Producer of copious electronic projects, Auddie plays live since
1996, mostly in Europe under the name: stalker. Auddie is the new
berliner techno project.
His music is always different, week after week.
His approach is close to the DJ mode. Don't need no album to play
the fresh tunes, and improvising, taking risk, using instinct.
Techno comes from the machines.
...So... bring the machines! techno is live music. it isn't COLD.
He growed up in the early 90..s, between underground scene and
techno clubs, events organisation and collectives: impakt teknocrates, hrtk.
He played and plays in big festivals, clubs, also in Japan. Astropolis, Rex,
nouveau casino, ososphère, everywhere in France, Rechenzentrum, fields...
Furious on stage, he's conquering the hardware instruments with that
french "nonchalance", awesome crazy beats and...
a lot of communicative energy.
No Computer on stage. 2 synths, one midi 16 cues sequencer / sampler,
one microphone, one effect, one mixer. The bases.
Auddie compose et interprète une techno changeante,
esthétisée jusqu'à faire disparaître les codes établis.
Grains, reliefs, mémoire et gestes priment,
pour des occasions de jeu instinctives.
Son goût pour l'improvisation est lié à la scène,
dominé par un engagement physique et des fulgurances.
" Tu es danseur, donc tu es artiste. Si je suis musicien, alors je suis
contact Auddie:
[email protected]
first album "stalker live », 99.
2 nd, 2003: kill tv internationnal (F4, PIAS)
3 th & 4 th (Stalker + skarlet songs projects + techno/idm) 2007/2008
1998 : Perce Oreille 9 (Expressillon)
1999 : FULL BASS 4
2001 : Projet Duffy
2002 : Vert
2003 : Moonstalker
2004 : Other Side 1
2004 : Electro Lab Factory 10
2005 F4 disques 1
2006 : COSMETIC 6 (Expressillon)
2006 Pure mixt 1
2007 full panda 6
2008 hunger to create,
2008 F4 02, F4 03
2000 : Perce oreille (Expressillon)
2002 : Sam boat 1 (Sam boat)
2003 : Sam boat 2 (Sam boat)
2004 : Heretik Live –(Double album Hrtk)
2005: Electro lab factory
2006: Cinetic (Nantes)
2008: Tzii remix (à paraître) + ....
***painting by: katrin friedricks. "stalker". a series about 20 electro artists :
flyer of the "blow up party1". by DJ Ai.