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About Me

Wanted to share photos of my baby kittens that we rescued on May 4th on to my photos page to see all the pics and onto my blog for the full story on them. Well, I am just a cool little kitty that loves to play, eat, cat nap, sleep and enjoy making friends. The simple things interest me and I love to explore new findings, animals, and places. I love my little family who takes care of me, yet the Lady is working a whole lot these days, I don't see her enough except when she comes home to rest for the night or early in the morning before she goes to work. I am glad to have her as my mommy and am really grateful for the way she takes care of me. I also have a younger kitty brother that lives with me named PJ and a small dog brother named Rowland. We all get along, play tag and share our nice cool home. Hope to meet and make new friends everywhere. And I am grateful to all of you who are my friends currently and stay in touch with me throughout the years. Thanks for being my friends ;) ***********************************************************E verybody's washing up and doing spring cleaning ... the humans even have us kittys doing some of the work around the house...but we don't mind, as long as the treats are good >^..^< >^--^< >^**^< ,,^<THE LADY DOESN'T LIKE WHEN I START TO LOSE MY FUR THOUGH...BUT IT IS PART OF BEING A KITTY AND THE CHANGE IN THE SEASON & WEATHER...THE SHEDDING OF HAIR ALL OVER THE PLACE OF PART OF NATURE!BUT YOU KNOW, JUST RELAXING WITH MY KITTY BRO. PJ, MAKES LIFE JUST WONDERFUL!OH YEAH, AND THEN THERE IS THAT WEIRD MONSTER MACHINE THAT SUCKS UP EVERYTHING FROM THE CARPET...IT IS SO NOISY AND SCARY...WE ALWAYS HIDE FROM IT AND WAIT UNTIL IT GOES AWAY!SPREAD THE LOVE AND SHARE AND GIVE TO THOSE IN NEED...TO THOSE THAT ARE LONELY AND TO THOSE THAT ARE LESS FORTUNATE.SOME PLACES STILL ARE HAVING SNOW EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE OUR WARM, COOLNESS & THEN RAIN FROM TIME TO TIME >^..^< >^..^<>^..^<ALL THESE THINGS I ENJOY AND HAS MY STAMP OF APPROVAL FOR ANY KITTY =^_^= >^..^<=^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= HEY WATCHING THAT FUNNY LOOKING CLOCK IS FUN TOO! OH, BY THE WAY??? WHAT IS UP WITH THE FISH IN THE FISH BOWL ANYWAY? EVER NOTICE THAT THEY KEEP SWIMMMING IN THE BOWL, YET, DON'T THEY KNOW THAT THEY WON'T GET VERY FAR???SOME PLACES I HEAR, IT IS RAINING RIGHT NOW! AND DID YOU KNOW THAT IN SOME PLACES LIKE COLORADO IT IS STILL SNOWING!!!!!!! WELL HERE IN CALFORNIA...BELIEVE IT OR NOT...IT IS WINDY WITH THE SANTA ANA WINDS, BUT YET OUR WEATHER IS STILL SUNNY AND WARM...YEAH, I HAVE TO BE CLOSE TO THAT FAN TO KEEP COOL STILL! WE ARE STILL TRYING TO GET BACK INTO SHAPE THROUGH OUR DAILY EXCERCISE ROUTINE TOO!NO MATTER WHAT, THE LADY TAKES CARE OF US AND EVEN PROVIDES FUNNY, COOL TOYS FOR US TO PLAY WITH!!The Reason we weren't on myspace for a while was due to the Lady being sick with the FLU! but she is much better now and getting over a mild cold...I try to take care of her and offer my comfort and healing kitty powers...and I know that she is greatful, because even when she is very sick, she still takes care of me =^_^=...I Love to take care of my Lady! I MISS ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND HOPE TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ALL OF YOU AGAIN...JUST GIVE ME MORE TIME AND I WILL BE BACK...HOPE THAT I DIDN'T LOSE ANY OF MY FRIENDS, TAKE CARE AND REMEMBER, I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!=^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^==^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^==^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^=******************************************************* ****I like to be cuddled, held, and petted. I love attention. I love cats, dogs, mice, hamsters, lamas, ferrets, bunnies, piggies, cows, horses, some lizards, people, plants and food! I love to sleep a lot. I like to travel. I like different kinds of music. My parents play different instruments, CD's, TV music videos, they sing, dance and play the radio on different stations around me all the I pretty much like anything music wise. I like to watch other animals pass by our yard at sometimes we get oppossoms, skunks and raccoons! I also like to go outside at night and watch the moon when it's full and also look up at the stars...I love the night sky.******************************************************** ***the weather is cooler and sometime warm here in California. Here come the holidays all over Again! And...the smell of yummy food is starting to fill the air! Winter will soon be around the corner...and you know what that means? Yep, Christmas!!! I am looking forward to it! In the mean time, I spend a lot of time watching the Lady cook, clean, and I run around, hide, play with my toys, watch the fish swim or just relax in one of her chairs or on her bed. Ah, I love my home. :P ... =^_^= hehehe.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



..I would like to meet the President of America, his family, friends and his pets.

My Blog

Rescued Kittens

I first have to say that I am upset with people that are so cruel with animals...especially innocent baby animals! These people make me so mad and sick!Monday night, May 4th, 2009...driving home from ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 01:23:00 GMT