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I'm a journalist, an artist and author, and founder and curator of the international feminist project "Facing Feminism: Feminists I Know" . Click here for more about the project.I'm on the editorial board of INTHEFRAY Magazine and my poetry has been translated into German, Italian and Spanish, included in numerous anthologies and published in book form.
My feminist cartoons have appeared in E4W MAGAZINE and my artwork has been featured as the cover artwork for the progressive women's literature magazine, WICKED ALICE MAGAZINE. My articles appear in print throughout the United States and internationally while my publishing credits encompass both print and electronic World Wide Web publication.
The Consequence of Wings
Annette Marie Hyder
Foothills Publishing, ISBN#0-941053-72-5 The Consequence of Wings offers an immediate visual delight; neat and striking in crisp azure and white, with an exquisite angel, delicately juxtaposed over various dictionary definitions of flight. Content wise; there is flight and fancy, themes of story-chasing, winged aspirations, hopes and pert observations, effusing a whimsical quality and wonderful airiness. Many theological allusions indicate a desire to share beautiful perceptions with softly angelic zeal. The poet exhibits a preoccupation with how others think about her, which elicits copious self-explanation and sensitively informs us of a winsome purpose. In summary: sprightly, prim, quirky and lovely. -- Review By Mark Cosens, for Aesthetica Magazine the United Kingdom's premiere arts and literature glossy magazine.
Other reviewers say:
"Transcending myths and Gothicism, Annette Marie Hyder weaves metaphors of wings and flight patterns into a contemporary realm of love and living - something that is precisely real." - Yong Shu Hoong, of Word Forward
"Annette Hyder is a masterful poetic craftsman. Her poems are exquisite reminders of just how wonderful the English language can be in the hands of a talented scribe." - Michael Lohr, Writer, Editor and Music Critic
"Annette Marie Hyder knows the true spirit within the human airfoil, heart-shaped and located in that land between the corner of the eye and the top of the heart. The consequence of living is love, with all its thermal highs and downdraft lows, something Ms.Hyder grasps well..." - Jim Chandler, Publisher of Thunder Sandwich
"...subliminally beautiful" - Mark Kanak
"Annette takes my hand leaps into the sky and she flies me into her universe faster than the speed of thought... flying with Ms. Hyder requires nothing more than her spirited imagination. We fly with desire her words updrafts that make you soar..." - Larry Jaffe, Co-Founder of the United Nation's Dialogue Among Civilizations Through Poetry program