Sonia profile picture


I'm a Bitch What Can I Say?

About Me

I'am graduated from Ryley High School in 2003. I totally forgot everything I learned-Sad I know. I am a very friendly type girl. Even though I don't have any friends I also love animals-All animals. There so damn cute. Iam a cheap drunk and pretty stupid one too. Yeah you laugh.I also have to say.... I have the best family in the world!!! My aunty and uncle just got married this year.;p My brother Kyle is still a man whore- keep up the good work!! Now everyone knows.I do have a good brother Matthew he is everything a girl would ever want in a man. And ladies he is single!!! I have lots of fun with these people . We get drunk, LOTS and act stupid together and talk about life. Which at the moment mine sucks. SO, they like to hear about my crappy life.Pretty sweet!! Well, I just want to say I love you guys your the bomb.. and I would also like to thank Chad for singing me my favorite song Tonight I Wanna Cry-Keith Urban. You did an awesome job. Your the best!! I guess my life isn't that bad after all. Oh, yes and thanks for not makin fun of me when I hurt my eye. I know you were laughin on the inside. I know I wasn't.
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My Interests

I have interests in singing-although not very good, Dancing- Not stripping. Iam a lady, Shopping-Oh yea ladies shoppin, and lets not forget HOT men.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the following men... I think they are extremley (melt in your mouth hot!!) Brad Pitt, Jesse Melfcafe,and Kenny Chesney. I would do anything, ANYTHING to meet these men and do a lot more to them if given the opportunity.


Country Music of course. Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Brookes and Dunn, Garth Brookes, Chris Cummings, Mark Wills, Martina Mcbride, Reba McEntire, and Chad lodge...etc


Notebook, Wedding Crashers, Dirty dancing, Grease 1&2, Just friends,


One Tree Hill, Desperate House Wives, Simpsons, Family Guy, Survivor


I freakin love V.C Andrews-even though she is dead she still writes killer novels-probably not the right words


My hero is of course Brad Pitt. He is getting older, but still a hottie. Oh yeah, baby!! I would rape you any day I don't know How you do it, but damn boy you fine!!!I also love Mariah Carey. She is very beautiful