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*Ambient and Human emotions in broken melodies*

About Me

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OLL THE TRAKS ::::Audio portrate of Berlin /// trapped an infinite room / NOtitle / NoRespect / Void / sweet noise // by marta Zapparoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// “Ambient and Human emotions in broken melodies and noise is the place that I find. All the traks are constructed using fields recordings taken from the nature and the city_life. The noise coming from the exsternal world , comes leaked and translates in poetry vision creating oniric sonorous landscapes.” The borders of the acoustic and the audible can be expanded beyond the threshold of perception.” //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////Marta Zapparoli aka PenelopexBorn in the underground scene of Bologna (Italy). Begins her art experience very early with classic and modern Dance, sax sopran instrument , experimental theatre (Amorevole Compagnia Pneumatica) and sound/action performances (The Church of Funk, "Drum Machine" by Norma Jeane, Alice by Tele+ TV program , Anna Albertarelli, dancer in GDA video/performance). She conveys her interests into electronic music in 1999 after meeting Giancarlo Bianchini aka A.Z.T. from the Motus theatre experimental group. Theatrical experimentation “Motus”whit whome he was a protagonist of the scene and of it’s founding allways in the sphere of never rigidly defined artistic territories. Promoter with A.Z.T. to the experimental group HOTELNUCLEAR. HotelNuclear starts as a vehicle for entertainment with an eye pointed on Mutations/Mutilations of the mediatic landscapes and with a constant need to explore the evolution of the audio/visual dimension in their most radical form.Exhibitions/sound lives and performances from 2002:******************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************VIDIA (cesena) – NGDM (galleria a ravenna) – INDIE (cervia) - COX18 (milano) – INTERZONA (verona) – WADADA (rimini) – GRATIS (senigallia) – LINK (bologna) – COCORICO (riccione) – VELVET (rimini) - RADIOESTENSIONI NIGHT (covo, bologna) - STREET RAVE PARADE antiproibizionista Bologna - ELETTRO+ (firenze) Errata Corpora, event organization and coordination by Channel83 – Ginnico Celeste Festival (gambettola) CESENA – InfoModo book store (bologna) – L'Oreal Accademy, Act Out event/exibition (roma).Her natural and cultivated sense of rhythm, her technical experience (Marta is a sound technician as well) and her vivid curiosity led her in a direction of new digital experiences. In 2002 Penelopex met Elena Skoko aka Sugarbabe during a dance-theatre show where they both performed. They discovered to have the same taste in music, the same urban attitude, and an urgent need to express themselves towards new media and new music!!! 2B1C (two blondes one computer group) / poetikaelektronika was born. Info sound: www.sugarbabe.orgPrevious shows:****************************************************** ************************************************************ ********************************** -ZÜRICH (CH) 5/04/2003 World's End Gallery - BOLOGNA (IT) 12/04/2003 Distorsonie Festival, Link - HAMBURG (DE) 22/08/2003 Ladyfest Hamburg MS Stubnitz - BOLOGNA (IT) 6/12/2003 Soniq TPO - BOLOGNA (IT) 13/05/2004 Modo Infoshop - FAENZA (IT) 24/09/2004 Museo Zauli - TORINO (IT) 13/03/2005 FNAC. Streaming: Radio Clapas, 93.5 FM in Montpellier, France ( K Centrale, Bologna.On August 2006 she won the competition in Torino (italy) to realize a field recording live project that she developed in four months of sonorous search on the city of Berlin. "AUDIO PRTRATE OF BERLIN" Dieses Projekt wird finanziert von dem GAI - Associazione per il circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani/ PROGRAMM MOVIN 'UP 2006(lap-top live/ pre-recorded sounds for a concert)AUDIO PORTRAIT OF BERLIN is a live audio drama that tries to describe and discover the city through an auditive language. It is made from fragments of noise, recorded in encounters of places, people, situations and objects. Combined they create an auditive, descriptive tour of Berlin, turning the city into a tactile =7050From October 2006 promoter whit D.OpP and EmaLot to the “ Les Coulees Succulents ” .This collective is an open project for noises improvisation, using different diverted techniques of: field recording, objects plays, bending, cut-up, turtablism, unspeakable machines, dogs…etc. It feels a constant need of exploring the evolution of the sound in the most radical forms. They perform around in Germany and France since 2006.Info ************************************************************ ******************************************************** In May 07 she realize the Editing to the reelese [ La Grande Illusion ] a compiled by Markus Detme (staubgold rec) made in Germany.In August 07 she realize a sound trak “Trapped an Infinite room” to “Respiri”, art video project by Francesco Arena, artist videomaker that work and live in Genova (italy) and around in Europe.In Genuary 08 will go out her new solo reelese “BorderLinee_OniricNoise” whit (m.m lable) Germany. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********************************* Shows 2006 /07:******************************************************** ************************************************************ ***********BERLIN 3/11/2006 wendel( lap_toplive)****************BERLIN 1/12/2006 wendel (live) Penelopex//ruper u//EmaLot//*****************BERLIN 15/12/06 live Penelopex " Audio Portrate Of Berlin06 "******************03 Nov 2006, 22:00 - /schlesische straße 42 BERLIN, Description: lap-top live (elektronica/noise)*************************01 Dec 2006, 21:30 - emaLot/ruber u/penelopex @WENDEL schlesische straße 42****************BERLIN 15 Dec 2006, 22:00 - Ausland Lychener str.60 " AUDIO PORTRATE of ************BERLIN '06 ( lap-top live/sounds recordings for a concert) Dieses Projekt wird finanziert von dem GAI - Associazione per il circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani/ PROGRAMM MOVIN 'UP 2006***************** 31 Dec 2006, 22:00 - Wendel ---'eternal tuesday movement' new year event: live Penelopex schlesische straße 42 BERLIN ************* ********16 Jan 2007, 21:30 - ANTJE ÖKLESUND::: live::: Penelopex //rober Ü //EmALot / ANTJE ÖKLESUND Rigaer Straße 71/73 BERLIN Penelopex // "bordeR_Linee" sweet noise // (I) rober Ü // cut-up // (fr) EmALot // "NOisepoeTRy" // (fr)***********28 Jan 2007, 20:00 - joint-venture25 event live///EmaLoT vs Rober U//DaviD*OpP///PenelopeX/// Zentrale Randlage e.V. Schönhauser Allee 172 BERLIN*************20 Feb 2007, 21:30 - PenelopeX //EmALot / live //// Electronic Church. Greifswalder str. 223 (prenzlauerberg)Berlin BERLIN **************14 Mrz 2007, 21:00 - PenelopeX :::::live /// Border_Line::::oniricNoise////WELTEMPFAENGER "Disco Mafia" event***************08 Jun 2007, 09:00 - live :::::les coulees succulentes collecttive::::PenelopeX // DaviD*OpP // EmaLoT*****************09 Jun 2007, 20:00 - live "les coulees succulentes collective " MARSEILLES**********************16 Jun 2007, 20:30 - Martin-Luther-Kirche ///Fuldastrasse 50-51/Eche Sonnenallee. BERLIN Martin-Luther-Kirche// Fuldastrasse 50-51/Ecke Sonnenallee.Berlin///// U Rathaus Neukölln BERLIN, ** ********************19 Jun 2007, 21:00 - international noise summit 2007 - TANZHAUS WEST Gutleutstrasse. 294 FRANKFURT MAIN FRANKFURT MAIN,********************29 Jun 2007, 22:00 - Fusion-Festival ////"Audio portrate of Berlin" field recording live AIr Field Larz,**********************30 Jun 2007, 01:30 - Fusion-Festival //" les culees Succulentes collective" PenelopeX // DaviD*OpP // EmaLoT Air Field Larz,*********************10 Aug 2007, 19:00 - field recordings festival///Rauschpartikel, Stephane Leonard, Marta Zapp (penelopex) In Staalplaat Record Store, Berlin Mitte********************* *******24 Aug 2007, 22:00 - live :::::les coulees succulents collecttive::::in "salonbruit" kastanienallee********************** 26 Aug 2007, 20:00 - LIVE **les coulees succulents collective** joint-venture30 Zentrale Randlage e.V. Schönhauser Allee 172 *********************** 02 Oct 2007, 21:00 - live :::::les coulees succulentes collective::::PenelopeX // DaviD*OpP // ++Pato live:::::BERLIN//////ANTJE ÖKLESUND Rigaer Straße 71/73***************** 25 Oct 2007, 20:00 - live :::::les coulees succulents collecttive:::: in K:ITA / Nicht verfügbar , Berlin::: ******************************26 Oct 2007, 21:00 - Live:::: Penelopex /C . Hilton /Marcelo Aguirre /Lars Feistkorn:::salonbruit ////kastanienallee 77 ::Berlin****************************12 Dec 2007, 21:00 - with Analog Suicide -Kaffee Schmidt- Schererstraße 11, 13347 Berlin************************23 Dec 2007, 17:00 - audio portrait of berlin live - La Fabbrica - Gambettola (FC) Italy************************30 Jan 2008, 21:30 - penelopex + giovanni de donà live //SONIC WARGAMES ///Maria Club:::::An der Schillingbrücke/ Stralauer Platz 33/34 . Berlin:::::::::::Description: club-transmediale/sonic-wargame.html************************ *******************************

My Interests


Member Since: 6/23/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ME :: ::::::: the other project with * les coulees succulentes collective * ( PenelopeX // DaviD*OpP // EmaLoT ) :::: and other collaboration whit ___________________FOR BOOKING PLEASE CONTACT :Marta :
Influences: my life, my personal deformed vision to the reality + J.G Ballard + AZT + travels + city life *and noise + sounds of animals +food + peoples + j.kestrel + my friends :)
Sounds Like: Alan Vega (sucide),Haus Arafna,Synascape,Ryoji Ikeda,Takuma,Edgard Varese,Stockausen,Bruno Maderna,Cage, Itoi,Pansonic,Mause,Edithpiaf,Scanner,Panacea,Speedy j,Solarx ,Air ,Hypnoskull,koner,Rechenzentrum,Takeikiro,Murcof,Pal,Cellulo id Mata,Cubanate,Andrei Morant,Autechre,Sync Syntetic,Alvanoto,Merzbow,M2,Afhex Twin,Mira Calix,Luke Slater,Beefkake,Voltage,Imminent Starvation,.... also music of the years'20 and Punk music and noise+Antonin Artaud-Francis Bacon+The visionari madness to David Lynch-Tzukamoto-Burroughs-Cronenberg-Terry Gilliam-kubrick+Surrealismo-Dada-Metafisica...!
Record Label: m.m lable********************
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog in

Posted by penelopex on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 04:27:00 PST