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Greg Morrow


About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 2/2/2007
Band Website: only this one as of now.
Band Members: Kim M, John C, Joe H, John K, Larry R, Mike B, Michael R, Alison P, Tom B, Pat B, John W, Biff W, Glen W, Steve McCracklin, Johnny G, Steve C, Heather R, Trisha Y, George B, Brian S, Chris L, Dandy Dan, Spider S, Mark H, Sonny L, Dave R, Steve C, Webb W, Tom C, Tony H, Steve N, Paul F, B James L, Aubrey H, Eric D, J T Coren F, George M, Jerry Mc P, Dan B, Robert K, Michael W, Audley F, David G, Reese W, BFG, Moose B, Swine, Brent M, John H, Gordon M, Kenny Green B (couldn't say Kenny G), Pat M, Billy P, Ilya T, Dave S, Glen D, Dave P, Michael S, David C, Jack H, Jeff K, Tammy K, Rusty Mc F, James Eddie C, Lamar S, Felix the C, Tom L, Russ P, Johnny C, Steve H, Dennis T, Jim H, Troy L, Mikey R, El Tigre', Mike J, Jonathan Y, more to come...
Influences: Memphis and London
Sounds Like: chicken
Record Label: MOD
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Ok. About the NEW new tunes.

I'll go into more detail later but as I was loading these tunes I just realized how very fortunate I have been to play music with so many great, great people. There has been a lot to share since the l...
Posted by Greg Morrow on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:21:00 PST

About the new tunes...

Hey all or anybody as the case may be, I just wanted to share a little info on the new tunes. The first is by Pat McLaughlin off of his latest album "Horsefly". If you like John Hyatt mashed up with ...
Posted by Greg Morrow on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:24:00 PST

What I learned last weekend.

OK. Right off the bat the weekend I'm peaking of was August 17 and 18. I realize that someone will bust me as this blog entry "ages".So. I'm at Fork's drum closet Friday trying to avoid yet another sh...
Posted by Greg Morrow on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:21:00 PST

It occurs to me ...

that I should explain my musical selections. This IS a music site so basically I have posted favorite things that I have been a part of to some degree. The first selection is a song called "Satisfie...
Posted by Greg Morrow on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 06:15:00 PST

On A Side Note...

I want to say a word about the new technologies that we as musicians are blessed or cursed with, depending on your perspective. The track on my music section titled "Aint Life Amazing" was done as par...
Posted by Greg Morrow on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:23:00 PST

Diving in.

Hi to anybody that drops in, I figure that I should just go on and start yappin' about things. Being a newbie never stopped me before. I actually went out on a long weekend road trip for some shows ...
Posted by Greg Morrow on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 04:58:00 PST