Tiphaine grew up influenced by the music of the Beatles, Leonard Cohen,
John Lennon, Pink Floyd, and more recently Tom McRae, David Gray,
the Counting Crows and Lhasa de Sela.
She sings since her youth. She used to spend time with her dad listening
to his favourite tunes. She began to play guitar a few years ago when
she took out her father's Seagull S6 from the attic. It was quietly sleeping
there since her father died in 1994.
Now she tries to perpetuate his souvenir, his soul and his breath by
composing her own songs.
Hopes he can hear them from wherever he may be.
She worked for a few years in duet with a guitarist. She plays now with two musicians : Stéphane at guitar & Nicolas at guitar, bass and vocals._____________________________________________________
Originaire du Nord, Tiphaine a baigné très jeune dans des influences musicales
telles que Leonard Cohen, les Beatles, John Lennon, les Pink Floyd et plus récemment Tom McRae, David Gray, les Counting Crows et Lhasa de Sela.
Autodidacte, ses compositions en anglais sont essentiellement folk, axées
autour de la guitare et des ambiances acoustiques, comme un hommage poétique à son père disparu avec qui la danse des mélodies et des mots
n'a de cesse de perdurer.
Pendant plusieurs années, elle a travaillé en duo avec un guitariste.
Elle évolue depuis peu en trio acoustique accompagnée de deux musiciens :
Stéphane à la guitare et Nicolas à la guitare, à la basse et aux choeurs.
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