CBS News: Secrets Of The TomeShort 12-min CBS documentary on the elitist secret society Skull & Bones of which George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, John Kerry, and many other leaders in business, industry and government officials.
Skull & Bones
Alex Jones - Order Of Death
Alex Jones Matrix Of Evil Speech
911 Eyewitness
Footage Never Seen On T.V. That Will Shock You. An Open And Shut Case For Bombs In The World Trade Center Buildings On 911!Fox Fake News
911 Truth covered by Faux News. This is meant to be a hit piece, but it backfires and Alan bails on the interview. To bad Satans right hand Sean Hannity wasn't there. Old Ollie dropped the fox ball!Dwight D. Eisenhower in his presidental farewell speech to America warns of the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex and its influence over America. He is speaking of the black operations concerning alien technology and the deep black secret government running them.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy Speech, President and the Press, April 27, 1961 Warning of The New World Order and of the Secret Societys trying to overthrow the government here in America.
John F. Kennedy
John Forbes Kerry & George W. Bush On Meet The Press
Jack Blood Interviews Tim Russert Of Meet The Press
Jack Blood's Deadline Live Show
The Georgia Guidestones
The Georgia Guidestones (American Stonehendge)
The Georgia Guidestones - A Warning
Occult World Of Commerce
Jordan Maxwell
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism - Trailer
Mark Of The Beast - Microchips!
Get more of Alex Jone's videos at Prison Planet.TV This an expose on how our government espouses "christianity" as the norm here in America . . . In God We Trust. But in the same turn we are to be subjected to micro-chipping, going against what the Bible says, setting up what could be perceived as the "Mark of the Beast". How can a government do that to its citizens? I smell a rat!