Friendship, stuff, sunshine, chairs, grass, wind, fences, stuff, tigers, seeds, parsley, and stuff.
jell-o pudding pops... they seem like very interesting people... i would like to ask them how they all get along so well in their society without violence and without a hierarchy... or do they have a hierarchy? do they have a matriarch? or maybe a patriarch? or maybe Bill Cosby is their leader... i think we humans better watch out... Bill Cosby and the jell-o pudding pops have something planned for us... or maybe they don't... sorry to have scared you... but maybe they do... or maybe they don't... sorry once again...
anything written by a 3 year old monkey named Dominic, or any songs sung by a deaf mute... I really enjoy music played by a dog whistle... seriously, i do... i cant understand why, but i do...
Middlesex, Catcher in the Rye, The Fountainhead, Illiad, Oddysey
G.I. Joe, HE-MAN, Optimus Prime, and the fat kid from the cosby show that would always run out the door when shit hit the fan... oh yeah, i cant forget TUDY from Facts of Life... wait, if i include TUDY, then I have to include her when she was RUDY on the Cosby show... they are the same person right?