holla, i'm chris[tian] &&i have a big butt.
-im just your average 16 year old fat ass;
118 lbs. of slutiness and then some.
-yes, i love green tea.
-&&my hair turns more heads than yours.
-i like fashion, cosmetology, art, needles, and my butt.
-im obsessed about my weight.
-my music taste is all over the place.
-i am NOT anorexic or bulimic, i dont even look like it.
just because i was before doesnt mean i am now;
so shut the fuck up.
-i pee standing up.
-oh, and i dont give a shit if you think ill of me,
and if you have something nasty to say, you can just
kiss my fat ass or take your shit somewhere else, mmmmkay?
gangtas don't know how to act.