I have plenty of interests, but my myspace space (?) is all about Locals Only, the radio show I host Sunday nights on Channel 93.3, KTCL in Denver. Almost all of my "friends" listed below are kick-butt Denver-area bands. By all means, check some out.
I've traced the history of Locals Only on KTCL back into the early 90s, but I'm pretty sure it even predates that. In any event, at the tail end of 2003, I took over the show...because nobody else wanted it. Since then, the show has expanded from an insignificant little dot in the radio wasteland into...well, into a slightly less insignificant, slightly larger dot in the radio wasteland.
You (and all others) can hear Locals Only every Sunday night at 9pm (local time, natch) on Channel 93.3 in the Denver area. If you're too far away, go to area93.com and listen online. I've also set up a "Local Access" page on the self-same webpage - a short but rotating list of some nifty local music.
I also host two other programs on Sunday night on Channel 93.3 - Adventure University (new music) and the All-Request Retro Show (what it says). No, I didn't think you'd care, but I thought I'd at least mention them.
FAQ (and NSFAQ) about Locals Only and Channel 93.3
Please note changes to the FAQs!!!!
Q: I want my band to get played on Locals Only. What do I do?
A: If you've never contacted me before, do so now. Send me a message here via myspace from your band's myspace profile.
Q: What should I include in the message?
A: Not much to start out with. Just say hello, and say you're interested on getting on the show. Also, suggest two (AND ONLY TWO) songs that are up on your myspace page that you think might be well-suited for airplay. If you can put "INTRO" in the subject heading, that'll remind me that I need to check out your music.
Q: Then what?
A: Then wait. I only sit down to listen to local music once or twice a week. When I've got time, I'll go to your myspace page and check out your songs. At that point, I'll contact you to let you know what I thought. If I think I'd like to play one of your songs, I'll either download it from the player, or ask you to send me an mp3 of the song(s) I thought was best.
Q: What if the song I want you to play isn't on the player?
A: Let me know that in the introductory message. At that point, I'll ask you to send me an mp3.
Q: Can I just send you an mp3 to start with?
A: Please don't. My e-mail inbox doesnt' have much capacity, so I'll need to clear it out of old mp3s before I can accept any new ones.
Q: What if you've already played us on the show, but we've got new material for you to check out?
A: Same deal. Message me, let me know. You might write "NEW SONG" in the subject heading, again, so I'll remember I have to go check out your new stuff when I have time. I'll either download it or ask for an mp3.
Q: What if you don't write back?
A: I write back to everyone. If you don't hear back from me after three weeks or so, feel free to contact me and ask if what's up. Chances are I've just gotten swamped, but from time to time, I may accidentally delete a message, and forget I'm supposed to respond to it.
Q: What are you looking for?
A: I'm looking for two things. One - good songs. Two - good production. If you give me a good song that's well-produced, it will almost certainly get on the air. I'm a hook monster, so any song that has a good hook (something I can sing or hum or whistle afterwards) usually gets a bit more airplay. I also give a slight edge to songs that are close to our format - modern rock. Nothing wrong with pop-rock or metal, but since our station normally plays modern rock, that stuff might get a slight advantage.
Q: Will you give us feedback on our music?
A: I will. In my first message, I usually say something simple like "I liked this song best". If you want more in-depth feedback, feel free to write back and ask for it.
Q: Our best song has the f-bomb in it a few times. Is that OK?
A: Not really, no. It'd be best if you made a radio edit and took them out. I can do that, but like most radio people, I'm a lazy SOB. If it comes down to playing a song without profanity, or having to do an edit on your song before I play it, all things being equal, I'll probably play song that's already "FCC friendly".
Q: Do you really have to take out the profanity?
A: "Have to" is a strong term, but put it this way. The current FCC fine for playing "obscene material" is $50,000, with half of the amount payable by the DJ. I know you think all DJs are living high on the hog, but I don't really have $25,000 lying around to pay off a federal entity.
Q: We have a killer epic that's about 15 minutes long. Can you play that?
A: I can, but I probably won't. Most songs are a bit under 4 minutes, which means yours is about four times longer. It better be four times better, too. Better yet, see if you can do a radio edit on it.
Q: I don't want to sacrifice the integrity of our music by doing a radio edit. Is that fine?
A: If you have your standards, I can respect that. But I also have mine, and I'd ask you to respect that, as well.
Q: Will you announce our upcoming shows before you play our song on-air?
A: You bet. I do this for all bands. For best results, keep your website up-to-date with your upcoming concerts, so I know what to flog.
Q: You aren't playing us this week. Can you announce our big upcoming show anyway?
A: No. I only announce the shows of the bands I'm playing this week. I don't want to begin a litany of "this band's playing here, and that band's playing there" each week. I don't think people tuning in will want to hear a long litany of band listings. I'd rather focus on the bands I'm playing this week.
Q: We have this huge show coming up next week. Can you play us this week to promote the show?
A: Although I can do a bit of shuffling around, generally, your band will come up when it comes up. I won't move you up several weeks because of an upcoming gig. That's a precedent I'd rather not set. I envision myself having to look at every band's calendar and having to decide which bands "needed" the airplay most. That's a scary prospect for me.
Q: I heard that if I get my music on another station, then you won't play it.
A: That's not a question.
Q: OK. Is it true that if I get my music on another station, then you won't play it?
A: Much better. No, this isn't true. I honestly don't pay attention to other local music shows, so if you're getting played every week on some other station, I wouldn't even know.
Q: You said you liked one of our songs, but we really prefer a different one. Can you play that one instead?
A: I normally pick songs that will sound good with the other songs I'm playing on the show, so there is a method to my madness. But feel free to contact me if you want to discuss it.
Q: You played our song on Locals Only. How long before you play it again?
A: Sort of depends. In a really generic way, once I play a band, they go to the back of the line. Eventually they make their way up to the front. The better the songs, and the better the production, the quicker they make their way up. Modern rock songs and catchy songs also tend to make their way up quicker.
Q: Should we get our fans to contact/e-mail/phone you to request us?
A: No, no, no, no, a thousand times, no. I don't want bands to mobilize their street teams to fill up my e-mailbox. Sure, it sounds like it'd be helpful if you did it, but imagine if 100 bands did it. I'd spend all day deleting unwanted and unneeded e-mails...and it wouldn't help anyway. I'll play your band when I play them, and no amount of e-mails or phone calls will change that. I only have two rules. One, send me good stuff, and two, don't harrass me. I don't think these rules are too hard to follow, or that I'm out of line for asking them, so please abide by them.
Q: You've played us on Locals Only. How do we get on during the week like the Fray, Meese, and Tickle Me Pink did?
A: I'm in charge of the music that's played Sundays between 8pm and midnight. All the rest of the hours of the week are the province of Channel 93.3's Music Director Nerf. Contact him at nerf at area93 dot com.
Q: I've still got questions. Can I ask you?
A: Of course. I try to answer all my messages.
Q: I've heard there's this one band that...
A: No comment.