Mydolls profile picture


MYDOLLS 1978-1986

About Me

Mydolls began in 1978 in Houston, Texas with Dianna Ray and Trish Herrera writing a few songs together. Later Dianna and Trish were joined by Linda Bond/Younger and the three went in search of a drummer. After several attempts of working with drummers, Trish's cousin, George Reyes joined the band and the sound took off with his powerful connection to Dianna Ray's bass playing. This gave Trish and Linda a lot of room to play with their guitars in a very unconventional way. Linda would sometimes play the top three strings, while Trish played the bottom three, giving the sound a somewhat textural body. The vocals were mainly shared by Trish and Linda with Dianna adding some chanting and George singing while playing drums on a couple of songs. Mydolls traveled to London, England after the release of their first 45 and were warmly greeted by Mayo Thompson of the Red Crayola and Rough Trade fame. They were also invited to be on the BBC Radio and be interviewed by John Peel. Mydolls did three major US tours in addition to playing around Texas and Louisiana. The three tours took them though the midwest to college towns and small alternative venues, and all the way to New York City to play the NY Film Festival premiere of Wim Wenders movie, Paris, Texas. Mydolls appear in the movie in the bar scene where Nastaja Kinski reconnects with Harry Dean Stanton. Later, Paris,Texas would win the 1984 Cannes Film Festival. Mydolls continued to play together until 1986 when Linda gave birth to her first child, and the band split to pursue other areas of film, art and careers. Trish, George and Dianna did some studio work with Dan Workman (Sugar Hill Studios/Culturcide) while Dianna and Trish played with Dianna's life partner, Kathy Johnston, in WWI Women with Instruments, Black Dresses and They Should Have Been Blondes. Trish lives in Houston and cuts hair at and Dianna has a film business. George, father of two, moved to Austin where he is a counselor at a community college and Linda, now mother of two, works at a hospital in Houston. Currently, Mydolls are rehearsing in hopes of playing a Thanksgiving show in Houston, along with bands who once played Rock Island, for a reunion show. Mydolls has released their complete works on CD on Grand Theft Audio. This CD includes 2 cds and a 24 page booklet of all of their songs plus photos, flyers and lyrics. file&friendID=37904432 What Mydolls wrote about politically, sadly still applies today. Audiography: Nova Grows Up / Therapist CIA Records Exorcist/ Imposter CIA Records Soldiers of Pure War on compilation Cottage Cheese From the Lips of Death Savage Song/ Sub Pop 7 Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick/Mydolls CIA Records
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 6/17/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Dianna Ray, Trish Herrera, Linda Bond, George Reyes
Influences: Slits, Raincoats, Gang of Four, Red Crayola, Patti Smith, Velvet Underground, Clash. Siouxsie and the Banshees, Talking Heads, Charles Bukowski, The Fall, NY Dolls
Sounds Like: MYDOLLS-IMPOSTER- What jerk misjudged this band and said they sucked? (the jerks on, thats who) MYDOLLS brought on the experimental realm of hardcore that is only respected and even just seen by few. hey, if its not fast raging and full of testosterone, then it doesnt really rock right? Well thats opinion, but the MYDOLLS were just the opposite, they could piss off any so called punk rocker even ones that are half-cool and listen to black flag and the circle jerks. Thats one reason why this band rules, the other is that they're just so god dam weird that it is so god dam AWESOME! Not even any band today resembles the puppet music, and creepy melodic art rock of the MYDOLLS. one anti-hardcore band to be remembered with the best of em like FLIPPER, NO TREND, and CULTURCIDE
Record Label: CIA, Grand Theft Audio, Sub Pop7
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


NOW RELEASED!!!Mydolls CD A World of Her Own on Grand Theft Audio ser.viewprofile&friendID=37904432Available at Bomp records online
Posted by Mydolls on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:49:00 PST

Mydolls Review on Skyline of A World of Her Own

Monday, June 2, 2008.. --> Begin .post --> REVIEW: MYDOLLS - A WORLD OF HER OWN The Mydolls were a Houston band that played shows, did a few tours, and put out some records between 1978 and 1986. ...
Posted by Mydolls on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:05:00 PST


Argentina Allende 9/11 Mel Chin film, NY World Trade thinking about that day and how twisted this all is..... I feel alive and awake and I see... Quote from Wicked: "Elphaba: Do you think I want ...
Posted by Mydolls on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:27:00 PST


I drove up to Austin to see the Slits perform on Saturday November 11 at Emo's !!! George joined me and we had a really fun time.  I was in Heaven!! I couldn't believe I was standing in front of ...
Posted by Mydolls on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:37:00 PST

Kinky Friedman Voted for Bush

Shock and dismay,  Kinky is a Republican in Independent clothing. Beware.
Posted by Mydolls on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:42:00 PST

On Punk

What is punk ? One may say Throbbing Gristle or Sonic Youth aren't punk, because they don't play traditional 1,4,5 chord progressions sped up. Punk is a state of mind. Punk traditionally has affe...
Posted by Mydolls on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 07:08:00 PST

Waiting to Exhale

Rehearsals are going well. Waiting for mock up from Grand Theft Audio. Music heals !!!!!We are playing a little jam party at Trish's for Dianna's birthday. Close friends all gathering energy for Lind...
Posted by Mydolls on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:55:00 PST


A few weeks ago all four original Mydolls began rehearsing together again. After 20 years, it is amazing to realize we still have body memory that takes our fingers and voices to the notes and fi...
Posted by Mydolls on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 09:21:00 PST