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Mary K.

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About Me


In the heat of the night

Please forgive them

My Interests


My Exclusive Artworks for Steppers Delite !

Artworks by Me 2007

Black & White Serie

Coloured Lights

My Angel....

my Angel the sun that brightens
my every day
my Angel the brightest star
that lights up my darkest night
my Angel my divine super hero
my Angel chases away the scary monsters from under my bed

my Angel big soft cuddly teady bear
my Angel with outstreched wings
ready to break my every fall
my Angel with invisible wings
Wings that lift my spirits
Make them soar high above the heavens

my Angel you graced my life
and made it worth living
You heard my thoughts my inner voice
The silent pain The deafening silence
my Angel your voice sings
a lullaby to my heart
Sweeter than any kiss
Cradles my pain
and rocks my world

my Angel your heart brought forth
and did lay before me a gift
A gift of friendship unconditional
true and pure

my Angel you wipe away the tears
even before they fall Turning them
into pearls of wisdom
my are the answer
to my every prayer You are the love,
the blind faith,
the healing friend my strenght and my joy Mary..s very own Angel
26 okt 2007

If I am your Rose..
then let me keep my thorns...
to protect myself...
to sting you, make you bleed...
to make you realize...
before you going to hurt me...
because If you do...
the thirst of life will disappear...
and I will never be the same...
so leave me my thorns...
and I..ll be your rose for ever!

by Mary K.

He ...

He touch my heart
like no other ...
He make me realize
how hungry i am for love ...
He look at me
and i see myself in his eyes ...
He brakes down walls
that i have build around me ...
He open up a world
so filled with pleasure and pain ...
He makes me wanna open doors
i haven..t even focus yet ...
He makes me feel so secure,
cause i feel he cares ...
He make me wake up in the morning
with a smile on my face ...
He is there and fills the empty room ...
He makes me saying
things that comes from deep inside ...
He makes me writing this words ...

Thats why ...
He is the one i need ...

Mary nov.16/2006

Never Let Go
by Elizabeth Mattie Harris

This heart is broken
and bleeding as if it were dying.
Outside of me you won't see,
but deep inside I'm crying.
I want to hold your hand
until it melts in mine.
I want to feel you close to me,
so tender and so kind.
I want to hold the one
and only man that I want forever,
I will not let you go,
not now, not then, not ever.
I struggle for our happiness
the best that I can.
I'll put up a fight
because you are my man.
Many tears have come
into my eyes over you,
Thinking back to many memories
of things we used to do.
My feelings are so deep
and so positive for you.
My love is like water,
so clear, pure, and true.
So when I tell you I love you
and when I say I care,
Please don't deny my feelings,
but know I'm always here.

In Love with an Musician....

Through my ears
you have found your way to my Heart…
With a passion that's amazing
you caught all my attention…
Moments of a mental and visual trade
we shared…
So strong so deep those spirit,
with what we became one….
To unreal to unbelievable
not from this earth,
can't exist or last for long…
And because my love is real and honest,
I let go…
No time no room for more beside your passion….
So what once won my heart,
is now taking us apart…
In one for eternity made love
I will think of you…
So fly high my dearest and feel free…
And spread the tunes of love…

By Mary K. July 19/2007

Can You See What I See?

Anticipating the chill of the winter, lonely hearts ache and throb.
Sometimes, it seems easier to run with The Enemy than it is to walk with God.
Not wanting to be alone, but not sure how to trust.
Unable to fall in love, but willing to fall into lust.
Hopes betrayed and crushed - No longer brave enough to believe.
Heartbeats made corrupt - Unable to give or receive.
In a world filled with deception, uncertainty and fear.
Can you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?

When the foundation is being destroyed, what can the righteous do?
When we are no longer afraid of the lie, but afraid of embracing The Truth?
Afraid of being rebuked by the peer mobs and the crowds.
So much pain, overlooked, because our hearts are not allowed To see... But, it could have been me, that ran and hid.
From the rain and the cold, beneath Vickery Bridge.
Abandoned and rejected; excepted as a shadow of a man.
On the corner with a "Will Work For Food" sign, in my hand.
As you drive by, either, unconcerned, filled with doubt or fear.
Can you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?

In her eyes, I found the hope that I believed I had lost, in mine.
In her embrace, I found forever, if only for a time.
In her absence, I found the emptiness that my bed recognized.
But, I didn't fit her expectations; unable to be edited or resized. Yes! I wish she would have trusted us, but I know that she doesn't.
Yes! I wish I was the man she could love, but I knew that I wasn't.
No regrets! Only, appreciation for showing my heart The Prize.
To whom ever she gives her love, I pray he can see her through my eyes!
That he loves and cherishes her heart, completely, without hesitation or fear.
Can you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?

As the angels take flight, against the wind and the rain.
If you surrender your heart, I will wash away your pain.
If you surrender your sorrow, I will give you reasons to laugh.
I will give you a new future, if you are willing to give up the past.
If you share your deepest secrets, I will value them as treasure.
If I can share the rest of your life, then, together, We can share forever.
If you surrender your heart to Love, then maybe others will not fear.
Can you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?

As Ever,
Charles E. Coleman III

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I'd like to meet:

Art Dreams by Mary K.



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hmmm I better tell who is my favorite Author
Its Toni Morrison

Song of Solomon and Tar Baby




My Blog

My challenge 2008...

My Challenge 2008 ,   simply being me and not to stop to believe in the good of each person .... not to become a slave of the political system ... the power to master changes in my life and to st...
Posted by Mary K. on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:31:00 PST

My Angel ....

My Angel the sun that brightens my every daymy Angel the brightest star that lights up my darkest nightmy Angel my divine super heromy Angel chases away the scary...
Posted by Mary K. on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 06:35:00 PST

In Love...

In Love with an Musician.... Through my ears you have found your way to my Heart& With a passion that's amazing you caught all my attention& Moments of a mental and visual trade we shared& So strong s...
Posted by Mary K. on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 09:06:00 PST

Beauty !!!

Beauty !!!!For those who did not understand ...the real beauty of an person you cant see with your eye´sonly with your heart ....because it comes from the innerst of an person !.there is more than a b...
Posted by Mary K. on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 04:33:00 PST

Wondering if she ....

Wondering if she ever can trust again, To many destroyed dreams and broken promises,Words that came out their lips of those she fell for to easily,To find out that none of them was seriously meant,Wha...
Posted by Mary K. on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:41:00 PST

If I am your Rose

                      If I am your Rose             &nb...
Posted by Mary K. on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:55:00 PST

i had a dream

I had a dream,   Sun was shining & I was with my dearest.   Some kids were laughing playing on the streets.   On TV they talked about peace.   People from all cultures were sitting...
Posted by Mary K. on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 01:33:00 PST

he ...

He ... He touch my heart like no other ... He make me realize how hungry i´m for love ... He look at me and i see myself in his eyes ... He brakes down walls that i have build around me ... He open ...
Posted by Mary K. on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 05:06:00 PST

A real man ... part two

A real man & part two A real man & does not take advantage of his woman weaknessA real man & will support her in all situations and plans A real man & has no fear of an intelligent woman A real m...
Posted by Mary K. on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 04:59:00 PST