Dan Hawkins profile picture

Dan Hawkins

I have many leather-bound books

About Me

Dan was discovered at 3 years old performing with a troupe of travelling funk midgets in Punxsutawney, America. After escaping from the “Flying Sprites”, Dan travelled the world in search of the ultimate bass riff, eventually ending up in Sutton, Surrey where he was taken in by the Hawkins family. At first he found adapting to civilization hard and tasks such as using a knife and fork and wearing clothes proved tricky. He still has problems with trousers to this day. During his time with the Hawkins, his appetite for all things bass grew and he devoured books and cds by such artists as James Jamerson and Jaco Pastorius and at the age of 12 attained his Grade 8 on electric bass. He became a much-loved figure of the community, winning Mr pie-man UK ’92 and delivering cookies to old folk. He has since gone on to perform on national TV on BBC 1 and also Lithuanian TV amongst other recordings and live work. He is scared of the letter P and believes it is his undeniable right as a man to have the last rolo….
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My Interests


Member Since: 6/21/2006
Band Website: dan-hawkins.co.uk
Influences: Not enough space to mention all so I'll mention a few. I'm always influenced by new musicians..........BASS: Jaco, Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten, Tony Levin,Carol Kaye, James Jamerson, Duck Dunn, Laurence Cottle, Mark Meadows, Abe Laboriel, Nathan East,Bernard Edwards,Louis Johnson,Larry Graham,Bootsy Collins Flea, Andrew Gouche, Saturnino, Tom Kennedy, Stu Hamm, Mark King, Bryan Beller, John Pattituci, Jimmy Haslip, Willie Weeks, Nathan Watts, Pino Palladino..........OTHERS: Steve Vai, Nuno Bettencourt, Pat Metheney, John Schofield, John Pettruci, Joe Satriani, Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Yellowjackets, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Faith No More, Dreamtheater, John Mayer, Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Weather report, Billy Joel, George Michael, Sting, Prince, Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, John Barry, Burt Bacharach and lots more!
Type of Label: None