Food and sleeping, cuddling and being loved by all humans that come into my boudoir. Mommy just recently adopted a new feline friend for me. His name is Vincent and he is a weasle. I try to sleep and he sits on me and takes over my chairs my bed and everywhere that is mine.
I would like to meet other felines who like to chase after stuffed cows. I think I would also like to meet felines that enjoy their humans as much as I do.
Cecilia Bartolli, I love to sing to her arias. Beethoven is another faourite of mine too. My mommy is always playing this really loud annoying music that makes me irritated and this is when I need to bite her.embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal"
Black Stallion, Free Willy.
Any shows that include animals, National Geographic, Discovery Channel.
I like to sit on the books that my human reads, she is always reading.
Morris the Cat he has attitude and he doesn't put with any of that crappy food.