MaximumBob profile picture


Don't be mean...Remember.. No matter where you go.. There you are!! Buckaroo Banzai

About Me

I am Bob. I am temperamental, arrogant artistic individual, a bit of an egotist and a closet elitist. I always go my own way, regardless of what anyone may think.. I like to play drums.. it’s really the only thing I’ve every done...Never had to do anything else.. Of course that leaves alot of room for other pursuits.. Golf, writing, reading, women. philosophy, psychology, Jeeps and motorcycles. These things are all passions.. I try to make everything that I do.. a passionate experience.. This behavior of course scares all the straight people.. I apologize for that.. but a dispassionate existence is not worth living. Passion is a tonic that keeps you going.. If I cannot be passionate.. then I tend to get bored and restless and dissatisfied. I enjoy fostering new talent and helping young artistic sorts identify and define their own passions.. I am fiercely loyal, and would lay it all down for any of my friends.. I am generally a pacifist, but not afraid of confrontation and have been known to kick an ass or two to defend myself, or a friend.

My Interests

Music, Drumming, Producing, Songwriting, Motorcycles Jeeps, Females.

I'd like to meet:

I would revel in a chance to meet some like minded musicians.. hilarious people.. Really talented, motivated, responsible, drumming students.. the ultimate creative/writing partner..I love meeting and helping to develop young talent and I'd really like to meet a sweet cute sexy little sugar pie of a muse, that has minimal issues, and gets "ME"... The love of my life...


I love all styles of music.


I like most movies.. I am a story junkie.. Sliding Doors, Seven, The Notebook, I am easily pulled into a story.. and can get lost in moment..


I think, like country music, tv panders to the lowest common denominator, with that said, I like some of the Law and Order shows, CI in particular... Sopranos, Six Feet Under. ER, I think Lonesome Dove was the greatest moment ever in television. And the Paul Rubens/PeeWee's playhouse blackballing was the worst moment.. I like The Discovery Channel. I like The Tuetuls on American Chopper,and Jesse on Monster Garage..


Books and Reading are my favorite pastime and escape from music.. When not playing drums I prefer to be somewhere quiet reading... No technical stuff.. I love novels, mysteries, action and the classics... Ann Rice's newest work is really good.. Christ The Lord out of Egypt. I recommend a really good book for anyone out there is Night by Elie Wiesel.. it is a pulitzer prize winner about the struggle to survive by a young jew and his father during the nazi regime..


My Sister is a big hero of mine, Steve Gadd.. My Buddy, Lewis Nash, Elvin Jones, and locally Eddie Bayers, and Greg Morrow...As is my first drum teacher Don Bothwell, My favorite musical experience of working with Billy Williams one of the greatest producers ever, and the one that could talk to me and make sense. My buddies, Ray Herndon and Matt Rollings, Matt McKenzie and his lovely bride Lisa, pinche Lisa..

My Blog

I remember

where I was when I got the call telling me that my very close friend Violet was killed.. I was in a session at Sound Kitchen... we were on the third song of a 5 song day.. the rest of the day I was us...
Posted by MaximumBob on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:55:00 PST


You amaze me... you are being so brave.. and so smart and sensitive at the same time.. most women don't have all of those qualities.. I am in awe and am humbled by your presence.. you honor me with yo...
Posted by MaximumBob on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 06:39:00 PST

Rage, Rage, at the dying of the light.

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words ha...
Posted by MaximumBob on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 02:14:00 PST