing runway for Ecko and G-Unit...G-G-G-G UNNNN ITTTT!!! Is anyone else gonna be out there from sunday the 27th&nb...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 02:31:00 PST

Birthday Picsters!!!

Hey y' have not said that since I lived in VA. Anyhow, I just wanted to share some pictures of my 26th birthday party and give a big THANK YOU to all of those who came and made it so much...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 02:13:00 PST


Can you guys vote for me pretty please? 10s would be nice...but I will take 9s and 8s...but that will only show me how much you actually hate me and want me to die. don't want that now do yo...
Posted by ChelleBomb on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 06:53:00 PST