Our favorite thing to do is SLEEPzzzzz! We love for human Mom to rub our bellies....and we love to look out the windows...to see other animals and birds and humans. We really don't sing but sometimes we listen to "Go tell it on the mountain" by the "Jingle Cats" and Meow Meow along ... Enjoy! We LOVE to go to the basement and roll around and get dusty and we also like to run through the house like we are in the wild...We have a kitty condo but we are getting too old to climb way way up. We like to play with our kitty bubbles and our feathers on the stick. Also we like to play with the Christmas Ornaments on the tree Ha! Ha! Most nights we spend some time playing in the fish tanks Fun Fun Fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We are strickly house cats so we would like to meet other animals on the internet (pics please) or tv or outside our window in the livving room. (We really only like humans!)~~~~~ ©LR ©LR
Our humans make us listen to everything... From: Hymns and POP, and Rap to Latino to Christian Rock to Classical to Rock-n-Roll.......Some Hip-Hop...We like the Jingle Cats...
Any movie with action in it..................................... ....... Bath Time....we are the good kitties in the bucket....lol!
Commericals of Cat Food ads......Cat Treats ads.....Cat Toy.....Cat litter ads ect............................ ..
We love to try and krinkel the pages of whatever our human mom is reading then we fall asleep on the books or magazines or news-paper while we dream of our e-mail and we love cat pics..................................... Smile!
Garfield...... I'm here on the "Big Screen"... June 2004...... A star is born....... ~~~~ Garfield ~~~~ See Movie Trailer Click here! I'm Back with my NEW MOVIE."TAIL OF TWO KITTIES"...opens June 16th 2006....to see the movie trailer just... CLICK HERE! Felix.... Morris..... The Cat In The Hat and "Fritz The Cat" SHHHHHhhhhhhhh! Don't tell human Mom.....