IOT records profile picture

IOT records


About Me

I.O.T pour IN OUT THRU...Label de musique électronique basé à Marseille. Depuis 4 ans le label et les musiciens avec qui I.O.T collabore tentent de diffuser une musique électronique aussi diverses qu'authentique. Du hip hop à l'électro, du break à la techno, l'éclectisme musical est une valeur importante a nos yeux. De ce fait de nombreuses collaborations voient le jour avec des artistes d'horizons différents... ENJOY!!!---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- I.O.T for IN OUT THRU... Label of electronic music based in Marseille. For 4 years the label and the musicians with whom I.O.T collaborates try to spread an electronic music so diverse as authentic. From the hip-hop to électro, To break beat to techno, the musical eclecticism is a value important for the label. Of this fact of numerous collaborations are born with artists of different soundscape... ENJOY!!!---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -----------------------------------NEW WEB SITE------------------------------------- NEW DONWLOAD LIVE 7 FROM THE I.O.T People------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ----------------------OUT NOW!!! I.O.TONOMICON VOL1-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ---------------------------------FUTURE EXPOSED------------------------------------ Egalement en cours de production le long projet "FUTUR EXPOSED" qui reunit CD et bande dessinee et qui fut commence debut 2005. Dans le principe nous mirent entre les mains des musiciens un Scenario, ou plutot un synopsis relatant l histoire de Demian;un personnage evoluant sur terre en 2070. Inspire des romans de SF, de films et de BD l' histoire prend place sur une planete defigure par l homme et ou la technologie a envahie notre quotidien et pris le pas sur l humanite Suivez donc l histoire de Demian, le personnage principal qui vous emmenera de Rahi en Lybie a Hecaton (nouveau nom de New York) citee a plusieurs niveaux, et ou ce dernier devra acceder a un reseau informatique pour un commanditaire qu il ne connait pas. Une BD retracant le scenario et illustrant les morceaux musicaux accompagnera le CD. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ENGLISHAlso in the course of production the long project " FUTURE EXPOSED " who re-unites CD and a comics who was begins debut on 2005. In the principle mirror us in the hands of the musicians Scenario, or synopsis l The story of Demian; a character evolving on earth in 2070. Inspired from novels of SCI-FI, films and comics. The story takes place on a planete defigured by human kind and where the technology invaded our everyday life and took the step on humanity .The central figure Follow thus history of Demian, who brings you from Rahi in Lybia has Hecaton (new name of New York) city with several levels, and where Demian will have to acced to a computing reseau for a financier whom he does not know. A comics showing the scenario and illustrating the musical fragments will accompany the CD.--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ----------------------------MONGOLIA EXPEDISOUND----------------------------------Enfin, seconde production importante pour cette annee, l' opus 2 de la serie Expedisound. Direction cette fois la Mongolie, ou apres un voyage de 6 mois organise par l'association watch your back, les membres du label presents lors de ce voyage purent ramener enregistrement sonores et visuels. Comme pour l African Expedisound, un DVD/CD verra donc le jour en fin d annee. Ces annees 2007-2008 devraient egalement laisser la place aux projets solo des musiciens du label... keep connect----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------Finally, the opus 2 of the Expedisound series will also be one of the important production for this year. Direction this time : Mongolia, where after a journey of 6 months organises by the watch your back association, the members of the label presents during this journey were able to recording sound and visual. As for African Expedisound. A DVD / CD will be born at the end of the year. These Years 2007-2008 should also leave the places with the projects solo of the label musicians...Keep Connect

My Interests


Member Since: 1/25/2007
Band Website:
Influences: All styles, all sounds that gives us emotion, keep the ears open...always...

Sounds Like:Pas a nous de le dire ! just one thing : A kick a day keep the doctor away!DISCOGRAPHIE : GET ALL THAT SHIT HERE!!!
Record Label: Expedisound, Kontakt, Frame Runner, Futur Exposed,
Type of Label: Indie