Books, History, Music, movies, T.V. Sport, travel and procrastination. I like playing sport more than watching it. Sports I play- Hockey, Volleyball and Athletics musical instruments i play- violin and piano.
I like music. Probably mostly Punk, Folk and Prog at the moment, but I like stuff from every style, from classical to Hip Hop hmmm some favourite bands perhaps?....
Tchaikovsky, Holst, Dave Brubeck, The Living End, Flogging Molly, System of a Down, Muse, Les Hurlements de leo, Rancid, The Clash, Sage Francis and many more.I can also play the Violin and (sort of) the Piano.
Some of my favourite movies include... Amelie, The Blues Brothers, anything by the Coen Brothers, especially The Big Lebowski & O Brother Where Art Thou. The original Starwars trilogy. Lord of the Rings trilogy Shitloads of others.
The Chaser, Harvey Birdman- Attorney at Law, Black Books, Daria, Oz, Documentary's on the SBS and ABC, Lateline, J TV. Heaps of other stuff
I Looooove books. I'll just jot down a few of the favourite authors: Catherine Jinks Terry Pratchett David Eddings Robert Jordan Douglas Adams Lloyd Alexander C.S. Lewis JRR Tolkien Phillip Pullman Henry Treece Mark Twain Niel Gaiman Kurt Vonnegutand many moreand webcomics. Gotta love those webcomics
Dr. Jerm