About Me
t.tapemanipulator.heavy jammer.obsesser with and across the arts. His lives and works are a series of stories, bound between contexts of art, philosophie and mythologie, from the city to the country. Defender of accident. Lover of happening.
"Moving through Türkowsky s intense life performances, over to playing various instruments with special care for self build objects, contact mic, tapediaries, toys and the prepared electric bass he has marked himself as a musician and soundartist which intersects composition, free improvisation, noise, magic, minimalism, drone and singer songwriter howls in variable ways. His work always focusses on expanding the possibilities of sound through an exploratory approach to duration, silence, timbre and performance."
Snake Figures Arkestra w/ Ignaz Schick
Cones w/ Ulf Schuette (ex end monster)
Datashock w/ lots of hippies and swampers
UUHUU w/ Andrew Cvar (ex jackie o' motherfucker) and the Hang Out
Oievaars w/ Fyoelk
Leo Mars w/ Stephane Leonard (ex diamonds day)
Tape Salad Performer w/ Asa Stahl
Fieldrecordist w/ recorder (ex marantz)
KINN w/ F.s. Blumm (ex die auch)
Marcel, 28, lives and works in Berlin/Paris.
Out Now: Marcel Türkowsky "Hui" Tape Cs30
Silkprint Cover, Ltd to 100 copies on Stenzo Quo Musik...sold out
My Blog
New Datashock LP on Qbico March 2008 (IT)
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:30:00 PST
Coaches Eyeear
Coaches Impression from the utrechtperformance the 1st of march:Marcel opens as he sits in front of a blanket on the floor filled with mixers, effect pedals, toys, walkmans, instruments and a tempex b...
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:19:00 PST
Discography & Upcoming
Out Now:CONES "Ice Skating Elephants" CD on Ikuisuus (FIN), DATASHOCK " " LP on Qubico, (IT)LEO MARS "Lightears" CDR on Naivsuper (GER)M. TÜRKOWSKY, "What Burns Always Returns" Cs 20 on Second S...
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:12:00 PST
Goodies Spinning In The Musicbox
Terry Fox, Walter Marchetti, Mirror et al, Zara Leander, Ellen Fullman, In Camera, Tart, Limpe Fuchs, Anima, Idea Fire Company "stranded", Inca Ore & Tom Carter, Micheal Flower "Returning to Knowing N...
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:31:00 PST
New Fine Releases
Finally OutMarcel Türkowsky "What Burns Always Returns" Cs 20, Second Sleep (IT)Marcel Türkowsky & Shivers "Cones", Cs 20, Second Sleep (IT)Cones "Ice Skating Elephants" CD on Ikuisuus (Fin)...
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 02:39:00 PST
New Release for September
Marcel Türkowsky "Hui" Tape Cs 30A "Dreimal Schwarzer Kater" 15minInstrumentsDreitönel BrummkreiselBogenTapemanipulSynthLofi ElectronixVoice StimmeContact MicEQZwirbelhubKlicktappeB "Enjoy the ..." 6...
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:03:00 PST
August Geräusche Tour
The Geräusche Tour is finally set up with the musician collectiv DATASHOCK, the concrete and not concrete tape and feedback duo CONE, and me Solo if the wind turns in a good way03.08. Cologne, Germany...
Posted by Marcel Türkowsky on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:18:00 PST